Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

This is so amazing, it’s been a cramp free, with a lighter flow and I have actually not been bothered by my period thus month. I actually find having periods quite disturbing and upsetting normally. I started when I was 11 years old and I think it traumatised me a little to be honest. But with my lovely moon cup I have felt comfortable with my body and its natural process for the first time ever, normally I spend a week a month feeling absolutely discusted at what my body is doing. NO MORE!!!

Hannah – 12th February 2013

I can’t imagine not having my Mooncup! Tampons and pads always caused me lots of pain and discomfort, to the point where i would dread my period. Now it comes and goes without bother. My first one lasted me 3 and a half years, and must have saved me a fortune! Especially as medical problems during this time meant that my periods were very long and heavy. Made it all just a little bit easier to deal with!.
I recommend these to every woman who i talk about periods and would love to see them included in teaching on periods in school!

Alex – 07th February 2013

I bought my Mooncup after months of wondering whether I should give it ago. I was a bit taken aback by the size of it but managed to get it in successfully first time. As I was keen to try it out and get used to it, I didn’t leave it in too long before attempting my first removal! I found this bit a lot harder than getting it in, but still, managed it without much issue. However, the second time I used my cup, I struggled to get it in and have since realised it will take me a while before I’m a dab hand. I haven’t used my cup every day of my period, each period, but have used it when I’m at my heaviest. I have to really make myself relax and squat down to remove it but if I can’t do it first time, I leave it a bit longer, clear my head and attempt again. I find the knack is not to rely on the stem, as I tend to do, just pull on it far enough that you can comfortably ‘pinch’ the base of the cup then pull on that. I’ve not yet managed to get my fingers far enough round the base that I can squeeze it to remove, so it does feel a bit odd (but not painful) to remove it.One thing I do find unpleasant is the smell. I know other people have said there is no smell, but I find it quite strong. On this note, I have not yet used my Mooncup out and about long enough to have to empty it in public toilets, but at home, I’ve found it takes a lot more than a quick swish of cold water to rinse out. I need the hot tap and at least 2 rinses, so not sure how I’d find having to rinse it in a public loo using a bottle of water? I can smell that distinctive, slightly metallic, slightly ‘meaty’ menstrual blood. Maybe mine is more strongly scented than others and I guess I don’t actually have to sniff my cup! Also, I noticed that the smell lingers after I have sterilised it (using boiling water in a pan), even if I boil it once or twice. This really put me off the first time, but the smell had disappeared by the next month.

One more thing: At first, I found it difficult to know when to remove the cup. Once, I think I left it in slightly too long and when I removed it, the contents spilt out. Today though, day one of what is going to be a heavy period, I kinda of felt heavy down below, as if the cup was literally weighted. When I did remove it, it was indeed pretty full. It’s just trial and error, I guess.
Ive not experienced any leaks with my moon cup, but have noticed some blood once or twice when I’ve wiped – this is down to me not inserting my cup properly – you can tell when you haven’t!
All in all, I really love my Mooncup and can easily see me using it as my sole sanitary product, once I’ve got a bit more used to it.

Helen – 06th February 2013

I had heard about mooncup about ten years ago but have only just got around to buying one and….Oh My Goodness!I wish I’d have got one all that time ago!They are cleaner,easier,SO much more comfortable than towels (I wont use tampons for so many reasons),there are no disposal issues (I loathe having to wrap and chuck used towels in ANY bin,ughh!) and any concerns I had prior to using mooncup the first time went immediatley.Insertion was no problem,its about finding your technique,it took me 30 seconds first time and I couldn’t feel it inside me at all.I trimmed the puller to halfsize and its just right.The best thing is not one drop leaked!This is the easiest period Ive ever had.Mooncup is fantastic,thank you so much ladies!!!

Kerry – 04th February 2013

I have been using my mooncup for nearly 6 years now, so from about age 18, and wouldn’t go back to anything else.It does take a little while to get the hang of, but after not long becomes second nature.
I lead an active lifestyle doing all sorts from walking and swimming to caving and riding, and have found my mooncup much more comfortable and reliable in those situations than other methods.
For me, it is also important to know that I’m not contributing to sanitary waste streams either, and it’s a good money saver too.
I would definitely recommend trying a Mooncup, hopefully you’ll love it as much as I do.

Alison – 03rd February 2013

I got my mooncup (in my case MCUK) in the mail a few days ago, and in times where money is tight, I know this will be a godsend. It got here after my last period ended, but I’ve been using it even when I’m off my period/ovulating as well to practice folding it, inserting/removing it, and getting all the techniques right. So far, it’s taught me a lot about my body. For example, I knew when I was fertile/ovulating, but with the mooncup, I can see it in a whole new perspective. It’s a wonderful product produced by a wonderful company run by supportive, knowledgeable women who know what’s best for us, unlike these greedy tampon/pad companies run by men who just want to make money… bleach? In MY body? From tampons? I don’t think so.

Sarah – 03rd February 2013

Absolutely brilliant got used to it straight away despite feeling nervous wish I’d discovered this years ago

Annon – 01st February 2013

I have always used pads because I hated the feel of tampons and the few times I had to use one, my vagina would get very irritated and dry. Even with a lot of pads, the chemicals or plastic in them would give me a rash or worse make me raw.I finally found a natural cotton pad, but I was still ruining my undies at night from leakage. So I decided to give one of these a try. I am super sensitive down there, (couldn’t even use a nuva-ring birth control) so I was very skeptical about how comfortable this would be. I’m 30 and don’t have kids, so I ordered the smaller one. WOW! I am a total convert now! It was a little tricky putting it in, but I just squeezed my muscles once inserted and it corrects itself within a few minutes of walking around. The removal wasn’t messy as I feared it was going to be. I just pinched the bottom to break the seal and gently pull it out while squatting over the toilet. I’m on day two of trying the Mooncup and I’m not irritated down there at all.I actually feel cleaner and I can barely feel it too.Best part is no leaks! I don’t plan on wearing it to work, but it certainly has helped me sleep through the night worry free. I am super happy with this product. Good bye messed up undies and bed sheets! Thank you Mooncup!!

M.Lam – 29th January 2013

As Rihanna says ‘where have you been all my life!’wow, mooncup, or as i call it my little diamond! it sure is a girls best friend! every woman should know about them!
let me just say that if you have problems with sanatary wear, drying you out, making you itch or in my case I got a very bad allergy to the chemicals contained in sanatary pads! I was at my wits end so went on a google hunt for none chemical products! I found the mooncup and read some reviews they all sounded positive, so i tho nothing to lose but try and I can say I am over the moon i did!
just finished my 1st period using it and can not belive it! I feel that I have not even had a period, usally by now I would be in total pain from my allergic reaction. but with the mooncup nothing at all, i had no problems putting it in or taking it out. its defo going to be my friend for life. and its only £18! and its supossed to last years, so a saving on products and the planet! I am a happy lady!

Nicole – 28th January 2013

I have always laughed at the mooncup thinking it was a bit weird. My uni friends and I all thought it was funny and logged onto the website for a laugh. But then after reading some of the testimonials I became curious – it seemed like a genuinely genius idea! I’m 21 but still a virgin and though fairly confident with my body I was nervous. It took my first 2 periods to get used to it but now I’m completely converted. I never leak anymore, can leave it in for most of the day and I don’t even wear a pantyliner or pad just in case! I honestly can’t imagine using a tampon now. The mooncup feels cleaner. I barely feel aware of my periods at all! I’m yet to convince my friends but after 3 months I’ve already made my money back so if you’re having doubts, just buy one!

Anna – 28th January 2013