Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I’ve only ever heard one of my friend’s mention that they used a moon cup and that was about 6 years ago and I never thought any more about it. But since having a baby and starting my period after a year of breastfeeding I thought I’d give it a go. Having my baby made me more aware of the amount of junk (nappies,etc)we pollute the environment with. I decided to use cloth nappies and cloth breast pads and tried using cloth sanitary towels but they were too chunky and chaffing. The mooncup was next on the list. Initially I was put off by the expense (£21 in Boots) but then I considered I’d probably spend £4 a month on towels, that’s £48 a year.
Very pleased and will spread the word

Matty – 02nd November 2012

I saw an article in a magazine about mooncup about 5 years ago and had a look at them in my local Boots and disregarded the whole notion as something a bit ‘new agey’ but recently I began to reconsider my whole attitude when I was changing my highest absorbency sanitary towels every hour on days 1-3 I thought ‘what am I doing there has got to be a better way’ and then I thought back to mooncup, took the plunge after getting some advice from this very site’s advisors regarding sizing etc, which was followed up by some VERY useful advice that expanded on the leaflet that came with mooncup. This is my first period of using it, it is day 1 I have worn it overnight and during a 45 minute fitness class when I would usually have had to wear a tampon which was never the right absorbency with too little or too much particularly the day before you start ‘proper’ but you need something in or on. I had practised a couple of times before starting and was just waiting for the event to give it a go (strangely enough I was kind of looking forward to my period which has NEVER happened) Anyway the point of all this babbling is I am just wearing the mooncup no towels or liners. I LOVE IT! I am a total convert no leaking, you forget it’s there, no getting up in the middle of the night feeling like you are dripping for want of a better word(sorry if that’s TMI!). All I can say is I am going to convert EVERYONE to this fabulous, fabulous item. It’s a bit messy to take out but it isn’t any worse they dealing with a tampon, so as a former sceptic I have to say what are you waiting for?

Katie – 02nd November 2012

I recently bought a Mooncup and have just been using it…it is AMAZING! Wondering why it’s taken me so long to get round to it! So easy to use and so much more pleasant than putting bloody cotton in the bin/toilet. I LOVE IT! Everyone woman needs one and it’s so much better for the environment and financially. I’ll never go back 🙂

Bee – 01st November 2012

Mooncup is great! I cannot recommend it enough. I was totally grossed out by the idea of a cup, which you would see all of your own period in, but once you get over that initial month or so, it is fine, and I honestly don’t think about it any more.
I have a very low lying cervix, so always found tampons very uncomfortable, and I was totally 100% DONE with pads, and liners. They smell, they are just horrible, so I thought I would give the Mooncup a go…and it works! Even with the stem cut off totally, I can still slightly feel it if I cough, or sneeze, (my cervix only sits about 3cm up during my period!) but it is so totally worth it, and I will not be going back to towels any time soon. I have had no leaks, which I was paranoid about, I went to the gym on my second day of using it, and have been swimming, and it’s been great. It’s very easy to pop in and out, and as long as you make sure the seal has formed you won’t get any nasty surprises! 🙂

100% recommend this product to anyone who will listen! 😀

Louise – 29th October 2012

I’ve had my first Mooncup for almost 10 years now and every month I thank my clued-up sister for telling me about them. I reckon it has ‘cost’ only 13p each period over this time but that is nothing compared to the ease of use and needing nothing to carry about during periods (fab when camping!). Why anyone still chooses throw aways is a mystery…..

Christina – 24th October 2012

The mooncup is better than tampons and pads in every single way. Once you are used to it it is easier to use, more convenient, cheaper, creates less waste, makes you more in touch with your body and never ever leaks. I wish I had known about them years ago. Thankyou Mooncup.

Jo – 19th October 2012

I love the Mooncup Keep up the good work, Mooncup. I’m never going back to tampons 🙂

Alana – 18th October 2012

I just bought my mooncup recently as a friend had told me about it a few months ago. She doesn’t use one (yet!) but she was considering getting one. It piqued my curiosity so I went ahead and bought one and was surprised by how easy it was to use! Since I’m still a student, it seemed like a really good way of saving money and I’m so sick of buying pads and tampons that are really uncomfortable to wear. With the mooncup you barely notice it – it’s wonderful. I’m going to be urging my friend to buy one now!

Edie – 18th October 2012

I’ve been sent long term to work in West Africa. We have a small supermarket on site, but it quite often runs out of items, so I decided to try the mooncup. I love it – I don’t need to rely on the shop, I don’t need to fill my luggage with sanitary items, I don’t need to panic if I stay here for several months without going home to UK & I can take anywhere in the world. On long haul flights I don’t have to worry about leakage or fiddling about in stinky toilets. Even out in the bush you can find fire, pan & boiling water for sterilisation. Enjoy your new found freedom & some extra cash 🙂

Paddy – 07th October 2012

Just a quick note to say how much I love my moon cup. It’s just great. Dependable, discreet, easy, environmentally friendly, healthier. You only have one problem….your customers only need buy one! I’d recommend them to anyone. All women should own a moon cup!

Emma – 06th October 2012