Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I am 14 and first heard about the mooncup nearly a year ago. I thought they sounded amazing but was scared to get one. Earlier this year I told my grind about it an after many debates we both took the plunge and got one. I LOVE it there is sooo much to say about them. They are hygienic and so much better than pads an tampons. I told my mum about it and she was grossed out and kept trying to persuade me not to get it and to me it would fail. This made me more determined to make it work. It is so easy and simple to insert and remove. I would say that when removing put your thumb at the front all the way to the seal them push the cup against the back wall of your vagina and push it out. It’s pain free and really quick. Trying to convert all my friends. This is a miracle product I wish I brought it sooner. I also think that they should ban tampons and pads because ty are so bad for you and the enviroment. Anyway don’t hesitate get yours today!!!!

Jo – 29 October 2013

Hi mooncup! I’m 13 years old and i started to use the mooncup when i was twelve. I really love it and I have been spreading the word ever since. I have absolutely no fault to pick with the product, its probably one of he best inventions ever. I dont ever have to worry about anything when I’m on my period and I wish more girls knew about it and wouldn’t be so shy when discussing the topic! Every woman goes through it! I was intimidated by it when I just got it but honestly, when you think about it, the concept couldnt be any simpler. Thanks so much for making such a amazing product!

Kim – 29 October 2013

After I went on the pill, my periods became a lot lighter and I decided to try the Mooncup. I like the idea that they are more environmentally friendly than the other sanitary options, and tampons/pads used to make me a bit sore ‘down there’.
I am offically in love with my mooncup now, it admittedly does take some practice with insertion/removal, and I would wholeheartedly recommend watching a ‘how to’ guide first.But 3 months in, I am a very happy customer and I have told so many people about how fantastic my mooncup is!

Beth – 25 October 2013

I never heard about mooncups before, now i read the description, i don’t feel the need of trying them out.

Nadine – 25 October 2013

I have had my Mooncup for 2 months now and love it! I had always used tampons and tried the disposable cups that they sell in drug store. Those were an epic fail (leaking, hard to take out, messy) so I was skeptical about buying the mooncup. I will never go back! I removed the whole tip on mine and don’t have a problem removing it at all. I barely even know it is there and only worry about emptying it out twice a day, in the morning and at night. So much better then worrying about a tampon every few hours. No problem with leakage no matter how long I keep it in. I will never go back!

Stacie – 22 October 2013

I live in Japan and I’ve never heard of mooncup before my British boyfriend told me about it. I used organic cotton pads. I didn’t like that I have “thick” pads and I had to use tampon when I work. We checked the website and I thought it would be great. The first day to try was terrible and I was about to scream and cry “I can’t do this!” You may feel the same but please RELAX! If you are tensed, it would be more difficult to put or take out the cup. I had 3 periods so far and I’m getting used to it. I can sleep without a short even as I really don’t need to care about it. It was good to know how much I have blood out too. It was much much less than I thought. If you wonder to buy, just buy a cup. I am sure you will enjoy the period time with it.

Saya – 18 October 2013

I am 17 years old and I first heard about the mooncup through a video by Laci green. I thought it would be great if I could sleep without worrying about changing the sheets in the morning. At the time I didn’t have the money to buy one. So a week or so later I saw these soft cups and thought about trying them to see if the idea of a cup would work for me and as it turns out it did work but I wasn’t impressed with the softcups and thought maybe the reusable one would be better and then I decided to order mine online. A week later I had it and then I tired it. At first I was really uncomfortable and thought “oh no I just spent 30+ dollars on something that doesn’t work.” Then I reread the usage guide and then I trimmed the stem and got into a squatting position. And it was a world of difference. I didn’t feel that stem at the opening and it didn’t hurt at ALL! It was amazing.
Let me tell you that it is wonderful to be able to not have to wear pads or have to change messy and smelly tampons.

To those considering getting a mooncup, I say get one, they may be a bit of a learning curve on inserting and removing it, I know I had trouble getting it out without it hurting but once you learn how to do it, it makes a world of difference.

Samantha – 15 October 2013

I have had very heavy periods since my teen years. I go through a box of ultra tampons and a pack of overnight pads every single month. I have day stopping cramps, real physical exhaustion, vicious mood changes. I ruin clothes, sheets, underclothes every single month, no matter what I do it’s bad. I bought my Mooncup and it arrived 5 days before my next cycle. I used it last night for the first time and woke up to clean sheets and no leaks. I wore a pad yesterday and today because of the “learning curve” mentioned, but so far there has been no problems. I had to trim the stem, but other than that I have no discomfort like I do with tampons. It’s not messy. I have only emptied it twice so far. I can’t believe I have missed this amazing thing all these years. I love it. I want to tell the world all about it. I have never been so pleased by any product in my life. Thanks y’all. Now if only you can cure my cramps 🙂

Lindsey – 11 October 2013

THANK YOU!!!! I really struggle with my periods and tampons make me so sore and pads, well I feel like I’m wearing nappies! I saw this advertised and thought, why not! I am 30 and I can’t believe I’ve managed so long without my Mooncup. As soon as I used it, I loved it. I swim a lot and run a lot and before I had to cut down on those activities. Not any more! I feel so free and comfortable. Every woman needs to know and try the Mooncup. Thank you so very much!!!!

Beth – 10 October 2013

Mooncup is amazing! I have been using both tampons and pads but neither of them have been quite right. I’m fourteen and have had my period for a little over a year. I was always afraid of leakage and smells and such and always dreaded periods. But now I barely notice! Insertion was a bit tricky at first but now it’s very easy. I would definitely recommend the Mooncup even if you haven’t had your period for very long. It is very convenient as you can keep it in for far longer than either tampons or pads. Changing it whilst out can be a little messy but isn’t really a problem. All in all I would give it a five out of five! By far the best sanitary product. 🙂

Lily – 08 October 2013