Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

My period always used to be a complete drama, cramps, leaks, discomfort and tampons and pads were disgusting and uncomfortable. Also, I do dancing and swimming so it was always very awkward to do these things at my time of the month. I was desperately looking for an alternative. Thank goodness I found the mooncup! I was excited and nervous for using it because being 14, I still have my hymen intact and I thought the mooncup would hurt. Initially I was right, insertion was painful and frustrating so I emailed the mooncup team- who were extremely helpful- and with some practice it was dead easy! I recently went on holiday to France and I was due on, my first time with the mooncup- no cramps, leaks or paranoia. I even forgot I was on! Whenever I emptied the cup it was never even half full- even on my heaviest days, and I didn’t feel it. As for dance and swimming, my period isn’t even a problem with the mooncup. I haven’t changed it in a public toilet yet but I don’t feel the need to, seeing as it lasts so much longer so I can just empty it when I get home from school. Yes, at first I thought it’s be disgusting but really it’s just as much contact with blood as with a tampon or a pad. If you are like me, a teenage girl and you are sceptical about using the mooncup, just try it, honestly, after some practice it gets so much easier and periods aren’t a worry anymore. It’s eco-friendly, comfortable, money efficient, reusable, easy to use, so what have you got to lose by trying it? Thank you so much for improving my period, mooncup!

Ella – 23 April 2013

i choose mooncup for a simple reason. I wanna go green. I’m suck with menspad that full my bin. I also suck to wash my menspad,it’s hard to be clean..Choose mooncup is my big decide. The culture of my country(Indonesia) is so eastern,which is taboo using something in your vagina(no one use tampon here), and using mooncup is a disguisting thing. But i’m marriage and have 1 child, i think i need no worry about that ‘taboo’..
Using something different with others makes me become stranger. I just share my experience using mooncup with my friend who sell this mooncup. Need 2 days until i relax using thing mooncup. 1st experience,i think..’uh,so hard to be go green’,because my vagina can’t relax well,so my mc hard to be entered,also to open it. But now it’s easier and i’m free from menspad irritation! Alhamdulillah..

ardiba rs – 20 April 2013

I wish I would have known about this a long time ago! The MCUK has made my period a lot less of an inconvenience. I use to have to wear a tampon AND a pad, now I just wear my Mooncup! It took me a few tries to get it right, but now that I have it figured out, I am NEVER going back! I recommend this to every woman. Seriously. Get the Mooncup!

Heather – 20 April 2013

hi, i’ve been looking at the mooncup for a whille now , trying to pluck up the courage to try it. i got it for my latest cycle and i wont be looking back. wish i’d done it years ago.i found it so clean and hygenic. i did’nt find it messy to change, just comfort and security.
i will be reckonmending it to my female friends and relitives.
thank you mooncup .

lozzie – 18 April 2013

It took me a couple of months to be able to use my mooncup – first few times I tried was pretty uncomfortable, third month I got it down by buying some water based lube and putting it in in the shower – works a treat, more comfortable than anything else once you’ve put it in right, never gives me thrush after my period which tampons sometimes would, and cheap and better for environment! I would definitely say give it a go sooner rather than later and don’t worry if you don’t get it right first time.

bspeake – 15 April 2013

I’m 28 years old and have been using my Mooncup for about 6 years. It’s pretty amazing to think about the amount of money I’ve saved, not to mention the amount of trash not going into the sewage and landfill! I’m really glad to have found out about this company so long ago, and I’m feeling newly inspired to tell more of my friends about!

