Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I have poly-cystic ovary syndrome, meaning insanely heavy, prolonged and irregular periods. At my heaviest I would need to wear both a tampon and a pad, and change both every half-hour or so, with a period lasting anything from 1wk to 3mths! I can also go anything from 6mths to 2yrs between periods, so wasn’t sure whether a Mooncup would work out, getting used to it over 3 cycles could take years! But I got mine about a year ago, and wish I had done it much sooner! It does take a little time to get right, but I cannot stress enough how worthwhile it is to try it, stick with it and make it work for you. I can wear my Mooncup for a couple of hours even at my heaviest, and all day (up to 8hrs anyway) at other times, without needing to empty it. It copes brilliantly with fluctuating flow and with clots. No more rustling packets in work / public toilets either, and no more trying to deal with used sanitary products when there is no waste bin. Plus I do feel a bit smug knowing I am not contributing even more waste to landfill too. Thank you for a brilliant, life-changing product!

Jen – 05th October 2012

I have been using a mooncup for a few years now after an enthusiastic endorsement by a friend. I’ve done a number of long wilderness journeys and try and leave as little trace as possible. One of the amazing things about the mooncup is how easy it is to use outdoors. I carry a small water bottle with a squeezy top so I can wash it, and dig a little hole to empty it into. A much easier way to travel with a ‘leave no trace’ ethic than trying to get rid of tampons or towels. After having had a great recommendation I pass this on by recommending the mooncup to my other friends. Thank you!

Lily – 05th October 2012

First impressions…
Well, today is the first time I have used my new mooncup…. First thing this morning, I hated it. It felt way too big to put in and just too weird! Probably because I don’t know “down there” very well, despite being married and having given birth, there seems to be a forbidden rule to not get to know your own body properly.

Anyway, I now realise that my vagina is not a perfect circular tube like I always imagined, but rather like a squashed donut. This knowledge makes it a whole lot easier to put in and remove!

I’m not 100% confident yet, but my first attempt to put in, remove, trim stalk, put back in again, took over 30 minutes – all with my 11 month old daughter screaming through the loo door! Not a relaxing environment…

Today is the first – and therefore the worst – day of my period, and my pains are no less using the mooncup than with towels or tampons (and today, haven’t even subsided with pain relief :o( ), but I do lack the horrible undercarriage / groin pain so far that I get with tampons. But I could feel when my mooncup needed changing as I felt rather ‘heavy’, but this equally could be due to poor pelvic floor.

But changing it was not messy at all, nothing like I imagined, certainly no worse than with a tampon, but the squatting was rather difficult! I’m sure it will all get easier with time.

One thing though, I’m amazed at how little blood I’ve lost so far… if using tampons or towels, I’d have had to change several times by now, but with the Mooncup I clearly saw that it wasn’t even half full… crazy, all this belly ache for that…!!

Anyway, I’m here this far and don’t refret it, but it’s a totally new experience and Im enjoying not feeling like I need a shower / itchy / wearing a nappy / feeling a tampon…. so, so far so good :o)

One last thing, removing it straight down really hurts… ouch… make sure you do like the instructions say – one side at a time – and don’t rush (even if the squatting is getting to your thighs, or your baby is yelling at you…!) x

Amz – 27th September 2012

Hi, I was thinking about it recently and worked out I have been using my Mooncup exclusively for nearly 8 years! As soon as I tried it I could never go back to pads or tampons. This has made my quality of life so much better, I cannot even begin to describe how grateful I am. I can’t imagine a single woman who should be without one. To anyone thinking about trying it – stop thinking, start doing! I persuaded my sister to try it, she has been using it for a few years (she is far more squeamish than me) and she went on holiday recently with pads/tampons as she didn’t want the worry of using it whilst travelling; but when she came back she said she was going straight back to mooncup as she had forgotten how gross pads were, and how rubbish tampons were! Hurrah! The benefits outweigh any concerns over mess, even for someone who hates the sight of blood.

Sophie – 22nd September 2012

I have just brought the mooncup about 4 hours ago and I am so impressed! I am going backpacking in 3 months and wanted to try it out before I left. I liked the idea of not having to pack months worth of tampons and pads (which will take up vital space in my backpack). I found it very easy to fit, I have cut the entire stem off the mooncup. I have no pain or discomfort sitting down, in fact I can’t feel it at all. It feels very secure and I havn’t experienced any leakage so far. well done mooncup!! you have answered all of my backpacking worries!

Steph – 17th September 2012

I wish I had bought a Mooncup years ago. I have very heavy periods and the Mooncup copes brilliantly. I have just been away, staying with family at the weekend, and I didn’t have to pack all the usual tampons and towels. I found the Mooncup easy to get the hang of and it’s comfortable to use. It really is an amazing product, I can’t recommend it enough.

Sharon – 12th September 2012

I found out about moon-cups years ago, they have literally changed my life for the better. Recently whilst at a festival my friends saw an advertisement for them and were a bit confused about what on earth they were. It felt liberating to be the ‘mother hen’ as it were and tell my friends all about them – I wish I’d told them years ago. I don’t know what I’d do without my moon-cup, it is one of the best things I have ever bought. YOLO.

Hanna . E – 11th September 2012

I saw your testimonial section and I couldn’t help but add my experiences! I’ve known about Mooncups for years, but for some reason, never really saw it as an option. I WISH I had gotten one sooner. I have Endometriosis – heavy periods, which are painful and messy and uncomfortable. I dread the day my period comes. I have a big hippy friend who doesn’t stop talking about Mooncups and how I should be a convert and go for it, but the outlay has always concerned me for something which I thought I would use, hate and bung away. Man was I wrong!! I LOVE my Mooncup. I feel clean, well protected, confident and with much reduced pain, especially after day 1. I would forget I was on my period if I wasn’t climbing the walls for chocolate and spinach! I fitted first time without leaks. I feel so clean, I can never ever imagine going back to other sanitary protection now. The equivalent would be getting rid of your loo and going back to a line pit! Wonderful, wonderful Mooncup, we will be friends for years!

Megan C – 10th September 2012

i havee usedd myy moon cup for the first time today! I did practise twice before hand as i was unsure what to do! im glad i did as its still a bit fiddly but im sure ill get better after time! i was soo excited when i used it todayy and only spilled a tiny bit!! itss soo comfortable! despite my friend saying i was mad to buy one i still did and i already love itt!! im 15 so its okayy for teenagers!!

belle – 04th September 2012

Periods were the bain of my life. I hated uncomfortable tampons and refused to use them, pads made me feel self conscious and left me feeling unclean. I had to make sure to plan activities around it, such a pain! I just wanted to hide away until it was all done with.
Then, I found mooncup. At first, I thought this wouldnt work for me, as it took me a while to get the hang of insertion and removal, so I only used it at home. But, after a few months, BAM! It was easy as pie! Im so glad I stuck with it. Its so much cleaner and unobtrusive than other products, I forget its even there! No more planing around my periods, so comfortable and hygienic, the mooncup really has given me a freedom I never used to have. Now that time of the month is no big deal 🙂

So thankyou for your wonderful product! Any woman who is unhappy with her sanitary products should give it a try, stick with it and you’ll wonder how you ever coped without it before!

Christina – 04th September 2012