Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I purchased my Mooncup recently and I already adore it.
During my period I suffer from stomach pains, bloating and bowel problems. I had been using tampons for a number of years and had this horrible dry sensation inside. I also felt as though it was a bizarre foreign body inside of me that I never quite got used to. Plus, I was spending so much money every month on the various sizes. I saw some tampons on the shelf a couple of months ago and they were perfumed. I thought it was disgusting that women were being made to feel that their period is some kind of unnatural, dirty thing. I immediately bought a Mooncup and haven’t looked back!

My stomach cramps have somehow decreased, I no longer feel all dry and irritated inside and I feel totally comfortable wearing a Mooncup and more “at one” with my body.

I really recommend buying a Mooncup. I have found it so much better than sanitary towels and tampons. Also it’s better for the environment and so much cheaper!

Selina – 07th July 2012

I’ve contemplated buying one of these for years, and now I finally have, I wish I’d bought it years ago. It is absolutely brilliant! I’ve gone through 3 periods so far and the only leak I’ve had is when I didn’t quite seal it right! It’s even been abroad on holiday with me and wasn’t a Faff at all. You just get into a routine with it. I’m going camping in a few weeks and even though I’d originally thought about taking tampons with me, I’m not going to bother. It’s mooncup all the way from now on with those horrible, uncomfortable tampons nowhere to be seen! Can’t say I miss the leaking or the discomfort! Thanks for a fantastic innovation!

KH – 03rd July 2012

I can’t believe how pleased I am with the mooncup – now I’ve given myself a few days to get used to inserting etc.
There is no leakage, I need to empty it once in the morning and once at night because it’s just no where near full.

I’ve not had cramps since I started using the mooncup, and I’m not dry like I used to be and importantly sex with my husband doesn’t hurt after a period anymore.

Anyway, I want to tell everyone about them because I can’t believe no-one knows! I wish I’d known when I was a teenager! and whilst I’m at the wishing fountain – I wish that some rich person would sponser an advertising campaign on tv so you could compete with tampons and towels (two useless inventions in comparrison that women have to use each month).

I think I know what I’ll be buying everyone for Christmas!

Laura – 27th June 2012

I bought my mooncup a few years ago and was too scared to try it! Argh! How I wish I had just been brave and done it! I used it towards the end of my last period and started using it again straight away this time round … it’s amazing! So comfy (obviously after I’d cut the stem – I had to get rid of it completely & after using the second method of insertion). The main thing I’m finding is the ease of it, I’m not drying out like with tampons (which I hadn’t noticed was a problem until I stopped using them) and I love that with my flow I only need to empty it once in the morning and once before bed!
Love it! Wish I’d started using it years ago, not for environmental reasons or for the cost reasons, just because it’s comfy and easier and somehow feels cleaner than tampons

A happy convert! 🙂

Newbie Mooncup User – 26th June 2012

I found a thread dedicated to the mooncup on a health forum I’m a member of, I read the thread from start to finish to gather an idea of people’s individual experiences. By the time I had reached page 49 I was sold and ordered one, I was told to expect a 14 working day wait for it’s arrival, instead it arrived in just four days, I didn’t have to pay p&p which in itself is a great bonus. I have now been able to put the mooncup to the test and boy have I put it through it’s paces. Tested against a heavy period, chronic crippling period pains, the use of an IUD and tampons which for me have generally worked. Today I strode past the feminine hygiene aisle, feeling so pleased I will no longer have to spend money on disposable sanitary items or add to the ever increasing landfill. The mooncup really is a too good to be true product that is actually true!! :)You only have to read a few of these fabulous testimonials to be sold. Absolutely thrilled with my mooncup and only sad that the mooncup idea didn’t get round to my lovely mother before the menopause hit, I’m actually pretty sure she’d like another period just to test it out herself. Fab, fab fab, thankyou ladies 🙂

Kelly – 24th June 2012

OKAY LADIES, whatever your reason for buying the mooncup is, I’m sure it’s great and all but never mind that, YOU CAN PUT A TOWEL BETWEEN YOUR LEGS AFTER A SHOWER AND NOTHING WILL HAPPEN – LADIES YA’LL KNOW WHAT I’M TALKIN BOUT! HELL, YOU CAN DO THE MONKEY WITH YOUR TOWEL DOWN THERE! So if this does not convince you to buy a mooncup, you must be mental because WHO WOULDN’T WANT TO DANCE AROUND NAKED WITH A TOWEL BETWEEN THEIR LEGS?!? Anyway, you’ll have to excuse me, I’m gonna go and enjoy this outstanding mooncup feature one more time. Happy periods everyone :3

