Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

love mooncup just used it for the first time. no leaks no mess. dont have to worry about public toilets as only need to change twice a day. no more being niped by tampax applicators. found it very easy but did alot of reading on the mooncup and looked on you tube so was very prepared.

helen – 05th August 2012

Hello! I just turned sixteen and used my mooncup for the first time yesterday. I had to struggle a bit to get it in properly but after some tries I had it in there and it felt fine! After that I took a two hour bicycleride and barely thought about my period. It was great! I never liked tampons because I could feel them and they were absolutely uncomfortable and pads were just a mess. The mooncup is hardere to ‘get in place’ but once there I barely feel it! And i think it’ll be easier the more I use it. But please if you’re considering getting a mooncup. Just give it a try!

Bianca – 04th August 2012

I’ve just ordered my third Mooncup in six years, not because they have worn out (far from it), but because I’ve managed to lose it once again, haha! Subsequently I have endured a Mooncup-free period for the first time in years. Disgusting! I don’t know how I coped with the leaks, discomfort and mess of pads and tampons for so long before switching to the Mooncup. The inventors deserve a medal. This is a lifechanging thing. I’m going to make a determined effort not to leave this one in a random handbag or bathroom, because I can’t go through another period without it…and sorry to anyone who finds the others…

Laura – 25th July 2012

I started using a Mooncup about a year ago and am so pleased with it. I have recommended it to several friends and converted a few of them! It’s a truly wonderful invention.

Raquel – 23rd July 2012

I bought my mooncup while newly pregnant with my first son. Now that my third son is almost 2 I finally have had a chance to use it. After six months, I am a total convert!

mira – 23rd July 2012

i will never ever ever use anything other than the mooncup again, EVER, if any of my friends and family talk about periods i always bring up the mooncup and tell them to try it out. I also don’t have to worry about running to the shops at 2am if i run out an when I am out, i dont have to worry about leaking everywhere because i know it can handle it which no other products would. thank you!! <3

kat – 21st July 2012

Fantastic! Since having a baby I found tampax very uncomfortable due to scarring. I found out about and tried a mooncup, after a couple of attempts to get comfortable and confident and removing the whole stem I became completely converted! Comfortable, money saving, no leaks, no get ups in the night to change, great for the environment and no bin in the bathroom to empty (I was never a flusher!).Brilliant. I’d go as far as saying its changed my life!
Give it a go, you have nothing to lose!

Laura – 21st July 2012

Seriously, just buy one. It will change your life! I first heard of the mooncup years ago when a friend of a friend recommended it to me (after typical girly talk about heavy periods/ the horror of the pads and tampon combo) and my gut reaction was ‘ick’. I wrongly assumed it would be messy, smelly and just part of a hippie fad. Meanwhile, I was struggling with crippling period pain and near constant urinary tract infections (caused, I now believe, by large tampons expanding and pressing uncomfortably on my urinary tract). I was also reading horror stories about the bleaching and chemicals that tampons undergo and resenting the massive quantities of tampons I was being forced to buy each month to cope with my flow. I only properly looked into getting a mooncup a year ago, and I was won over straightaway. This website had loads of really good, detailed information and the testimonials really helped sway me because I could see that lots of other women who had been struggling had found a solution with the cup.
My first try was a bit hit and miss, mainly because getting it in and out takes a little getting used to. But by the second month I was a bit of a pro! I can honestly say that this is one of the best products I have ever bought in my life. It has improved my quality of life considerably. The pain I experience with cramps has reduced (I think maybe the flexibility of the cup helps) and the fact that it holds so much more fluid than a tampon means that long shifts at work are a lot less stressful. I really can’t imagine how I managed without it!
I made sure to stick the stickers in public places, hoping that if at least one woman who struggled like I did sees it and looks into it further, it will be worth it. My friends are sick of me ranting on at them about how great it is, but I’ve already won a couple of them over. It’s a total joke that pads and tampons are the default sanitary product, especially as the mooncup is a much more environmentally sustainable alternative. I really hope that I see this change in my lifetime.
So, from the bottom of my heart, a massive thank you to you women behind mooncup. This is the first customer review I have ever left, but I just had to let you know what a great job you’re doing. Many thanks, Ffion

Ffion – 20th July 2012

I love my mooncup. I am a midwife and perhaps that means that I was never worried about the possible ‘mess’ which I find a lot of women who have not used one worrying about. But really it is so clean and easy that anyone can use one – squeemish or not! I find the expensive of tampons so offensive – how dare we be charged so much when we have no choice? and VAT? don’t get me started! I feel like I have won a feminist battle by making one simple purchase rather than a monthly one :)My mooncup is super comfortable and reliable – never had a leak ever, which is more than I can say for tampons and towels.
Thank you Mooncup! xx

Hannah – 20th July 2012

I waited a year to comment to see how it really worked out for me.
It has been a great success and solved some problems for me. One is that I work in a factory with mainly men, and very poor facilities for women. It is a great relief not to have to retrieve sanitary products from a locker room miles from the only ladies loo.

Now I don’t give it a thought at work as I can do everything at home. The 8 hour shift is no problem.

I spend the rest of the year sailing. Not having a disposal problem has been wonderful. washing and occasional boiling was easy.

There are unexpected bonuses too. When sailing I am swimming several times a day which was not great with tampons. Soggy string seemed to cause constant low level infections. Horrid but true, especially in hot climates.

I have not had any problems at all once I got the hang of it.

Jean – 14th July 2012