Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I received my mooncup about a week ago, just in time for my period!!
I am so happy I decided to take the risk because it is so worth it!!! Today I gave to my sister all my tampons and told her I had quit 🙂 I LOVE MY MOONCUP SO MUCH!
I feel so much more confident and my vagina is so much happier…bye bye to the dryness or itchiness that even the 100% organic cotton products cause…Living in the tropics is not easy…it is very humid and hot and having to wear a pad is not comfortable, at all.
At first I was reluctant to buy because of the price and i was worried it wouldn’t work but, like I said, I took the chance and now i am very grateful. I even wore white pants today, I did yoga in the morning and everything went just perfect 🙂 I don’t have a really heavy flow so I only had to deal with it twice a day, 3 times on my heaviest day (only one day) and it was not even half way full! So next time it will be so much easier.
I am happy that this exists because I don’t have to worry about wearing a pad on my not so heavy days, when it is completely not worth it to wear a tampon because it will dry me out too much…
I am sorry if I am giving too much information but I will make sure I tell everyone about your product! It is something we, as women, deserve!

Much love and Blessings to all the Mooncup Team,

Pamela – 08th June 2012

I am 14 and got my mooncup about six months ago because I hate pads and didn’t like my washable ones. I have very heavy periods which mean that I would leak through a pad in less than an hour so I had only had 3 periods when I tried my mooncup. The first time I used it I was surprised at how much blood there was and this resulted in a very embaressing murder scene in a school bathroom. However I now would never want to be without it and find it very convenient and wish that all teenage girls would try using a mooncup!

Claire – 05th June 2012

I love it. I have heavy periods but can’t bear to use a towel and was struggling with tampons causing me discomfort. The mooncup is east to insert and I can’t feel it at all, I did have to trim the stem tho. Would highly recommend it, it will save me loads of money in the future too.

Jane O – 04th June 2012

I love my new mooncup and wish I had used one from the beginning! It works even after four vaginal births! (and being a little lazy with pelvic floor exercises) no leaks no stained clothes no floods! When my eldest daughter starts to menstruate I really hope she will use one, I would suggest advertising if your company can afford it as I heard about them by chance
Thank you

Aileen – 31st May 2012

“Ich habe gerade die beste Periode meines Lebens! Ihr könnt Euch nicht vorstellen (oder vielleicht doch?) was das für ein historischer Moment ist: Die letzten 15 Jahre lang hatte ich riesige Probleme mit Bauchschmerzen und war weder mit Binden noch mit Tampons so richtig zufrieden… und dann bin ich irgendwann auf die Mooncup-Website gestoßen. Nach fünf Minuten Lesen habe ich die Bestellung abgeschickt und vor drei Tagen dann die Mooncup zum ersten Mal probiert. Zugegeben: Der erste Versuch war nicht gerade das, was ich mir vorgestellt hatte. Erst ging die Mooncup nicht rein – und dann nicht mehr raus. Eine Stunde lang saß ich (zunehmend verzweifelt) auf dem Badezimmerteppich und habe die Mooncup und all diese total begeisterten Erfahrungsberichte auf der Website verflucht. Und jetzt? Tja, zwei Tage später schicke ich Euch einen begeisterten Erfahrungsbericht!
Warum das Ganze so genial ist, erklärt sich glaube ich von selbst. Ich habe auch keine Ahnung, wie ich mir erklären soll, dass ich keine Regelschmerzen mehr habe – es ist einfach so. Vielleicht hat es damit zu tun, dass ich bisher nie etwas mit meiner Periode zu tun haben wollte. Und der Schmerz war so eine Art Erinnerung daran, dass ich eine Frau bin, auch wenn ich das oft einfach ignoriert habe. Jetzt wo ich anders damit umgehe hat der Schmerz seine Ursache verloren… und langsam aber sicher ahne ich, dass es womöglich eine wunderbare Sache ist, einmal im Monat seine Tage zu haben.”

Stephanie – 18th May 2012

I’ve only had mine for 3 months but can safely say I won’t be going back to tampons. I bought it after a beach clean up day when I discovered how many sanitary products were ending up on the beach and did a bit of research into the alternatives. I’m so glad there’s an alternative, and it makes me happy I’m not contributing to unnecessary landfill any more. But I’m so surprised there’s not much mainstream advertising of these.

Katie – 17th May 2012

The Mooncup is AMAZING! I can’t believe I didn’t try it earlier – all those awkward trips to the bathroom during school which the obvious tampon or pad held in my hand, the tell-tale rustling, the occasional leaks and having to stock all the different varieties and sizes, the problem of running out and having to go to the school nurse… I’ve had the Mooncup for 4 periods now and it’s been so great. The main issue for me before getting it was the public loos thing. I’m at University, so I share toilets in Halls with a lot of people, with the sink outside the toilet. But it’s fine! All you need to do is take a bottle of water to rinse it – or even just wipe with toilet paper, and rinse it later because it comes clean really easily. It’s not messy at ALL, and it so great just having one tiny thing rather than a whole variety of boxes of pads and tampons. My first reaction was one of disgust and surprise – but I’m so glad my curiosity got the better of me! If you’re wondering whether you should try it out – GO FOR IT! I can’t believe how much money I’m saving already too. If I’m low on cash (student budget) and I start my period, it’s always been, oh dear, there’s another few quid down the drain… Not any more! I’ve got finals coming up too, and with long 3 hour exams there’s NO chance of going to change your pad / tampon, so the mooncup has become really invaluable for me.
I never really realised how messy and smelly pads and tampons were until I switched to the Mooncup either. I will NEVER be going back – completely converted! Thank you Mooncup people! I’m trying to convert my younger sisters too, and it’s only the public loos thing that’s holding them back (both being away at University too). If this is the case with you – don’t worry! You don’t have to walk over to the public sink, mooncup in hand to empty it (as my sisters joked)! Just tip it into the toilet and give it a wipe – simple as. Go for it: what have you got to lose?

Ellen from Oxford – 17th May 2012

I got my first Mooncup about a year ago now, and I don’t know how I lasted so long without it! It makes having my period so much less of an issue. Although it’s true that it can be a bit messy when you’re in a public toilet, it isn’t THAT inconvenient – wash your hands and wipe it off with toilet paper, it is YOUR blood, after all! I had it on cycling holiday in France last year, and had to use it in toilets in camp sites, and it was just fine. 🙂 Overall, I ABSOLUTELY recommend it, and I’m so happy that people recommended it to me!

PJ – 13th May 2012

I used a mooncup for the first time last month and I was very pleased with the results. Only had a slight leak during the first two nights when very heavy but I am sure if I had woken up and emptied it in the night it would have been fine. I had a couple of initial worries when I wasn’t sure if it was inserted far enough inside, but after a couple of trial runs everything was brilliant. I can’t recommend it enough.

Maria – 11th May 2012

Last weekend, I stayed with some friends and totally forgot to pack my mooncup… Disaster! Of course my period arrived and I had to use tampons and towels again for the first time in over a year. It was AWFUL! I had forgotten how uncomfortable and horrible-feeling they were. It really made me appreciate my mooncup when I got home and could change over. The comfort and ease of the mooncup is bliss compared to the dryness and cramps caused by tampons and the leakage and dirty big-nappy feeling of towels. I’m definitely going to remember it in future, thank you mooncup!

Rachel – 09th May 2012