Chelsea, New Zealand – 23rd June 2012

I had heard of Moon Cup quite a while ago but had put it off for being a bit squeamish. Then this year my friend told me about a blog post in which A WOMAN FOUND MOULD ON HER TAMPON! I recommend googling the story.
Combined with the increased guilt of wastage and wanting to save money I decided to switch.
Now, I wouldn’t go back! My period pain has decreased. I always thought my dire pain and sickness was something to do with Tampon’s since as soon as I inserted a Tampon I’d be vomiting for the rest of the day. I had to go on the pill to sort it out and am admittedly still on the pill a little too afraid I’ll be having heavy and irregular periods again.
It’s a little difficult to get used to at first with some dire accidents but I persevered, I will not go back to achey, dry and scratchy periods again. I don’t even mind the tiny mess you inevitably encounter using this product because it’s worth it knowing my body and purse is better off and hopefully the planet too.
And I love the fact we can wear it when we know we’re going to be on that day and not having to rush back and forth to the toilet playing a guessing game. And I never have to worry about running out or carrying around extras.
I’m gently working on my friends with the effort of not wanting to drive them crazy over it.
Thank you Mooncup!

Siobhan – 21st June 2012

Having suffered from heavy periods for years, I was getting fed up with embarrassing leaks and cramping. I was offered a hormone coil but didn’t like the sound of it. I hate wearing towels as I have to wear bulky ones for my flow and as for tampons, the same problem. Even the highest absorbency ones would suddenly start leaking.
I love my Mooncup, I can forget I even have a period for a few hours and no more hunting down Extra Super sanitary protection!

Miranda – 19th June 2012

I get heavy and painful periods, and always manage to stain my underwear with pads and tampons, no matter how often I replace them. Periods for me were simply unmanageable.But since I bought the Mooncup, things have been a hell of a lot easier. I have been using it for a little over a year. It took me two or three periods to get the hang of inserting and removing properly, (I found that I was placing it too high so it leaked and I found it painful to remove because I wasn’t breaking the vacuum). However now that I have learned how to use it correctly, it never leaks and is never uncomfortable. I only change it three times a day, and if I don’t get to change it on time, it’s never a problem. It doesn’t leak. I can tell you it is more comfortable than a tampon. It isn’t dry like a tampon and although it is a lot larger and looks quite intimidating at first, it isn’t at big as it seems. If you are a teenager like me, you may think it won’t fit, but it sits at a wider part of your vagina than the muscles at the entrance. It is not too big. Once you get used to insertion and removal, it is not a problem. It works perfectly overnight for me too. When I bought it, I thought it seemed expensive for what it is, but for what it does, and for the money it will save you long term, it is more than worth it.
I admit, my reasons for purchasing it had nothing to do with lessening my impact on the environment, but it put’s a smile on my face to know that it does, and that I am actually more comfortable for it.

Joe-Anna (17) – 12th June 2012

I received my mooncup about a week ago, just in time for my period!!
I am so happy I decided to take the risk because it is so worth it!!! Today I gave to my sister all my tampons and told her I had quit 🙂 I LOVE MY MOONCUP SO MUCH!
I feel so much more confident and my vagina is so much happier…bye bye to the dryness or itchiness that even the 100% organic cotton products cause…Living in the tropics is not easy…it is very humid and hot and having to wear a pad is not comfortable, at all.
At first I was reluctant to buy because of the price and i was worried it wouldn’t work but, like I said, I took the chance and now i am very grateful. I even wore white pants today, I did yoga in the morning and everything went just perfect 🙂 I don’t have a really heavy flow so I only had to deal with it twice a day, 3 times on my heaviest day (only one day) and it was not even half way full! So next time it will be so much easier.
I am happy that this exists because I don’t have to worry about wearing a pad on my not so heavy days, when it is completely not worth it to wear a tampon because it will dry me out too much…
I am sorry if I am giving too much information but I will make sure I tell everyone about your product! It is something we, as women, deserve!

Much love and Blessings to all the Mooncup Team,

Pamela – 08th June 2012