Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

Thankyou mooncup! I am 13 and always had light flow- then on the day I went on holiday my periods got so heavy that I was changing super tampons every hour and half. I got sick of it and looked online for a alternative. Sooo glad I did! I love my mooncupnow and can go throught a full day of school with no worries whatsoever. I have tried telling my friends and hope that someday I will convince them to try one too. I still have heavy periods but no longer worry. I am pleased that I found the mooncup so soon. Thankyou again and good luck to all new mooncupers! =)

Lissie – 09 September 2013

A friend of mine told me about Mooncup and then not a week later, Erika Moen did a page explaining (and giving really helpful hints) about it.
It is my first day and I love it! It is so comfortable, and I have had no leakage. I worked out, took a nap, and sat at the computer for a bit with no leakage!

So far, best 30 bucks (american here) ive spent all year!

Beth – 07 September 2013

The mooncup has been completely amazing and changed my life for the better.
I am 16 years old and having started my period at 14 my mum was skeptical about whether I would be able to use it. I was desperately looking for solutions for periods on Duke of Edinburgh so I bought the size B and despite initial problems with insertion and removal, I have proved my mum wrong.

I recently used it on a watersports holiday, saving me from the problems of soggy tampons that need to be changed regularly. I also no longer have to use sanitary towels at night we keeps everything cleaner.

My advice to anyone my age considering buying the moon cup is to do so. However you will need to be comfortable with your body and willing to persist through some pain at the start (at least this is what I found). The best tips I picked up where keeping your jaw slack when inserting as this relaxes the vaginal muscles, starting off by squatting in the shower and ultimately just being confident and determined about it.

It’s ecological, cheaper, cleaner, lasts longer and has no bad odour! It’s been great for me as I have irregular periods and don’t know when they are coming. Using the Mooncup has been such a freeing experience and I hope to never go back to tampons.

Thank you Mooncup

Mary – 31 August 2013

At almost 39 I wish I’d known about Mooncup YEARS ago. Having 2 heavy periods a month I spent a fortune on tampons; and leaked and felt like I smelled all the time. Thankfully, with Mooncup, I no longer fear staining seats etc.

Lou – 31 August 2013

LOVE IT!!! I live in the land down under and had only recently learned of moon cups. Ill admit the idea completely grossed me out but after much thought i purchased one online during my last period, it arrived just before i was throwing a cocktail party, where i asked had anyone heard of a moon cup and i was suprised as they had so out my brand new unused one came, much to the disgust of my younger cousin who was completely grotted out! One of my mates has purchased and another is waiting on our reviews. So here is mine: its day 2, i love it and although yesterday with a heavy aunt flo i had a bit of a messy time getting my MC in and out its brilliant i dont even feel it in there which at one point had me worrying id be leaking but no, no leaks and lots of comfort!!!! If your debating about whether or not to purchase do it and just try it out in the shower if your worried about mess, best part is no blood all over your towel as you can get in shower remove, clean, re insert, get out and not have to worry about dripping on the floor or remembering to take clean undies in for a pad then doing the mad dash to your room before you kids ask whats that thread mum??? Im 29 have two kids and have now a new appreciation for my won body which i finaly feel im respecting, So thankyou to MoonCup for making such a crappy week be not that crappy afterall!

Mandy – 29 August 2013

I have found out about this product by chance, read a lot about it and then decided to buy and try it.
OMG! This should be part of the ‘education’ we give to all young girls when we explain to them the options that they can choose when menstruating.

In comparison to all the conventional pads and tampons, there is no way i am going back after just one trial.

I feel more comfortable, have less of a worry about leaking and there is just not a chance I can ever again use a bleach containing product that is actually not good for your body…

I even reckon the pain is lessened by the fact that there is just so much less stress with the whole process of being on your period.

normally I would have to take a tablet straight away, and then again the second day, but the I am now half way through the second day and have not had to take a tablet yet this month…. Yes there is pain, I am not claiming that this miracle have eliminated that, but I seem to manage it a lot better as I feel relaxed and confident about cleanliness and freshness..

Very good product and comes highly recommended!!!!!

I for one will tell everyone I know about it as there is just no need to suffer!!!!

Yes you pay about £20 in shops (less online i presume) but what once in a number of years compare to whatever you currently spend every month?

I SAY GO FOR IT! Give it a try, and see how you feel!!!!!!

Mrs K C – 25 August 2013

After reading so many good reviews online about the Mooncup, I had to try it. I got so sick of using pads and feeling horrible every month. I hated tampons, they were just not my thing… What was there to lose? The first time I tried it, I admit, it was uncomfortable inserting it and the suction once the cup pops is very strange. Once the Mooncup was inserted, I couldn’t feel a thing. So comfortable, I almost forgot I was using it! I did have some problems initially with the cup not wanting to pop open and I had some difficulty finding solutions online for this, but I found that pinching the base/side of the cup that the fold is on, for a few seconds, works. Thanks to the Mooncup, I can wear any clothes or underwear I want – no GRANNY PANTS at that time of the month! Woohoo! I would urge any girl to at least TRY the Mooncup. It’s much cleaner than pads and much more comfortable than tampons. I wish I had found this option years ago!!

Caroline – 24 August 2013

I had planned a fun day out on the lake with my friends. My monthly had just started the evening before. It would only be my second time with the Cup, so I was worried about cramps and leakage during those intense 5-6 hours out on the water; particularly since I was still learning to use my Mooncup properly.
However, I was pleasantly surprised.
In a full day of intense exercise: rock-climbing, swimming, and cliff-diving the mooncup did not fail me in any way. I had a great time out boating on the lake with friends, sans unpleasant reminders of my Monthly.

I could easily minimise cramps with moderate physical activity– no discomfort during swimming whatsoever, and more importantly no leakage.

Oh, and the next day I went zip-lining and hiking in the mountains for 3 hours, too!

I am so relieved I no longer need to avoid and cancel trips like these simply because of my time of the month. This is why although I was initially worried about the effectiveness of the Mooncup, today I am completely convinced that it is the right choice for me.

Agnes – 24 August 2013

I love Love LOVE my Mooncup! I thought about using one for years and finally took the plunge and am so glad I did. Inserting wasn’t a problem for me; I found removing it more difficult. However using petroleum jelly on your fingers when removing and really breaking the seal first to get it into the shape you need to remove it I find the best way. And cleaning with bicarb really does remove some of the staining. The Mooncup nurses were great too for advice – why the hell the whole world isn’t using one I just don’t know.

The Venerable Mrs A – 19 August 2013

I brought my mooncup after I realised that tampons were making my cramps worse, and out of a hatred of pads. So, so much more comfortable than tampons or pads. No smell, no dangling pee string, no bulge in the nickers. It’s great! It takes a few tries to work out the best way to insert it, and removing it the first time was tricky, don’t panic! Just keep trying until you find a good method. Try googling different folds, I found the one in the instructions difficult. Also put on some music, it will help you relax and will cover the comical squelching sounds. I did find that I had to trim the stem about 2cm, as the stem would irritate me. Give it a shot!

Jess – 18 August 2013