Melissa – 15 April 2013

i’m using mooncup for first time,try before on dry run,and no problem put in,and removal. Very easy to clean,even the hole can clean on one squezze,no smell either. Leaking in my second day period,because its heavy,i should empty it every 2 or an hour.No problem for me i just empty it everytime i go pee and using pad just on heavy day.Mooncup quiet stiff which is work for me,i can do yoga and other stuff without worrying leaking,tq mooncup

dinawulan – 14 April 2013

I had found about mooncup through a facebook post from a friend. She was asking another one of my friends who has a lot of holistic and eco-friendly knowledge about products. I thought I’d check out the site since I was open to new ideas since I actually have had a lot of trouble with traditional sanitary options. I ended up reading many of the testimonials, which really helped, and the fact that the mooncup you can re-use safely, it sounded like it reduced cramps and an influx of hormonal disruption had me sold.
I received my mooncup with in two weeks, and at first had some issues with inserting it properly. The very first time I put it in I wasn’t sure I had it in right, I took it out and re-inserted and thought, yeah that feels right, then went for a run. I hadn’t actully sealed it right and it ended up moving up (which I just thought it felt comfortable since your not supposed to really feel it, and I used to wear tampons which were higher and I was used to) and I did not notice until 5 hours later. I had ended up cutting off pretty much the entire stem, so when trying to retrieve it, it was incredibly difficult. I was so stressed and worried that it was going to get lost (which ladies it won’t, it’s in a pouch and just stay calm, and you can push anything out of there as long as you take your time)that I just couldn’t get to it, and had to get assistance. After contacting mooncup’s nurses via email, they gave me some great tips and now I know how it’s supposed to feel and how to secure it properly. I prefer pushing down the opposite side in where it looks like a rose, then inserting, so you feel it open when it actually does open/is supposed to open and will seal after kegeling a couple times. I had the moon cup for 4 months and it was great! It really does help reduce cramps, made me less hormonal, I didn’t have to worry about leaking which I felt like i did before since I feel like I had a heavier flow than most in the beginning of my cycle. Also, you don;t have to worry about carring around multiple tampons or pads! Just make sure to carry water with you when you’re using it for when you go to the bathroom unless you plot out the bathrooms that are one individual bathroom that use can use a sink. I had forgot my water one time, and got anxious and ended up dropping my mooncup in the toilet while it was flushing 🙁 Today, I am buying another one since it really is a great sanitary product!!! I’d recommend it to every woman 🙂

Nita – 13 April 2013

I bought my Mooncup in 2005 with admittedly a few reservations because me and tampons had never got on, at all.
But it only took a couple of weeks of practice and my first period to convince me that I’d made the right decision!

It feels so much cleaner – no more sanitary pads (which are ridiculously expensive and unfairly taxed to boot, before anything else) or tampons. Once you try the Mooncup your list of things which you hate about the other above mentioned methods will tenfold. Mine did. Dryness being the main thing – both suck the moisture right out of you making what can be a painful time of the month even worse.

I spread the word wherever I can about Mooncups. That includes to male flatmates (it was a good conversation piece in an University Halls kitchen!) and work colleagues.

A few things to note: any male partners will be fascinated by the concept (much like they were at 11 watching a tampon expand in water for the first time), and any noises on insertion/removal will make them giggle like the schoolboys they once were. Similarly, this noise can also attract cats. Overzealous male dogs can also find it reather interesting. Just make sure no four-legged friends accompany you to the bathroom at Mooncup time, is my advice.

I have used Mooncup both when on the pill and after having an IUD fitted recently (and Mooncup has coped spectacularly with the increase in flow the IUD has caused.)

I honestly believe that my Mooncup was the best purchase I have ever made, and when I hit 30 I will happily replace my B cup with an A cup; I hope to be able to use my Mooncup for many years to come.

Amy – 10 April 2013

I’m thirteen, I’ve been using the mooncup for about six months and its brilliant! I’m still a bit irregular but i can put the mooncup in even when i’m not on my period which makes me so much more comfortable. I’ve not had any pain or cramping since i started using it which is a major difference to when i used tampons and pads, and i went on a holiday and i could go in the pool! I absolutely love it and i’ve recommended it to a couple of my friends who have heavy periods and both are going to try it out 😀

Eve – 06 April 2013