Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I first found out about the mooncup on youtube… and to be honest, I thought of it being pretty unpleasant to use. But the thought of never having to buy a disposable sanitary product seriously made me want one! And now that I’m using it, it is not unpleasant at all and wish I knew about this sooner! I can go through my periods without worrying at all, plus I know I’m doing good for the environment and my pocket which makes this an awesome product!

Bee – 17 August 2013

It’s my first day of use today. Tip for the woman out there I out it in while in the bath so I could relax and not worry about mess even though there was non. My cousin told me about the mooncup I’m all for saving money in the long run and I was at a point I would try anything to feel comfy during my period. I had the contraceptive implant for 3 years had a baby and I’ve just recently took it out again to try for baby number 2 befor the implant I used tampons but while on the implant I had no periods so when taking it out getting used to tampons again was hard and somtimes painfull so went back to pads even though I hated them and they made me feel icky. So I’m extremely happy about the mooncup as soon as I trimmed it to the size I needed it and put it in I new the money was worth it i can’t believe it took me till the age of 25 to hear about it I’m going to tell all my girls 😀

Nicola – 14 August 2013

Wow.. that’s all I can say! I’m in my late teens and honestly, I had my reservations about buying the Mooncup. What if it got stuck? What if it was uncomfortable? Surely it would be more popular if it were that good, right? NOT the case! It’s great. I just bought it today – popped into my local boots and 10 hours later, I’m already converted. Ok, so I’m still getting used to it. I haven’t cut any of the stem off as I’m slightly nervous about doing so, but I’m sure I’ll build up confidence soon enough. I’m not worried at all about leaking at night, which was always my biggest worry before. I’d recommend for every woman to try this product out. It just might change your life!

Elizabeth – 14 August 2013

I absolutely love my Mooncup; it’s made periods so much more easy, cheap and comfortable. It’s easy to insert, I feel clean when I use it, because it is simply easy to clean, and it does the job! I intend never to use a tampon or sanitary towel ever again.

helena – 11 August 2013

I’m 14 years old and have one my period for one year, and my Mooncup for one month! I got the Mooncup after constantly leaking tampons, unhygienic pads, and just getting fed up with it all. I was grossed out when I first read about it – a disposable tampon?! Ew! But after much deliberation, I decided to give it a try. It arrived one day before my period, where the first few days are super heavy, and the last two are very light, causing problems. I got it in on the third go, and put a pad on for protection. After about an hour, I felt the familiar leaking feeling, so I dashed to the toilet expecting a huge mess – nothing! It was slightly painful to remove, but i’m sure this will ease up over time. This is a amazing product, and I just wish more people my age were told about it. I love my Mooncup!

Caitlin – 07 August 2013

Dear Lord, the heavens have blessed us. Get this, I started using my mooncup when I was 12. If i can then you can too. You can buy it from Boots which was most convenient for me and the people at Mooncup are so lovely and sent me a free cotton bag to store my mooncup in when I had lost the original one that came with the mooncup itself. Really, the mooncup is probably the best menstrual cup out there and I think it would be better for all woman compared to the divacup as they are stiffer, longer and just in general, a trickier customer. However mooncups are flexible, squishy and relatively small yet they contain alot. You can do so much with a mooncup and this helps especially if you do exercize often or swimming etc. I am so happy I found the mooncup and now I am converting all those around me. Please, all women reading this, get it. I mean the first time using this I was scared as hell, I didn’t even knew where it goes but mooncups help you to get comfortable with your womanliness and over time, you get more familiar with everything and you wont even have to think about it. Also, if your parents dont agree with you using it, show them all the benefits to them and if its to do with hymen breakage, tell them many have already had theirs partially worn away by strenuous sports. I just hope all women convert to mooncups, I am so glad I tried the mooncup. I dont even have to worry about periods like other girls my age do now and I dont have to faff around with ridiculous tampons and all the health risks they impose.

Kim – 06 August 2013

I first saw Mooncups on the shelf at Boots when shopping with a friend, we both looked curiously at it, then decided it was far too big to fit “in there” and was quite scary. Fast forward a few years and I was reading through some travel blogs where one lady swore by her Mooncup, stating how amazing it was. I scoured the testimonials on the website and decided to give it a go. How I wish I had picked one up when I first saw them! I was hooked after the first month so promptly bought my friend one. To say she was a little surprised with my wonderful gift is a massive understatement, but, she too got hooked and has already converted a few of her friends. I have been singing the praises of Mooncups now for 9 months, I will never go back to tampons, the smell and that horrid swollen feeling I used to get “down there” every month. I love feeling clean, comfortable, (and very smug each time I walk past the tampax aisle in Tesco).
I have been deploying stickers on toilet doors and handing out leaflets to anybody that will listen. A few of my work mates (and my sister) are getting a bit sick of my constant advertising, but I won’t give up until they are all converted!!

Vicky – 03 August 2013

When I first started my period I remember putting on a pad for the first time and being disgusted because it felt like I was wearing a nappy. So I moved to tampons and suffered the monthly ritual of trying to guesstimate how many millimetres of flow I produced in 4-8 hours, living in fear in case I misjudged and ended up with stained knickers or TSS. Earlier this week I decided to buy a Mooncup. After just 2 days I feel truly clean, comfortable and normal whilst on my period. Thank you Mooncup for liberating me.

Jess – 01 August 2013

Just bought my mooncup today after a lot of reading up on the net, I have awful trouble with tampons and hate towels so I though it can’t be any worse than the monthly struggles I suffer… I got home and tried it straight away and I have to say I’m just totally amazed! I thought I’d leak until I got the hang of it, but not a single drop! I jumped around, as I cycle and swim I needed to be sure it was secure, and I didn’t even know it was there. I’m almost at the end of this period, but I’m actually looking forward to nxt month when I can really feel liberated and get on with my life without worries or sore lady parts from bleached uncomfortable towels or awful leaks from tampons. I wish this was advertised more openly and that I’d discovered it 20 years ago when I first started my periods. Thankyou mooncup!!

Mel – 01 August 2013

When I first looked into menstrual cups, all I could find were (to me) weirdo hippies going on about being more in touch with the Moon and using the blood to fertilize their houseplants. NO thank you! But then I met some “normal” people who used them and figured I’d try it. I’ve spent more on dumb experiments than this, how bad could it be?
Well, I’ve been using mine for a year and a half (ish) and I can’t imagine going back. I dread when my period comes unexpectedly and I have to use a pad or tampon for a few hours. I didn’t think I’d be that person to preach Mooncups to the masses, but everything they say about these things is true! It never leaks, so I can wear my normal underwear (hallelujah!), I only have to check it in the morning and before bed, it’s a one-time purchase that pays itself off in a couple months … yeah, I’m a crazy Mooncup lover!

Try it. Seriously, do it. Even if you’ve tried the disposable cups and didn’t like them, get a Mooncup. Save the environment, save some money, get to wear your favorite undies, whatever you want. Just try it.

Rachel K – 30 July 2013