Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

After two years and a half I’m still using it as happy as the first time, even more! I was so happy when I discovered such a thing! I don’t use any other things like towels or tampons. I used to have problems with them like drying and irritation, but not anymore with Mooncup: it is always better than any other alternative product: it is comfortable, easy to use (just a little practice the first two days may be, but it worth it) and so cheap! I recommend it to all women when I have the chance! Go girls, let’s use Mooncup!

Irene – 03rd September 2012

I have been using the mooncup for about 4 years now. Never had any issues with it. I recently changed my contraception to the copper coil resulting in very heavy periods . If I was not using the mooncup I reckon I would be using 10-15 tampons each day, which would not be very pratical.
Bottom line, the mooncup is a great product .

Fiona – 02nd September 2012

I’ve been using my mooncup since I was 25 – in 2006. It revolutionised my life and I love not having to buy boxes and boxes of tampons anymore and HOW much money must I have saved! So easy to use and keep clean – I boil mine in the microwave, in a mug of water. I keep it in a denture box from Boots for the other 3 weeks of the month 🙂 When I was on the pill I loved being able to pop the mooncup in in the morning when I knew my period would arrive that day.
Over the past year or so I’ve noticed that it’s getting harder to get a good “seal” and I’m getting a few more leaks. This current period I have not been able to get it in “properly” once and I’ve reluctantly realised that at 31 and not too good at the old Kegel exercises it is probably time to go up to the bigger size. Somehow this has made me way more depressed than the increasing number of grey hairs on my head and my new inability to eat a chocolate bar without instantly putting on a pound. Wah!

Ah well, keep up the good work!

Rachel – 30th August 2012

I saw the Mooncup ad in the London tube about 2 years ago and then went to Boots to check it out but still was not convinced and sticked to tampons. I’ve always had really bad backache during my period since I can remember but thought that it is normal ‘period thing’. Few weeks ago I found out that my friend is using IT so I had a chance to talk to ‘real’ person and get some more info. She said that it is the best thing ever and it is not messy at all which was my main concern. So I bought one straight away and…I wish I bought it earlier!!! Very comfortable, no problems with using it from day one and my back pain magically disappeared! Would recommend this to every woman. This is a must have item and should be wider advertised so more women could get their hands on it. I’m going to try to talk every woman I know to it.

Alina – 29th August 2012

I just used my Mooncup for the first time and although I have to say it’s a weird feeling, I LOVED IT! It’s no hassle getting it in or out although the stem did rub a little at first.My body needs to get a little more used to it but I couldn’t agree more with all the lovely ladies on here. It’s not fussy or messy! It’s environmentally friendly, cost efficiant AND you can avoid that embarrassment of not having anywhere to bin your tampon or sanitary towel and having to stash it or try and make a break for a bin in the kitchen or whatever. You can just wash it and go!
The Mooncup actually made me look forward to my period! 😀 I want everyone to know about it!!

Hati – 28th August 2012

If you think of buying a mooncup dont hesitate. I bought one after extensive research and its so much worth it. You save your health, money and environment. At first i didnt think it would be very practical or nice but actually using Mooncup feels even cleaner than tampons. Another plus is brilliant customer service. As an advice from me: Do read the leaflet and advice on the website, it helps you understand how the mooncup works straight away. I didnt have any problems since the very first time using it. 😉

Nat – 20th August 2012

I wish that this product had been available when I was younger. Tampons were a revelation when they came out but the Mooncup is amazing and even more liberating. Well done, great for women and even greater for the environment.

Rachel – 19th August 2012

I bought my mooncup this morning having had three days of very heavy bleeding. I bought it as a last hope, having not slept for the three days (getting up in the night to change my tampon/pad combination). This shuld never hav been my last hope, it should have been my first choice! I wish I’d have known about mooncup when I started my period; I’d have had 20 years of stree free periods.Granted, I’ve only had the cup for 8 hours but already I’m converted. Usually, I’d have had to change my tampon 8 or so times by now, and my pad 4 or so times but as it is I’ve been building furniture, shopping and reading in my garden, all without the need to change a pad/tampon, it’s freeing and wonderful, and I couldn’t ask for more.
I didn’t find insertion fiddly, but I could see how I might, and releasing the cup was easy once I slid my finger alongside the cup. Maybe slightly more messy on the fingers than a tampon but a lot less messy on the underwear.
I’m so glad I decided to bye a mooncup! I’ll be telling everyone how great it is!

Kerry – 18th August 2012

Why was i not made aware of this sooner!? This product is the best thing since sliced bread…Ive used the mooncup for the first time and i havent had one leak during the day or night.iv not had to wear a pantyliner like i have to do with Tampax due to leaking, no more dryness or itching and i can barely feel my mooncup there as its so comfortable. cleaning is a breeze, when wearing i just rinse if off and pop it back in and then when iv finished i boil it to get rid of any nastys lurking and then pop it back in the bag, …..i just dont have enough good things to say about this product….all i would say to all you ladies out there is perserve with it it is a bit fiddly and can take some goes to get right but once you do you wont regret it…im already much happier know in that i dont have to go back to pantyliners and tampax EVER!

Dee – 11th August 2012

I’ve just used my mooncup for the first time today & it’s amazing!! I found it really easy to insert, delighted that it never leaked, a little apprehensive about removing it but actually after relaxing a bit more I found it just as easy. So I’m over the moon(cup)!
I purchased it over 3 years ago after my second baby, using & promoting real nappies it made sense that I too would use something good for the environment so I was excited to get started.
However, breastfeeding & falling pregnant with my third baby meant my period hasn’t returned until now (very nice)
I already know that I’ll never use tampons again, I oddly feel cleaner and much more comfortable, I know what the mooncup is, what you see is what you get, with a Tampon who knows? one reason why I’ve always used real nappies on the children.
It feels so good to be helping the environment again too 🙂
Thank you mooncup x

Joanne – 10th August 2012