Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

Mooncups are fabulous! I started using one after seeing them advertised at a festival. I honestly will never go back. I love that it is a more eco choice, but it is also so much more convenient than tampons. I used to find tampons extremely drying and often painful, but there is none of that with a mooncup. It did take a couple of periods to get used to it, so don’t be put off if it initially feels a bit strange! They are definitely worth sticking with.

Charlotte – 06 October 2013

Mooncup changed my life. I’ve been using it for a year now. It’s so sad not having found out about it before, but it’s so nice to be finally enjoying it now. I now forget I’m on my periods, can go to the beach, can take dance classes easily and can sport those new white trousers any day. AND it’s all good for the planet!

Coral – 01 October 2013

I have now been using mooncup for 2 whole months, and although a couple of times have been tempted to go back to tampons ( only because I’ve struggled a couple of times with removal) I will never go back a, I suffer from endometriosis and pco and the moon cup is ideal for reporting menstral flow to doctors, I do lose a lot more than normal, but still have no problem with leakage, I used to have to wear both tampons and towels, now it’s just a small cup I am loving it I don’t dread my period as much as I used too, I’ve been trying to convert friends and family, but have yet to convince them, they really don’t know what they are missing, I will eventually get the hang of easy removal , and no more Texas chainsaw massacre moments ( I exaggerate a teeny tiny bit)

Ebonny – 30 September 2013

I have had my mooncup for about 6 years. My sister threw me a new one and said “try this.” I did. I started using it on days when I was at home to get used to it. Then on days when I would not have to empty it during the day (sorry but I had a large stock of tampons to get rid of). Now if I am out and about I am very naughty and use the disabled toilet if I have to empty it as there is normally a sink handy to wash it in and space to squat. I’ve never found a disabled person waiting outside for me to finish.I also do karate (white trousers!) and find it very handy if I am expecting my period so I don’t leak should my period start during training. It has saved me on quite a few occasions. The only time I had problems with this was when I was using a tampon.
Everything mooncup claims is good is all true. I will never go back to any other method – even when I had a knee injury and found it hard to squat I refused to use any other method.

Annie – 26 September 2013

So many years wasting my
time with tampons…
To the creator of the mooncup…
You can die knowing you have
Left a world a better place than you found it
Thank you…

Sepatron – 25 September 2013

I have been using Mooncup for 4 years now and I cant live without it! I used to get terrible leaking with tampons and hated the feel of wearing a pad and how expensive the good quality pads and tampons were. I paid £19.99 all that time ago and have saved over £100 by not buying all the other products. Like others have said, it’s perfect for long journeys or even things like nights out. I swim quite a lot and HATE the idea of a tampon string being seen out my bathing suit, thankfully I no longer have that paranoia. Money can’t buy that sort of reassurance and peace of mind?…..actually it can!!!

Lucy – 24 September 2013

Good god, what can I say that hasn’t already been said?! I spotted Mooncup posters and leaflets way back in 2005 at Glastonbury festival (I think!) I immediately just knew it was right! ‘Why have I never heard of this!? This looks perfect!’ However, my bf at the time said something like ‘eeew that’s proper disgusting!’ and promptly put me off investing. (Shame on me!)
However, I never forgot about it and would often try to remind myself to search for one every now and again. My periods were getting more painful and heavier as the years passed and like others, I juggled a routine of tampons, pads and both, and towels in the bed at night, just to get through. Yuck!
It is this year, 2013, that I finally remembered about the Mooncup. It came up in conversation between me and my lovely fella when I was having a particularly bad period and he was filling a hot water bottle for me at some ungodly hour. He is very open and we were talking about products. I was telling him how useless they all are but then, I wouldn’t really know for sure as I think all girls just use the same brands their mums did. I definitely did. He was saying something like ‘but there’s loads isn’t there? I wonder if they feel different?’ when I remembered about the Mooncup advert. I told him about it. Infact we got straight out of bed and I googled it, immediately finding the Tampons vs Mooncup youtube video. I knew I wanted to try it! So that following weekend he drove me the one hour trip to the ‘big city’ (we were living out in Connemara in Ireland at the time) to visit the Boots. Bingo! I found myself willing my period to be early so I could take it for a test drive!
During the month wait, I practiced putting it in and removing it, just so I wouldn’t be horrifically under qualified when it was ‘go time!’
My first period with it was a half success. I got it spot on the first day and night and then had a leaky/tweaky one the following day. I wore a pad for a break after getting a bit frustrated with myself but resolved to calm down and try again upon waking.
Since that first one, I have nailed it. And I will never, ever, ever go back. It pays for itself on long journeys. We drove to Northern Ireland for a weekend away and I could tell I was going to come on. Pop in your mooncup in the morning and worry not one jot for the rest of the journey!
The pocket in my handbag reserved for ‘spares and just incases’ is free for sweets! My bathroom windowsill/bedroom drawer/other hidey holes are vacant and useful. I love not needing any other product. One tiny Mooncup in my bedroom drawer is all I need. I love putting it in on the day I know it’s due, and just relaxing because I’m covered! Not waiting for the spots or leaks! It’s pre-emptive protection!
I couldn’t love a product more and I have told EVERYONE. I put it all over facebook too! And consequently spawned two more converts! That upset the TMI Police I can tell you but I don’t care!
It’s made my period shorter too! All the heavy stuff is over and done with in 2 days, and the rest is easy. I can’t feel it when it’s in and if I can, then I’ll re-jig until it’s right.
I have had about 5 periods since and they’ve been so much easier to live with. It is so, so worth it for that.

Dani – 19 September 2013

This has been a total revelation! I had an episiotomy when I was giving birth to my daughter a year ago and ever since had found tampons so uncomfortable – they would shift down and press on the scar giving me a sharp pain and a feeling of ‘heaviness’ in my pelvis. Agony! I decided to try a mooncup as an alternative, and I couldn’t be happier. Not only is it more comfortable to insert and remove than tampons were, it stays put and doesn’t irritate my scar at all. It’s so comfortable and hassle free – I will be spreading the word with other mums who have had episiotomies. Looking forward to saving cash on sanitary products as well as they’re a rip off!

Hannah – 19 September 2013

Thank you!!I went out on a limb and bought a moon cup because I have a light flow right now and tampons would hurt to take out and make me all dry. Your product is like magic, it’s painless, I can’t feel it, I’m not self conscious or aware of it. It’s made my period a much happier time of the month, shame it doesn’t cure my mood swings though. But seriously I would recommend this to anyone who will listen, I told my cousin about it today, a friend yesterday. And I’ve only been using it for 2 days
Thank you MoonCup!

Steph – 11 September 2013

I heard out about mooncup around 3 years ago and was interested, but was unsure about getting one, mainly because it was different and I didn’t know anyone else who used one – I finally ordered mine about 3 months ago and my only regret is that I didn’t get it sooner. I am now an extremely happy convert and am on a mission to get all my friends and family to use one too. It is so much cleaner and nicer to use than tampons or towels and I really notice the difference as it does not dry me out like tampons did (which were also sometimes sore to remove). Mooncup is really easy to insert and remove and feels really comfortable. I recently used mine during a week long camping and road trip and it was great. The environmental benefits are big too, I didn’t realise how much waste I got through each month before I started using mooncup, it’s quite staggering really. It’s also much nicer not having to take a bag or purse full of sanitary ware into the loo with you at friends houses or remember to have your stash of tampons with you on a night out, you don’t need anything – it’s already with you 🙂 I have never ever written a testimonial for a product before but I really felt compelled to as mooncup has made such a positive impact on my life, Thank you!!

Tracy – 10 September 2013