Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I have had my mooncup for nine years now and sadly today I let it boil dry while sterilising it 🙁 so am ordering a replacement. Over the last nine years I have saved so much money on sanitary wear, my periods are lighter and much easier to deal with. Before using the mooncup I was wearing two heavy duty towels at once and had to change several times a night. I have never once had a leak from my mooncup, my cramps are reduced too and I don’t know why but my period doesn’t seem to last as long either. I would urge anyone to give a mooncup a try, what have you got to loose?

Kim – 29 July 2013

I came across this whilst talking to other women about cloth diapering, of all things. I was using reusable nappies and wipes on my son and started to use cloth panty liners too, while waiting for my periods to return after having a baby. They have, finally, but as I have a contraceptive implant they are still very light. I was a tampon fan before getting pregnant, but due to the lightness of my periods they were a no no. I bought a mooncup and got on with it straight away. It is so much more comfortable than tampons and hasn’t leaked once so far. Love it and I plan to never buy any disposable sanitary-wear again.

Kimberley – 29 July 2013

Just finished my first period with the mooncup and I can’t believe how much of a difference it made! I always find that that time of the month makes me feel really grotty, wearing pads or even using tampons I never feel clean and I am always paranoid about leaking and odours. However, with the mooncup I didn’t have to worry about any of that at all, I didn’t even feel like I was in my period. It was a bit awkward to get in and out the first couple of times but by the third day I nailed the technique and was able to do it almost as quickly as it would have taken to change a tampon. I wish that I had heard about this sooner and I will definitely be recommending it to all my friends. The mooncup is brilliant!

Jackie – 27 July 2013

I recently bought myself a mooncup as although I’m 18, I’ve not got into a regular period yet, they can be very unpredictable and sometimes I can be really heavy and sometimes really light, so I found myself stocking up on every absorbancy tampons and spending ridiculous amounts of money, I am also going away soon and won’t be able to purchase any supplies whilst away, I don’t know whether I’ll be on due to their unpredictability so would find myself taking about 4 boxes of tampons just in case! in the end I took the gamble and went for a mooncup, it took quite a bit of fiddling to get the hang of it but after some practice I’m finally getting the hang of it, I don’t think I’ll ever go back to the inconvenience of tampons!!

Emma – 25 July 2013

What they say about the learning curve with the Mooncup is definitely true. At first I tried practising inserting and removing the it before I got my period in hopes that I might learn to use it properly– wrong move. The experience was extraordinarily painful and got me nowhere. However, I got my period today and decided to give the cup another go; what I can say about it so far is it takes me a while to remove it properly, but it is very comfortable once it’s in and the feeling of dryness keeps me optimistic that after today I’ll be able to gradually ease into this new routine. It definitely takes getting used to, though, and at first I didn’t think it was for me since the amount of pain I felt during removal was discouraging.
What helped was the fact that the pain was only temporary; all I had to do was wait a while until the feeling subsided, then try again. I will keep trying because I know my money was well-spent, this feeling of absolute dryness and comfort is irreplaceable.

Agnes – 23 July 2013

My sister had told me about the moon cup a couple of years ago, I was a tampon user and thought it sounded really grim! Then my periods changed and tampons became a problem, I needed something new and refused to go back to pads. So my period came and I popped to boots, tried it straight away, I didn’t like it at all. I didn’t use it again that period. Since then I’ve tried again (in the shower which made practicing inserting and removing a lot easier) and now I love it! Stem trimmed off made it more comfortable for me and I’m ready for my summer garden pool without worry or having to sit by the side being jealous. Money saving, time saving and better for the environment…. This needs to be told about to young girls in sex ed! Well done mooncup 🙂

Danni – 19 July 2013

I was initially tempted by a mooncup because of their eco-friendly benefits, but I resisted for a couple of years as I’ve always found tampons pretty uncomfortable and figured the cup would be no different.I’ve had mine for 6 months now and I am COMPLETELY converted.
The first month I used it, the mooncup was a bit awkward to get in and getting it out again was unpleasant, but by the end of the week it was absolutely fine and far more comfortable than tampons.
My periods are often difficult because they can change from extremely heavy to very light, but the mooncup means I don’t need to think about planning ahead nearly as much!
Overall a fantastic buy. I just hope mooncup can expand on their advertising so more people can hear about a much more environmentally friendly and comfortable option!

Fiona – 16 July 2013

At work we were talking about Mooncups and it turned out that 3 of my colleagues were total converts. I’ve known about it a while while but their utter conviction at its benefits finally persuaded me – and I don’t regret it!
I’ve always had a terrible time on my period, this is my second cycle with my MC and I cannot recommend it enough – it works wonders.

Rebecca – 16 July 2013

I HATE HATE HATE THE MOONCUP…. FOR NOT COMING TO ME BEFORE NOW!!!!! getting a mooncup is the best decision you will ever make in your entire life. simple as. i’m 14 and have really irregular periods, sometimes wickedly heavy that I cant walk and sometimes so light that i don’t notice them! i got the mooncup at a really heavy time and I love that i can leave it in for the whole school day even at my heaviest!!! it’s perfect because it does all days! school trip in 2 days and I am ready for mother nature if it comes! i’m preaching to the world! why don’t they give out these in 3rd world countries instead of stupid tampons????? LOVE YOU MOONCUP

Emmy – 16 July 2013

I used to live in brighton, so have known about the mooncup for years, I was always a bit put off by the hippy sounding name! Since having children I have found tampons a real nuisance, and didn’t quite trust the moon up would work. I spoke to the lady on the stall at Glastonbury this year, and still wasn’t convinced enough…until this morning, 2nd day of this months period I had enough and went into town to give the mooncup a try…I used it straight away, and although it feels different to tampons, already it is just SO much better, I am genuinely excited by the thought of never using tampons again!!!

Ruth – 15 July 2013