Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I chose the menstrual cup for environmental reasons, and I chose mooncup in particular because of how accessible they made the switch from tampons seem. Yes, I was dubious, I had my doubts if it was ‘for me’, but now – like many women seem to suggest – the idea of going back to any other method seems unthinkable.
I had resort to tampons for one day during my last period, and the difference was huge – I had forgotten the discomfort (that ‘dragging’ feeling) of tampons, and by the end of the day I was relieved to get home and switch back to mooncup.

I wore a pantyliner for the first couple of cycles until I was comfortable with the cup, but now I am confident in my own insertion technique and never use one. 9 months on, I can hand-on-heart say I would never go back! I’ve saved about £30 on tampons already, so the mooncup has more than paid of itself, too. Bonus!

Jessie – 01st January 2013

I have a retroverted uterus so it took a couple of attempts to get the right position. Once I did it was perfect! Comfortable and no leakage. I am hoping it will also reduce my tendency to get thrush around the time of my period. Wish I had got one years ago!

Lisa – 01st January 2013

I am 47 and have spent the last couple of years fighting with very difficult periods. They moved very close together (every 21 days), they were so heavy that I kept flooding first thing in the morning, spilling blood all over the bathroom floor before I could get to the loo in time. Spent my time worrying every time I sat down in case I flood the chair (especially when I was in someone else’s house) and holidays have been a nightmare when sleeping in a hotel bed, I had no sleep worrying that I was going to leak all over the sheets which I frequently did. I also had enormous clots and lots of pain, making my period a very dreaded experience. I can’t use tampons because of thrush and I find they always leave bits inside you and dry you out and make you sore so I have been going round in the daytime wearing the largest night time towels that I could find and still leaking all over the place.
One day before Christmas, I had had enough of all this and started to look on the Internet to see if there was a product which might help me with this problem and I stumbled across Mooncup. Thank goodness I did as it is the answer to all my prayers. Although at first I found it tricky to put in and out I have now mastered it and trimmed the stem so that it no longer causes an irritation. I no longer have any floods and am looking forward to my next holiday without worrying. I no longer have clots and have very little pain! I don’t know how to explain this but I am so grateful to the Mooncup people for making my life tolerable again. If you are in any doubt, give it a try, you won’t regret it.

Victoria – 30th December 2012

I just want to say one thing to the creators of mooncup. Thankyou!! I have always had a problem with heavy, painful, erratic periods. I would easily get through a pack of pain killers each month just to combat the pain, and dont get me started on the amount of sanitary products i had to buy each month. Ive only used it for the last week but im already a convert. The best thing for me is that i stayed with my sister for a few days recently, and didnt feel totally lost and embarassed. I didnt live in the toilet or have to try and hide used tampons from family members like i usually do. I even went cycling today, something i would normally find too painful whilst using a tampon and too uncomfortable with a pad, and only just now remembered im wearing my mooncup! The only negative i can think of is it took me ten years to find it, by chance, as i was in Boots and depressingly remembered i was due on and had only a few tampons left. I was wary at first but figured ive spent 20 pounds on less useful things so id try it. And i can honestly say this is the least painful period ive had in years! No more expensive, painful, smelly, itchy sanitary products. I feel almost free from the curse of periods 🙂 All women should try it, and i sincerely hope they feel a sense of freedom too. Thankyou mooncup!

Miss V – 28th December 2012

I’m a young virgin woman of 17 (only for 2 more days until my birthday). I have to say the moon cup is a wonderful invention. I just got it today, and tried it out while I am on my 3rd day and the insertion wasn’t too bad to figure out. I learned that I must use the 2nd folding method, and I’ve noticed that once I get the pointy end in I have to twist it around for the rest to fit. Then I can feel the cup open up and the stem fits in comfortably. I don’t even have to trim it like I have heard other women doing. The item fits like a glove! That technique took me the second try to figure out. I’m still working on the removal part, and I can’t lie it did feel uncomfortable. Personally, I think it was my thin hymen getting a bit of a work out, but it wasn’t impossible. Now, my goal is to successfully remove the cup without having to push the stem section out, and properly removing the seal, since I pretty much pulled it 90% of the way.
Another thing that I love about the Moon Cup is that it really connects you with your body, and the shape of it. And, I realized that my period actually isn’t like the ‘Nile River’, as my friends and I jokingly call it. Pads and tampons make the whole process look 10x worse, and feel 100x worse for that matter. The Moon Cup is pretty clean. Even with my first attempt to remove it, the outside didn’t even have blood on it thanks to the seal. All I had to do was ball up a small amount of toilet paper into the moon cup and give a good wipe and it was clean and ready for insertion. And, to top it off if I did the removal correctly it would have been even cleaner.

Did I fail to mention that I had a tampon on before I had my moon cup in and after the 2nd insertion the slight dryness that I had disappeared and was properly lubricated once again? It’s wonderful!

I can’t wait until I really get the hang of it! I’m never going back to pads, tampons, or pantyliners. I’m a moon cup gal now 🙂

Erika – 28th December 2012

When I bought my mooncup (as a Christmas present to myself) I was a little apprehensive at first, but even now on my first use I can say that I can see myself falling in love with it. Although insertion took a few attempts, it fits comfortably. As somebody with painful, heavy periods this is a godsend. No more spending a fortune on sanitary products!

Rosie – 26th December 2012

Just wanted to let you know that i wore my moon cup while diving several times a day for a few weeks, to depths of approx 18 metres, and it was absolutely fine 🙂
Cleaning it well on a remote island with no running water was more of an issue, but i managed!

Thanks very much.

Lauren – 20th December 2012

On month 7 with my mooncup and I’m head over heels in love with her!! Took a few months to feel comfortable and confident using her and there were days I felt frustrated, but the thought of going back to tampons kept me trying and now we pretty slick!!
I work outdoors all day, I walk dogs, and felt awful having to use my customers toilets at the that time of the month, and I couldn’t possibly have left my tampons in their bins, yuck! Mooncup has made this so much easier!

Also my cramps are almost completely gone, think most of the pain was psychological (trying to hold on) but I don’t feel the need with the mooncup.

Managed lunch in the big smoke with the girls today, 2 re-freshes completed successfully with the help of a bottle of water stashed in my bag! Was so pleased! Can’t wait to introduce my daughter (she’s 11, nearly there!) to a mooncup so she never has to feel the way I was made to feel when my periods started!!

All hail the Mooncup!

Thank you

Rachael – 20th December 2012

I have been using mooncup for last seven years. I am an architect and a compulsive traveler. Apart from saving money and the planet, for me the mooncup has been great because I have very heavy periods as I am on blood thinning medication. I find that the mooncup holds more than conventional tampons so I don’t have rush to change so often in the middle of my work. I also found it very convenient to use in the 36 countries I have travelled to, including to slums where I work. I usually travel with just hand luggage and so the mooncup is very suitable for a light traveller.

Sumita – 20th December 2012

Fantastic! Can’t believe I ever had a period without one of these. Since giving birth, I couldn’t wear tampons, and found myself wearing two of the top brand towels at a time. I still leaked at night. Not any more, thanks to mooncup. One criticism is, the marketing and advertising. Aim higher!

Rachael – 20th December 2012