Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I don’t usually do the whole review thing but just thought I would take the time to say how impressed I am with my mooncup, I was a bit worried at first that it would be difficult to get into the right position and would become uncomfortable and I did kind of expect not to get it perfect on the first try with it but I have to say I have got on with it from the very first time I used it, it is so comfortable to wear you dont even know it’s there and you dnt get that gross. Listed feeling like you get when using tampons when they start to get full and expand, I could never turn back to tampons now,
Thank you for a brilliant product 2

hayley – 23 November 2013

Wow! I only started to use my mooncup on an actual period yesterday (I had used it several times on a dry run before) and already I couldn’t live without this ingenious invention. Being a teenager I wasn’t 100% sure whether the mooncup would be suitable for me, however I was so fed up with leaky and uncomfortable tampons and pads that I went ahead and brought a size b mooncup anyway. Before I found the mooncup I ruined at least 3 pairs of knickers, and one bed sheet every period no matter what size or brand of pads I wore, however since switching I haven’t leaked one drop on anything – yay! Insertion was painful at first, but once I found the correct fold for me it was no longer an issue (I found I needed to use the ‘punch down’ method). I also had to remove the stem intill just after the second grip ring. Now I can insert and remove the cup comfortably in less than one minute! For anyone who is put off by the initial £20 investment, please don’t be. The mooncup is one of the best purchases of my life (up there with my IPhone!). Also, although the concept may seem a little hippyish at first, once you use the mooncup it feels great to be doing some good for the environment in at least one area of your life!

I would urge everyone to try it, esspecially younger girls and teens!!!

Sarah T – 18 November 2013

I decided to try the mooncup after a few of my friends mentioned it. I never liked using tampons as found them uncomfortable so used to use pads but hated that ‘wet’ feeling. I had a few difficulties initially inserting the mooncup but found that relaxing helps big time. I’ve been using it for 6 months now and recommend it to anyone who’ll listen. It’s so easy and discreet, I don’t notice it’s there- it’s better for the environment, for my body and also on my finances so what’s not to like about it?! 🙂

Kat – 17 November 2013

I wish I had invented this, it is amazing. I first heard about it from my sister, and I was so hysterically disgusted about the thought of it that she actually hung up on me. But after thinking about it properly and realising just how much money I was spending on both pads and tampons (I had quite a heavy flow so would use both on the first couple days of my period), as well as the environmental impact, I took the plunge and bought one. It did take a little bit of getting used to in terms of insertion and knowing when I needed to empty, but 4 months later I would never, ever go back. I was so skeptical about leakage as previously I had many an incident with underwear and sheets, but it works like a charm. And to top it all off my periods seem lighter. The blood thing really isn’t an issue once you get used to seeing it, and it’s quite interesting seeing how much your body is getting rid of. To be honest it isn’t any more messy than inserting a non-applicator tampon! The only thing I’m gutted about is that I didn’t know about it sooner, I wasted 18 years using other methods dammit! That’s a fair bit of cash I could’ve saved and a whole lot less rubbish in landfills or even worse, the ocean.

Julie – 12 November 2013

The first time I used my Mooncup, it took a few days to get use to folding and inserting it properly, but I’m so glad I persevered! It’s so much more comfortable and cleaner to use than either pads or tampons, so long as you make sure it’s sealed properly. No emergency shop dashes; no panic-stocks cluttering up my handbags; and, best of all, no horrible bodily irritations!
It’s been especially brilliant for me as an avid gym nut, jogger and dancer, and would recommend it to absolutely anyone! I love feeling in control of my body and appearance, and not having to sacrifice doing what I love as a result.

I don’t know how I’ve managed to survive so long without a Mooncup. I wish I’d known about this product sooner; it’s been an absolute revelation!

Kate, 23 – 12 November 2013

I love my darling mooncup so very much! I’ve been recommending it far and wide since I got it, and I’ve already persuaded one friend.I had a little trouble inserting it at first, since I at age 19 had so far been a pad girl only, so I was a little unsure how to fold it and how high/low it was supposed to sit, but a few read-throughs of the instructions and I was all set (and so was it)
A family holiday last month was actually saved by my mooncup, because for some reason there wasn’t a bin in the bathroom of the apartment we rented, but for once I didn’t have to worry about it:D
I’ve even had to get out of bed once or twice to empty it, because I forget it’s even in, it’s that comfortable.
Highly recommended to everyone who are considering it, it’s definitely worth it!

Marie – 11 November 2013

I LOVVVEEEE the mooncup! I’m 16, and up until now I always used pads (eco ones) as the thought of tampons was disgusting. I found out about the mooncup from my mum, who’d had an early prototype, and thought it was great. :)I was nervous about it at first, but after a few dummy runs I got it to work, albeit after a quick stem trim, and now I wear it with a reusable pad as backup. 😀
This will definitely be coming with me on my adventures. 🙂 Strasbourg here we come! 😀

Rhiannon – 10 November 2013

Hi I started using a mooncup after the birth of my daughter. I found that my periods were alot heavier than before. I was having to use a pad and a tampon and change every couple of hours, it was costing a fortune. While shopping I was just looking through the sanitary aisle and saw a mooncup. Lasts a lifetime and holds more, I thought this might just save loads of money. And it did. I was so much more comfortable (pads aggravate my allergies) and spent less money.
Thank you so much.

M.Davis – 09 November 2013

I am 13 years old and I love the mooncup. I hate periods because they make me feel really low and my Mum won’t let me wear tampons because of the risk of TSS so I have to wear pads which I find really uncomfortable and I hate the wet feeling. I saw the mooncup online when looking for an alternative choice of protection. I told my mum about it as soon as a saw it (my mum wasnt very interested)but when recently I knew I was going to have my period on my birthday sleepover my mum said she’d research it because my periods are really heavy. We bought it and at first I just could not insert it and I thought it would just never happen but with a few regualar practices for a day on the morning of my sleepover it was in. It is really hard to remove and it is quite painful to do so but I think I will get used to that. I haven’t had much practice yet but once I have I think I will use it all the time and I love it!

Libby – 04 November 2013

I’m 17 and I’ve just started using the mooncup, and I’m loving it! I have a pretty light flow so whenever I use tampons I worry because there’s never much blood unless I leave it in longer than 8 hours, but with the mooncup that doesn’t matter; I can just put it in in the morning and leave it until I’m going to bed.

Eve – 01 November 2013