Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I love the Mooncup, I used it for the first time last month and it’s really simple to use and you can’t feel it. It also seems much “cleaner”, there’s no messy tampon to deal with. I just wish they were around when I was a teenager! Tell your friends about this great product!

Jo – 15th April 2012

Years of tampon use, 2 children, 2 coils and now a diapraghm user (due to both coils ending in tears at the 18m point and can’t do hormones!)and about a year of umm-ing and arr-ing about buying a mooncup, i finally decided to just bite the bullet, save money, save the enviroment and give it a try! I have to say I was a bit dubious initially about leakage and fitting it properly (which i did struggle with a bit after auto-pilot high fitting tampons and diaphragms) but OMG, from the moment i put it in (and cut the stem a bit) i was a TOTAL convert! My periods are shorter and less painfull now (could also be connected to no coils anymore) but i’m sure it helps! I just can’t imagine using a tampon now! I do have to say though even once you’re poured the stuff down the loo, it’s still bit icky so i always use a loo with a basin in it so I can fling it straight in the sink, quick rinse and then it’s totally clean and ready to use again. But remember that bit, and for anyone who is, like i was, a bit dubious.. GIVE IT A GO!! I honestly don’t think you will look back!

Abi – 14th April 2012

My first day was a bit weird. i cut the stem too short and was worried the cup might get lost. However, after using it for one cycle, I will NEVER use tampons/pads again willingly. This cup is a brilliant invention and an amazing step into women’s comfortability with their bodies. The vagina is something to be taken care of and this cup does exactly that!

Rechelle – 13th April 2012

I first saw a sticker for the mooncup on a toilet door at uni. Once home I checked out the website and decided to give it a try. All I can say, is it’s fantastic! No more buying and carrying around loads of tampons. The mooncup is so discreet and easy to use. I don’t feel dry on lighter days and it has never leaked once on dryer days. My favourite part is knowing that I’m not damaging the environment with sanitary products. After all, when I have children I intend to use cloth nappies, so I’d be hypocritical to continue to use disposable sanitary products. The mooncup is the perfect solution, eco-friendly and actually makes my period easier to cope with.

Laura – 08th April 2012

I bought the mooncup about 5 months ago and to start with it was a bit hit and miss. The largest issue for me was the sizing, I bought the recommended size for a woman of my age (42 and no children) but found it incredibly difficult and uncomfortable to remove. I spoke to a friend of mine who also bought at the same time and she suggested going for the smaller size. I am a horse rider and have ridden for 20 plus years so think having well toned pelvic floor muscles made all the difference!! Anyway to cut a long story short the small one is perfect and i am now using it with more confidence. So i guess the point is if you undertake exercise that prompts a strong pelvic floor don’t be afraid to buy the smaller one regardless of age!! Thanks Mooncup…

Lynne – 07th April 2012

Oh my goodness. Where have you been all my life? At aged 47 I discovered the mooncup. I’d been diagnosed with fibroids 10 years ago and have unpleasantly heavy periods, particularly a problem at night when i had regular leakage despite using double protection. Then I moved to France 8 years ago and live in a house with no mains drainage which means there’s no nice way of disposing of used sanitary products other than to put it in the bin. The discovery of the mooncup means no unpleasant bin situations, no waste and even better no night time spillages. Thank you a million tines over!!!

Nicola31 – 05th April 2012

I’ve always used tampons but never liked the smelly disposal. Plus, as an Ironman triathlete, I had the problem of l-o-n-g training sessions (7-8 hours on the bike, 3 hours running and 1-2 hours in the water). Obviously you need to change tampons more often than that and where do you dispose of them out in the country side or on the beach? It was getting ridiculous: running the South Downs Way relay race (14 hours with no access to a loo) with used tampons in my bag – yuk! Plus, when I swim the tampon soaks up so much water that I have to dash to the loo and change the soggy thing with blood and water running down my leg. Again, a nightmare when you’re trying to get a sea swim in before dashing to work. I’ve never yet had a period on an ironman race day but what can you use for 13 hours protection?!
I heard about the mooncup years ago when I was trying to be Eco and use washable nappies but I thought it was just for hippies and I didn’t know you could just reinsert if you didn’t have access to a tap. Anyway with all the above, when it caught
my eye in Boots, I decided to try it. Didn’t care if I wasted £20.

So far it’s been brilliant. Swam twice yesterday (pool and sea). No soggy tampon!!!!!

My daughter is 11 and I’m sure just about to start her periods. She is a competitive swimmer and swims 6 times a week. I’m going to tell her about it today 🙂

HJ – 05th April 2012

Since having children my periods have been very heavy. This cost was money and knickers. Life was pretty crap off one week of every month. Now, since using the Mooncup I am free!! Free from late night trips to the coop for night time pads, free from guilt, all those non biodegradable tampons and I have new knickers that still look like new knickers. LOVE it, genius idea. It’s so bloody easy everyone should have I one. No pun intended.

Mary – 02nd April 2012

I first saw a Mooncup on a medical program about alternative products for women and, must be honest, thought YUCK! However, a few months later and after looking at a few sites like this one, decided that it was time to try one. I am 42 and a single parent and have always used internal prtection but never liked the thought of filling the seas, etc. Mine arrived today, just in time and after making sure I had followed the instructions in the booklet, found how amazingly easy the Mooncup is, both to insert and to stop any leaks. Not messy at all. I know I am only a Day One User BUT must say, I AM AMAZED…so simple and so many reasons to use a Mooncup over ‘regular’ protection. I am already spreading the word and how do I get some stickers so more women can feel the same freedom? I will never look back. Everything you have read is TRUE! Thank You, all of you at Mooncup :0) x

Sarah – 31st March 2012

I have been using a Mooncup for a number of years now and it has saved me a lot of money and embarrassing leaks as I have very heavy periods. I DO still need to wear a pantyliner but change it far less frequently, and I think that the leaks I have are more due to a retroverted uterus than an actual failing on the part of the Moooncup. I have less period pain, more money and less concern about the environment; the country I live in rarely sells tampons; and because all toilets have a little washing hose next to them here, I can change discreetly anywhere 🙂

Henneke – 26th March 2012