Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I purchased my MCUK ten years ago. TEN. YEARS. AGO. The first time I used it (ten years ago!), I had a rough start. As a wee 20 year old, it made me nervous to be that in touch with my body, and so I remember I put it away for a month or so. After using tampons/pads/liners the next period, decided I would give the cup one more chance. I’ve never gone back. For ten years I have not used a single tampon, pad, or liner, and only recently have I ever had any leaking issues. Honestly I think the reason why I have had a leaking issue with just this period could be due to a change in my flow after going off the pill after almost 12 years (hooray for IUDs!), but also likely because nothing lasts forever and I am likely due for a new cup. I’ll likely get a new one and retire my old one before my next period, but I’d say it had a darn good run!
Also, I had a copper IUD inserted three months ago (the Paragard in the US), and I haven’t had any discomfort from suction when using or removing my mooncup for my last three periods with the IUD. I just wanted to mention that because I have seen some women asking about that online. I believe some say it is not recommended because people fear it could pull an IUD out of place, but (so far) I have not even felt any weirdness relating to it (and after feeling the IUD being inserted, I know EXACTLY what kind of pain to expect if that sucker tried to come back out again).

Lastly, I just went on a 15 mile canoe trip down a river last weekend and didn’t have to worry about changing a tampon. You really need to get in on this because ADVENTURE AWAITS!

Rachel – 14 July 2013

What more can I say than Thank you! I hate tampons, especially at the very start and end if a period, there really is nothing worse than the feeling of removing a dry tampon. Pads are no better with the uncomfortable, damp feeling and the paranoia of ‘do I smell?’
I discovered the mooncup a few years ago, bought one, tried it a couple if times and didn’t really keep at it as I was convinced I’d ‘loose’ it. Then a few months ago I realised I was using a minimum of 2 large boxes of tampons every month! So I rummaged in the back of the bathroom cabinet.
I’m so glad I did. No discomfort, no smell, no dryness and best of all no pain! Since using the mooncup for the whole length of my period (which can last 10 days) I’ve had no cramps at all.
So once again thank you!

Charlotte – 11 July 2013

I have to say that I’m so glad I found this product when I did because I was really beginning to get irritated with tampons completely drying me out and pads being so uncomfortable and smelly! The mooncup is an honest joy to use – I’ve only used it for one of my periods so far and I can honestly say I will not be turning back! There’s a slight learning curve to begin with (though, frankly, not as much as I’d initially thought). I tested it out before I started my period for that month so that I could get the hang of taking it in and out whilst it wasn’t messy – and I think that’s probably why I remained mess-free all week when I finally got to have it for real. My pants have been completely stain free (hoorah!), I haven’t had to fork out to buy any more expensive sanitary products, the mooncup doesn’t dry me out the same way that tampons do & I’ve been entirely comfortable and at ease using it. I so strongly recommend it, every if you’re nervous about it – it’s the best thing you will ever do for your monthly visitor! 100%!

Rachel – 11 July 2013

at 47 and suffering a couple of miserable months with very heavy periods i went to the doctors for help, i was given a prescription to stop the bleeding,while reading up on what i had been prescribed i stumbled across the mooncup i went and got one this morning and have to say its the best thing ever,i had no problem inserting it,it does not leak, i dont know its there unless i sneeze,did not feel it when i coughed unlike a tampon, iam just so pleased with it so far and its only the first day ,today is the first day i have left the house since friday for any length of time without a change of underwear and a handbag full of pads and tampons,i cannot believe no one has ever mentioned them to me but you can be sure i will be telling my family and friends about it .Its just so nice to go out and feel safe and comfortable what a lovely day .

dizzy do – 09 July 2013

I honestly think this is the best thing that has been designed for women, ever! This is period three using it and absolutely NO issues with leakage etc…is fantastic. So much better than towels or tampons both used to be so drying that they were making me VERY sore….well…no more!! Brilliant!!
Please please advertise more as I wish I’d known about this years ago as would have avoided years of discomfort. Now it goes in and I forget that it’s there!!

I’ve been telling everyone about it!!

Great product

Jules – 07 July 2013

I bought a mooncup last week after about 2 and a half years of discovering them and umming and ahhing. I am truly converted just one tiny issue I can’t get mine out. I’ve tried all the advice except the first thing which was cut the stem after you’ve tried the cup. I cut most of the stem off and it’s no use I can’t get it out. I hated tampons as I could feel them all the time no matter how far I put them but this cup was extraordinary, I imagined being able to feel the cup every second but no such discomfort. There’s no advisers available at the weekend so I’m a little worried about how on earth I’m gonna get this thing out. I know it can take a little while to get used to the removal but I’m starting to think maybe I should just let it live up there if that’s what it has decided upon, who am I to question the mooncups choice?

Layla – 07 July 2013

I just wanted to say thank you. Silly me for being 44 and not trying a Mooncup sooner. My periods have always been on the heavy side, literally flooding through tampons in under an hour on the first two days. No more… The Mooncup is genius! I even ran 11 miles on my heaviest day and no leaking. I don’t seem to have the lumps I had before and no more horrible dryness. This months period was almost like not having a period, I’m definitely converted. I’m a mother of two girls, one is 10yrs old and growing fast. Am hoping in a few years time when she’s ready, she’ll choose to use a Mooncup too.

Rebekah – 06 July 2013

I started to realise just how much non-biodegradable waste my use of sanitary products was creating and wanted to find something greener. I can’t believe more women aren’t using a Mooncup – it’s far less hassle than any other product and takes away the eco-guilt and expense of sanitary products. It’s also ideal for when I am somewhere that doesn’t have a bin in the loos to get rid of a sanitary towel. Absolutely amazing.

MJ – 23 June 2013

I ordered my mooncup in a fit of hormonal impulsiveness on the first day of my period, and it was here in 3 days! I cannot believe I did not know about this amazing device before; if any of you ladies are undecided about it, invest the money and give it a try. I personally will not be looking back, can’t wait to clear out my bathroom cupboard of all the space consuming tampons and pads…..

Emily – 21 June 2013

This is the most greatest invention of our generation. I started using moon cup nearly 3 years ago and wish that I had started it many years before. It’s comfortable, hygienic, ecofriendly and purse friendly. I swapped to it after having gynae surgery and could not go back to tampons and I have never looked back periods lighter and the biggest difference is cramps much reduced!! Two bits of advice as when u first get one it it can be so easy to get frustrated but trust me persevere! 1-buy a very soft toothbrush and when I need to clean it I put in Milton then brush softly to remove stains etc. And 2- believe it or not have short fingernails as it makes it myth easier to insert and remove-!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!

Ash – 21 June 2013