Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I am planning a big backpacking trip next year and am looking for ways to save money and packing space. Sanitary stuff is often expensive and hard to come by abroad. I read the Mooncup leaflet thoroughly and used it successfully first time with no mess! I was a little worried about emptying it the first time, so I timed it for when I was about to have a shower, and removed it over the bath just to be sure. It was clean and easy with no mess at all, and I don’t mind telling you I was actually a little emotional with relief and excitement at the new solution I have found :’) I look forward to the coming years tampon-free!

Elena – 23rd January 2013

I heard about Mooncup when I started working in recycling & waste promotion at a council. I had organised a trip to the local landfill for some students, and one of them told me about Mooncup. I’m so glad she did because I had no idea it was available and haven’t used any disposable sanitary products for 6 years now. Never had any problems or looked back. It’s now listed along with local stockists in our council’s A-Z guide for recycling and waste reduction 🙂

Vic – 18 January 2013

Until i used my mooncup i was happy using tampons, id heard others talking about mooncup and thought it cant hurt to give it a go!! Well things went great and i had no problems as long as i took my time, unfortunatly had to resort to a tampon last night as i had kids banging on the bathroom door disturbing me 🙁 , i can honestly say i found the tampon most uncomfortable and i will never use them again (feel like burning the rest of the box tbh) I dont feel comfortable enough yet to try emptying the mooncup in a public loo but will definatly keep on, practice makes perfect!! Will also be spreading the word. Thankyou mooncup x

claire – 18th January 2013

Fantastic! I was a bit dubious at first, a bit fiddly to begin with, but I persevered and will never look back! Healthier, chemical free (unlike most tampons)and cheaper in the long run. I Got mine from boots two years ago, and I just sterilise it after use with milton or similar. Give it a go, and give it a chance – you won’t regret it! 10/10

M Somers – 16th January 2013

I have had my moon cup for 8 years now and LOVE it! It has made dealing with periods so much easier and I would recommend it to anyone. It took me about 2-3 months to completely get the hang of it, but I couldn’t imagine ever using a tampon again. It is particularly brilliant for the days leading up to your period – when it could start at any point. I tend to just use it anyway on those days and you never have the embarrassing rushing to the toilet or worry that you might start when you are out and about.Fantastic invention! Thank you!

Sam B – 15th January 2013

Possibly the best money I have ever spent. I just wish someone had told me about it sooner. Im on a mission to persuade my friends it’s the way forward. Much more comfortable and effective than any pads or tampons and cramps are no longer an issue for me. Thank you Mooncup. It really has changed my life! X

Caitlin x – 15th January 2013

After a very nasty allergic reaction to a sanitary towel, I have been scared to use pads or tampons ever since. I have very sensitive skin and i found the rubbing of pads and tampons extremely uncomfortable and I would often end up with thrush 🙁 When reading about the Mooncup I couldn’t believe that something I could buy on a student budget would actually work.
But after a particularly itchy period I bit the financial bullet and bought one. I used it for the first time today- no problems whatsoever! So easy and comfortable- I don’t ever want to see a pad or tampon ever again!

Verity – 14th January 2013

I have to admit it took me a while to get it just right, but once I mastered the Mooncup I knew I’d never go back. Using anything else now just doesn’t make any sense when this product is better for your body and the environment, and kind on your purse too!
I loathed uncomfortable pads and hated tampons that dried me out, but the Mooncup is just so inert it feels natural to use and I don’t even notice it.
I’d recommend this to anyone and everyone!

Natalie – 11th January 2013

At 16, after being amenorrhoeic for a year with an eating disorder, my period came back as as pretty nasty surprise. I used pads and tampons for a day before remembering some research I did on the mooncup before. I persuaded my mum and bought it straight away 😀 Got home and was slightly scared at how huge it looked! But inserted it pretty easily and painlessly straight away with the ‘c’ fold. Getting it out took…a little more practice. Given that I am probably pretty ‘narrow’, tugging it and pulling it straight out probably wasn’t the best idea…ouch. But after 3 or 4 different tries, that got easier and I can do that easily now too 🙂
But ohhhh my gosh, when it’s in! You can’t feel it, it doesn’t leak at all, you can leave it in waaay longer than tampons and forget about your period, I plan to go swimming tomorrow, I won’t have to pack half a suitcase full of pads and tampons when I travel, will save money and be healthier and greener it’s so so good! It is kind of gross (but at the same time weirdly fascinating) seeing the contents but it’s worth it! In short: converted

Sarah – 09th January 2013

I started at 12 with heavy, irregular periods. Several female members in our family have had a hysterectomy due to heavy periods. I struggled through until 18 and went to University. Sharing toilets, not all had bins so tried tampons. Hated them and still had to wear a pad which defeated the object so gave up. Tried the pill. Amazing, lighter, regular flow, planned periods so heaviest at weekends and social life around them. Now 31, married, thinking about kids. Worried about irregular and heavy periods when I come off the pill so thought I’d try Mooncup after remembering it on Embarrassing Bodies. I read ALL the testimonials, videos, did my research. Never considered environmental impacts and love doing my bit to be green. Mooncup is fantastic, only tried it for half a day and 1 night, comfortable, no leaks, insertion/removal ok in shower, daren’t yet over toilet but will persevere until I’ve mastered technique. Blood is gross yet intriguing. Outside of cup is clean even using halfway through a period. Will recommend to all. Finally, looks big but does fit! Weird coming from a girl who is married and sexually active but I still don’t know how it all fits down there and no I’m not comfy with fingers below let alone inside. One word ladies – FREEDOM!

Annie P – 07th January 2013