Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

Just wanted to say how fantastic this product is. It took me a while to get to grips with it, but now I would never go back. It has saved me over £40 this year, its comfortable, easy to use, reassuring that there are going to be no accidents and all in all, pretty amazing. Although it sounds a bit over the top, it really has changed my life for the better. Just can’t understand why these aren’t on the NHS as just a bit of education would save money, the environment and younger girls wouldn’t have to put up with the embarrassments that I did. Well done for being so innovative.

Janet – 20th December 2012

I have been using the MoonCup for about five months now. For me, it is fab. I had a lot of problems with basically drying out and forgetting to change tampons ( and getting bored having to do it all the time – im lazy lol). It doesn’t stop my cramps but it does make life easier. No problem leaving it for longer. I had no real problems with changingetc, it does take time to get use to but then so do tampons right? Try it, it is great. And no having to remember to buy tampons.
Also thanks to the Mooncup team, who sent me a new cup when I got the wrong size!!

Rachael – 10th December 2012

I discovered the Mooncup years ago, but never gave any thought to trying it at the time. However, after reading about the environmental impact of disposable sanitary products and the need to be more money-conscious, I came across the Mooncup again. I decided to try it and after the first use, I can safely say that I won’t be going back to disposable products any time soon. The Mooncup is so comfortable, you can’t even feel it! I have no more concerns about leaks, which means that I can wear the Mooncup without needing a towel as well. A bit of practice is needed to remove and clean, so I suggest using it at home at first until you are more confident. But overall, it is a fantastic product. Don’t be put off by people if they tell you it’s unhygienic or dirty, they clearly haven’t tried it and have very closed minds. You only need to know how many tampons end up in the sea (gross!) to know the Mooncup is definitely NOT dirty. Give the Mooncup a go, if you can’t tell you’re wearing it, how will anyone else?!

Charlotte – 28th November 2012

to add to all of these positive reviews – it took me a couple of periods to get the hang of it, but once you get used to inserting/removing it and rinsing (if youre out and about, best to go to a loo where the basin is in the same cubicle), you will never look back. ive used my mooncup for 10 years now, and cant even think how much money ive saved from not buying tampons/pantyliners. just £20 for 10 years! thats about 240 periods and god knows how many tampons. literally hundreds of pounds saved! in these money-tight times this is the easiest way to save money, with the added benefits of being convenient, safe, enviromentally friendly, and a whole weight off your mind when in party dresses or sleeping in someone elses bed! would recommend the mooncup to anyone.

philippa – 28th November 2012

I love the mooncup! I was fed up using disposable products made by pharmaceutical giants that aren’t good for my body or the earth and so I wanted to try the mooncup. I thought it would be hard to use but it’s actually very easy and much more comfortable for me than tampons. I used to find urinating really uncomfortable with tampons in but the mooncup doesn’t present this problem at all. I find it overall way more convenient and comfortable.

Megan – 23rd November 2012

I brought a moon cup to take travelling with me as I was going to a remote island and didn’t want to lug 5 months supplies with me, and even though its not the most practical when your toilet is a whole in the ground with a bit of tarpauling it was still great just had to remember to take my water bottle as well 🙂 highly recomended its not as wired/scary as U first think 😀 xx

Emma – 19th November 2012

I have had severe periods since I started in sixth grade. I remember being teased because I would have accidents at school because we didn’t have long between classes and the teachers did not always let us go to the bathroom. I needed to go change my pad constantly. Once I was older, I began wearing a tampon and a pad at the same time for extra protection. I am now a first year teacher, teaching kindergarten, and do not get the chance to go to the bathroom much if at all during the day. There is always something needing to be done every second of the day and even if the students are at PE you have meetings, conferences, work to be turned into the office, or something to be finished and sent home that day with the kids. You find yourself running at the last minute to pick the kids up from their activity. Thankfully, I found Mooncup when researching alternatives because I did not want to mess up my clothes at school. I have fell in love! My first try at insertion was horrible and painful. I do not suggest the folds they give you in the instructions. Knowing I had no other choice I googled how to insert the cup pain free and found new folds. I tried one of the smallest folds and have never looked back! Teacher try aMooncup. It will change your life!

Kelly P. – 14th November 2012

I’ve been using my Mooncup for about 6 months now so I thought it’d be a good time to write a review.First off, I had used tampons for 5 and a half years before switching to my Mooncup, I had very heavy, very painful periods (super plus tampons had to be changed every 2-3 hours on heavy days) and whilst my periods are still heavy they’re nowhere near as painful as they used to be and even though they are still heavy I only need to empty my Mooncup every 4-5 hours on heavy days. I recently had to use tampons again as I got my period early and had left my Mooncup at home and the pain was almost making me faint, as soon as I got home and put my Mooncup in the pain started to go away.
I am converted for life and currently trying to convert my friends.

Martha – 12th November 2012

The first thing I did when I turned 18 was to set up a Paypal account and order a Mooncup online. I’d had my eye on it for a while after having seen a sticker in a restaurant bathroom, but was too embarrassed to ask for one, and also, at the time, in a country that didn’t sell it in stores.
Like many others, I first found it difficult to insert/extract and wondered whether I had wasted my money. Thankfully, I kept trying and the Mooncup has become a staple in my life. It’s so much cleaner and easier than conventional throwaway products. The reusability and friendliness towards the environment is just another bonus!

Now, two years later, I bought another one in Boots as a backup. For people shying away due to the price: The investment is quickly made back if you think about the horrendous prices of tampons and pads, and the amounts you use each month.

I had always been plagued by PMS, strong cramps and moods. After starting to use the Mooncup, I found that I get fewer cramps, weaker and shorter periods, and less dryness and discomfort.

It’s great to get to know yourself and “what’s going on down there”. You’re really in control. I like that you can leave it in for longer without worrying about leakage. I had some problems with leakage in the start, until I figured out to wear it lower. Now I only occasionally wear pantyliners, just to feel safe.

A while ago, I had a contraceptive-pill-induced hormonal problem, causing me to bleed excessively. Thanks to the Mooncup, and much to my gynecologist’s surprise, I could tell exactly how much I was bleeding.

I even went on a 1-month expedition to Madagascar recently. As I was always carrying ample supplies of drinking water and my Mooncup, having my period there was no problem. The other girls, by contrast, did much complaining about their “supplies”, all the while leaving an unsightly trail of used items, wrappers, and applicators in the pristine wilderness….

Bottom Line? GET ONE. You will not regret it. It sounds too good to be true – but it simply is that good!

Sophie – 04th November 2012

I’ve only ever heard one of my friend’s mention that they used a moon cup and that was about 6 years ago and I never thought any more about it. But since having a baby and starting my period after a year of breastfeeding I thought I’d give it a go. Having my baby made me more aware of the amount of junk (nappies,etc)we pollute the environment with. I decided to use cloth nappies and cloth breast pads and tried using cloth sanitary towels but they were too chunky and chaffing. The mooncup was next on the list. Initially I was put off by the expense (£21 in Boots) but then I considered I’d probably spend £4 a month on towels, that’s £48 a year.
Very pleased and will spread the word

Matty – 02nd November 2012