Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I LOVE my mooncup. I feel liberated its fantastic! Mooncup is easy to use and comfortable. It didn’t take any practice at all and was using it confidently strait away! I will never go back to tampons- yuck or pads double yuck. Go and buy one strait away you won’t regret it. 🙂 cx

Clair – 13 March 2013

I’ll admit that when I first heard about the mooncup it freaked me out. But as people kept talking about it I was curious and tried it- this is without a doubt the best product I have ever used. When you start using tampons you never want to wear pads again, and when you start wearing the mooncup you never want to wear tampons again! It has never leaked, it’s much more comfortable, easier to use, and I even feel healthier! I genuinely can’t promote this enough – take the time to get used to it and it will revolutionize your period. It makes life so much easier, as I don’t even have to change it throughout the day. I can completely relax and forget about tampons, and I’ll never need to pack feminine products to go on holiday again, so it’s space saving too!
Definitely buy this and give it a try!

Nicola S – 08 March 2013

I absolutely love the mooncup!I ourchased it because I hated using tampons because I found them painful, always leaking after just a couple of hours, unsafe, expensive and terrible for the environment.
I have had mine over a year now and was a bit difficult to begin with but I find my mooncup perfect now. I took mine on holiday and when I went to the toilet, I didn’t have to take a bag with me, and because the cup is sealed there were no leaks through my bikini.
I can wear it whenever, if I go to the gym, if I go swimming and I need to change it alot less than I did tampons. I will absolutely never ever go back to using tampons or pads and my period doesn’t have to make tonnes of litter of tampons boxes and wrappers that get swept into the sea anymore. It’s by far the most comfortable thing to use when you’re on your period, I get alot less stomach pain too which I think was linked to the tampons and at £20 every 10 years, is so eco-friendly. Buy one today and tell all your friends too, this is definitely something that most women will be using in future so jump on the band wagon 🙂 x x x

Christine – 07 March 2013

I LOVE the Mooncup. Seriously, you won’t go back. I bought mine 5 years ago, so the amount I’ve saved is…wow. The first day or so you need to get used to it, but after that, I can honestly say I can’t feel it. It stays in place, I can go swimming and at the end I forget I have my period. It’s so much less “icky” than tampons.. There’s nothing disgusting about emptying the mooncup, but a tampon or sanitary towel full of old blood starts to smell. That’s not a problem for me. And no more towels going to landfill. How gross is that? I’m never going back!:)

Annie – 25 February 2013

After seeing an advertisement in a toilet at my Uni and making some research I finally bought a Mooncup. Seeing the size made me little uncomfortable at first as I usually only use small and medium tampons, but was surprised how easy it is to insert. Yes, you’ll get to know your body MUCH better, and yes, it’s a little weird the first time BUT: it is absolutely amazing! Just had my first try at a public toilet (and went therefore to the disabled cubicle with a sink in it (just in case I made a mess)) but only needed my water-bottle. It cleans so easily, leaves no mess, no spills! UH-MAZ-ING! Here’s also a little tip: the first time you’ll use it do it before you go to bed, so you can take it out the morning after in the shower, so you get a feeling for your body and the seal, because the first time it might spill a little. I would love to see more women using it! Fighting dryness, diseases, capitalism and environmental hazards! It is so empowering, and I must say it contributes to my integrity as a woman, a feminist and environmentalist! Pure awesome MOONCUP love!

Dari – 24 February 2013

I heard about Mooncup at a festival a couple of years ago and thought it would be gross. But since then I have become a lot greener and try and do everything I can to reduce waste etc. So I thought I would try Mooncup because I found that I was getting through a lot of tampons and getting quite bad cramps. I don’t get any pains now and generally feel better… think it’s due to now having a load of chemicals soaking into me every month! Not to mention I no longer worry about leaks when I’m at the gym, or asleep, or any other time… I can trust it to keep me clean and it is so easy to use… Never have to buy another sanitary product or throw anything away… AMAZING!

Jennifer K – 22nd February 2013

I have been aware of mooncups over the years, but could never quite visualise how they worked. Thanks to the ad Tampon .v. Mooncup, I thought I’d have a look at the website. The website is so clear and friendly, instructive and reassuring, I ordered one. This is my first day of using it, and apart from breaking the habit of reaching for the usual string (ugh), wearing a panty-pad (ugh) in case (not needed at all), and some getting used to knowing where it feels right, I honestly feel I have come home in my body in some small way. I’m approaching 44 if that helps others decide to switch at any age 🙂 Cheers, Mooncup Team!

Kate – 21st February 2013

I bought the Mooncup in August of 2012. It’s the most AMAZING thing ever! I’ve had a lot of trouble with my period, since I was 14. I’m 20 now and I’ve struggled with a lot of problems from Pads and Tampons. They seemed to contribute to a lot of yeast infections and when my flow finally became smaller, tampons just hurt. That’s when I found out about the Mooncup. I have to say when it arrived I was slightly intimidated , but I gave it a try and it was awesome. Took a few days to get use to and such, but it’s the most amazing protection, no leaks at all! I can finally wear cute underwear when I want to during my period. I use to have to wear a back up panty liner when I used a Tampon. All I can say is it’s the best $30 I’ve ever spent.

Alice – 21st February 2013

I’ve been using the Mooncup for about 5 years and love how convenient it is. I’m far too disorganized to remember to buy or carry around tampons, so the Mooncup is great. The only problem I have with it is that it seems to shuffle itself higher up my vagina while I sleep, which can make it difficult to remove in the morning (doing it in the shower is easiest). It does leak occasionally first thing in the morning after it’s done its odd nocturnal repositioning, but hardly ever at other times. On the whole, it performs better than tampons or pads when it comes to leaks. I like how comfy the Mooncup is, particularly at the end of my period when tampons can feel very dry and chafing. I definitely don’t regret my purchase.

Hannah – 20th February 2013

I’m from Australia and a friend’s sister told me about mooncups when we were about 14 -tho her terminology was somewhat cruder! I had a few hippyish friends and many of them had heard about them, but none of us really knew where to get them from back in the dark ages BI (before the internet)! FF a few years until after I’d moved to the UK, I finally discovered them on the internet… when I was pregnant!! Ah the irony!
Then, thanks to lactational amhenorrea I didn’t get a period for nearly 2 years, but after that, I was browsing through Boots one freezing morning and came across a moon cup! YAY! I was trepidatious -£20 is a lot to shell out for something that you’re not sure about (I think it must’ve been in the first release), but I bought it and have never used a tampon since -sometimes I have resorted to pads, especially as after 7years, during my last pregnancy my Mooncup was thrown away, and now, 2 years on I have to get organised and order a new one from OS, which seems like effort, but I’ll be oh so happy when it gets here and I can swim etc.
I find that showering twice/day and inserting it then solves any dramas with mess & public loos, tho’ it’s not too bad when the toilet is in the bathroom and you can use a flannel (never felt too comfy with the idea of flush water).
The cup is sooo comfy (or more to the point unnoticable)! and less dangerous than 2 tampons!!! (which I saw recommended elsewhere for heavy flow) My daughter is getting one for her menstruation onset celebration, whenever that be!
And I recommend them to anyone who brings up tampon discomfort -tho it’s tricky to know who will give you the blank “crazy loon” look!
It did take a couple of months to get used to it and ocasionally there were issues when I mis-inserted it, but nothing more than when tampons were new, and it’s sooooooo much comfier & more convenient (especially when camping/travelling) when it is right!
& to the teen girls reading this, don’t have sex when it’s up your vagina, but you shouldn’t be doing that with tampons either!! (from a mum)

Isa – 14th February 2013