Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I have been using mine for a year. It is amazing. Safe easy to use and clean. Sometimes I get a little messy with removal and occationally if I don’t get up in the middle of the night when I am being lazy but need to empty then of course some leakage is bound to happen. But wow. I would never ever go back. Better for the environment. Better for my pocket. And it is wonderful to only need the one wonderful little mooncup for all your period needs. I actually look forwards to my period. Am no longer phased. And feel that you have answered every prayer I could ask when wanting something to deal with a bleed. Buy one, buy one, buy one!!!

Monica – 24 May 2013

I’ve been using my mooncup for almost a year now. It took me forever to finally try one, I read loads of reviews, was originally grossed out etc. Trying a mooncup was the best decision I have made in a long time. I have pretty heavy flow and still only have to change it once or twice a day, I’m fine overnight which is the best thing ever- no more uncomfey pads and awkwardly position tissue and NO leaking. Seriously a game changer. Never going back to pads or tampons.Honest points-
1) It takes a while to get used to fitting, wearing and emptying. It took me 3 periods to get used to it completely and the first time did feel kind of weird.
2) Emptying can be a little messy but again, with time I have found a routine to minimise this. Still working on a public bathroom solution, work and home I have sorted.
3) If you are uncomfortable or unfamiliar with blood or your own anatomy down there, it might take more time to get used to. Try getting used to these things first!
4) Sport. I horse ride regularly which was why i used to wear tampons over pads. The mooncup is great for riding, even in cream jods! I do wear a small liner though as on heavy days, using my seat to ride can cause a little leakage.

Hope this helps anyone considering trying a mooncup. They save money, time, hassle and leakage. For me it has really changed that time of the month and I can’t stop telling my friends!

(20yo student, vet nurse and horse rider)

Becky K – 20 May 2013

I cannot believe it took me this long to find the mooncup. I’ve gone from (un)sanitary pads to tampons and each time felt disgusting during my period. I’ve been using the mooncup for two cycles now, and I cannot stop talking about it. No more ickiness and no cramps! I don’t know how or why my cramps aren’t as intense as before but this product is… magic.
Handling my period has actually made me feel closer to my body and I’m no longer worried about traveling or running. Thanks to my dad for giving me my magic mooncup 🙂

Kika – 17 May 2013

Oh my goodness!I bought a mooncup, almost as an experiment, thinking that if I hated it then I could go back to using other sanitary products, but I have completely FALLEN IN LOVE WITH IT! It is SO good, so handy, so portable – I don’t have to worry about getting blood on the sheets while I was asleep, or having to be paranoid about leakage! I am SO happy and have already began trying to convert other people I know to the joys of the Mooncup!

Esther – 12 May 2013

When I first heard about Mooncups I was very skeptical, mostly because I didn’t think I had any issues with my current monthly practices and a menstrual cup seemed so alien to me. But the more I thought about it, the more appealing it seemed- mostly for environmental reasons. And I’d never say no to saving myself some money!
I decided to be open minded and give it a go, and I’m glad I did. By the end of my second period with a Mooncup I felt like a pro and I definitely won’t be using tampons again.

Now I’m trying to get all my friends to try one too!

Erin – 05 May 2013

Hello! My name is Moa and I’m a seventeen year old girl from sweden. I bought my mooncup last fall and I just want to say thank you with all of my heart for this wonderfull product. I’m so happy with my mooncup that actually I’m longing for my nezxt period some times. The mooncup makes it som mych more fun. I’ve told all my friends about it, cause I’m so satisfied. Just wanted you to know that. Love, Moa.

Moa – 02 May 2013

Hi, Even though I’m a guy I would just like to say this is a brilliant device. I randomly clicked on a link that sent me here and I then sent the link to a few of my female friends and a couple of weeks later they were all saying it is a MUST HAVE and have recommended it to all of their friends. On another note you could also add that the Mooncup gets rid of the dreaded sending the BF/Husband down to the shops for Pads/Tampons and him getting the wrong ones.

Brendan – 02 May 2013

Holy Gee yes! I heard of menstrual cups two years ago. I talked about it with my best friend but the idea of something “new” was like no way to her. So I forgot about it. Well just last month my sister clogged my aunts toilet with her tampons and they had to clean out the whole system. HOW EMBARRASSING. I never wanted that to happen to me, or her (again.) My grandpa (eek) asked me if I was flushing mine down the toilet too. I just said “No!” but in reality it was “Yes!” I don’t want to leave my dirty ones in the garbage (EW) So I was looking for different ways, And the menstrual cup came to mind! I decided why not, I couldn’t find any in local stores so I tried amazon and got one cheap! My sister thought it was weird and gross so I told her fine have fun with tampons I’m going to free myself! She finally agreed and bought one too, Well after a few weeks I finally started, and I got it in pretty easily, just taking it out hurt a tiny bit for me (but then again so does tampons!” I did calculating and I am saving my self 1,506 dollars from tampons just by using the moon cup. It is nicer on the environment and my wallet! So far no leakage, can’t even feel it. And less cramps!

Ukiah – 01 May 2013

I am a 13 years old and bought a mooncup after getting fed up with tampons and remembering that our school nurse had mentioned mooncup as a more eco-friendly alternative. After I got it my period did not come for ages so I had a while to get comfortable with removing and inserting it. I have now just started using it and it has not leaked once and I could not feel it AT ALL. It is also good because I do not need to carry supplies with me around school whilst on my period.I only ave two criticisms: sometimes it makes a squelchy (sorry) sound removing it, which can be awlward in public toilets, and that my school nurse showed one to us and told us about mooncup but then said they were not yet available in shops. This was in 2012. It would also be helpful if they were presented as a normal alternative to tampons and towels, rather than an afterthought for environmentalists and hipppies as she did. (I realise the last criticism is not mooncup’s fault).
I would recommend this and especially urge young girls to try it if they are worried about inserting/removing.

Lexie – 27 April 2013

I got my mooncup a few months ago because my periods were so heavy that i was changing a super super plus every few hours. at first i was like wow this is huge and i couldn’t get the knack of it so i left it and decided i’d try it later. now, i have just tried it again 3 months later and so far (after an hour!) no leaks! let me tell you it takes some time to figure out how to get it in, but i will never give up on my moon cup. keep trying!! viva la mooncup!!

Emily – 24 April 2013