Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I’m thirteen, I’ve been using the mooncup for about six months and its brilliant! I’m still a bit irregular but i can put the mooncup in even when i’m not on my period which makes me so much more comfortable. I’ve not had any pain or cramping since i started using it which is a major difference to when i used tampons and pads, and i went on a holiday and i could go in the pool! I absolutely love it and i’ve recommended it to a couple of my friends who have heavy periods and both are going to try it out 😀

Eve – 06 April 2013

I knew almost at the same time about a couple of friends using the mooncup. One of them had it with her when we went trekking and told me all the good things about it … including of course how ecological it was for the environment. I ordered mine when I came back to London. The first time I tried it I almost had a cramp in my hand because of trying and stressing and trying and stressing to have it in the right position and worrying about how I would take it out. Second day was already much easier. Next month even easier. Now is just so natural I laugh about how hard I found it the first day … I even thought about sending the mooncup back on that first day … hi, hi, hi!!! I am now a very happy user of the mooncup and tell friends about it. Why didn’t I know about it earlier?!

Tania – 01 April 2013

How I love my Mooncup! Years ago I had a Keeper but the silicone Mooncup is much more comfy. Once I’d mastered the knack of inserting and removing I’ve never looked back. I’m perimenopausal, bleeding and spotting for weeks on end, with variable flow. I was starting to get nappy rash from panty liners & pads! Mooncup put an end to that and is so comfortable and convenient, whether I’m spotting or flooding. I haven’t used a single pad or tampon in a very long time, and I’m back to swimming, cycling and yoga. THANK YOU.

Clare – 29 March 2013

“Wat ben ik blij dat ik een Mooncup heb gekocht! Hij zit zo comfortabel, je hebt gewoon niet door dat je ongesteld bent! En daar komt nog bij dat ik met de Mooncup bijdraag aan het milieu en aan mijn eigen gezondheid… het is gewoon geweldig! Je voelt je zo schoon en zo vrij, veel fijner dan tampons, of nog erger, maandverband! Ik hoef niet meer om de 2 uur te rennen naar de toiletten, want hij gaat vele uren mee, en ik kan eindelijk gewoon een nacht doorslapen! Bedankt!!!”

Anne-Mieke – 25 March 2013

Used the mooncup for the first time last month and it leaked the first 2days. By the end of my period I was starting to get the hang of it. I’ve just started my period again and it is working perfectly. I couldn’t manage to twist the cup at the beginning but I’ve worked out now I was incerting it too high so I couldn’t twist it and then it was leaking because it hadn’t opened fully. Persevere with it even if the first month it leaks. Even now after 2 periods I don’t think I’ll use anything else. It also works great for me because my period stops and starts for the week. It can start quite suddenly so I was alternating between pads and tampons. Now the mooncup does for all days of my period. Wish I’d heard about this earlier…….

Lizzy – 21 March 2013

Okay, I’ve had this thing for three days, and I’m just mad I haven’t switched over sooner! What an amazing product! I read all of the discussion boards before purchasing, then read them again before using it, so I was prepared for the “learning curve” and the possible pain and discomfort. Neither of which I had. I did need to trim the stem up a bit because I really felt its presence, but that was it! I folded it into the “c” fold, slid it up, it popped in to place, and we were good to go! My first day I had to empty it once, my second day was super heavy and had to empty it every two hours, but by nighttime, the “safety net” pad I wore to bed was completely unnecessary. By day three, I had to empty it once and today- MY PERIOD IS OVER!” I’ve been having 6-7 day periods for the past few years, and maybe the “suction cup” action is drawing out all of the fluid- I don’t know, but after a heavy workout this morning and a few errands this afternoon I went to check it out, and there was nothing there. Nada. I’m kind of giddy about this whole business. To think of all that $$ and waste on tampons and chemicals I was introducing through my lady bits. I can’t wait to introduce this to my daughter. Pros: no waste, cost effective, quicker period, chemical free, in touch with my cycle and my femininity. (that may be weird, but my periods are so much more enjoyable since I have begun honoring my female-ness. I had no idea what the real texture and viscosity of my fluids were- I love knowing myself that much better!)
Cons: a bit inconvenient to clean during emptying- especially in public bathrooms, the “undainty squelching” noise it makes when releasing the suction and pulling it out- again especially in public bathrooms. But the pros FAR outweigh the cons.
I love my Mooncup.

Mandi – 19 March 2013

Wow! Bought my own Mooncup yesterday, and although inserting and removing it was a slight struggle at first, I’m absolutely over the moon! With a bit of practice, it’s not that hard at all to put it in and get it out again – and remember: you have to do so much less often than with tampons or pads! I love it: you don’t even notice you’re having a period, it’s so comfortable to wear, and it’s safer and – of course – better for the environment! I’m recommending my friends, ’cause it’s just amazing! Thank you!

Anne-Mieke – 16 March 2013

I’ve just recently used a mooncup for the first time and it has absolutely changed my life. I have irregular periods but when I do they tend to be very heavy and the first few days are absolutely hell for me – constantly running to change tampons and pads and worrying about leaks, to the point that I have to stay home for two or so days at the start of my period. The mooncup gives me so much more control over my period and confidence to be in public! It is a bit of a learning curve getting it in place correctly, and taking it out. I also cut too much of the stem off not thinking the mooncup would rise a bit further up once in. And you do need to have access to a loo cublicle with a sink in it really. But as I have several at my workplace, keeping everything fresh and making sure my hands are scrupulously clean before and after refreshing the mooncup isn’t an issue. I can’t recommend it enough. My life is so much better now because of it.

ling – 16 March 2013

It may sound dramatic but the mooncup has changed my life! I bought one for going travelling and have just used it for the first time and after a couple of goes getting the hang of inserting it I am absolutely thrilled. I can put it in and not have to worry about my supplies of tampons for the whole day, or worry about thinking where I will next be able to change a pad/tampon or whether I might leak. It is also totally comfortable when you get te hang of how its inserted and you cant feel it at all. you feel totally free. Basically it doesn’t feel like I am on my period and I didn’t think there would be anything ever that could make my time of the month easy and fuss free! Thank you so much who ever invented this little gem!

Freddie – 14 March 2013

I LOVE my mooncup. I feel liberated its fantastic! Mooncup is easy to use and comfortable. It didn’t take any practice at all and was using it confidently strait away! I will never go back to tampons- yuck or pads double yuck. Go and buy one strait away you won’t regret it. 🙂 cx

Clair – 13 March 2013