Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

Yes! What a small piece of genius. No more irritation from tampon threads, no more tampons in the environment, no more worrying whether I’ve packed enough tampons in my bag. This is such a good idea and I’ve found it easy to use.It does take a bit of practice folding the mooncup to insert comfortably, but once it’s in there you can’t feel it. I had to trim off all of the stalk to make it comfy, so I just grasp the bottom of the cup and it comes out fine. No leaking while it’s in so for up to 8 hours I wouldn’t even know I was having a period. Fantastic product; go for it girls!

tired.mum – 3rd October 2016

I am very pleased with the protection the Mooncup offers me. I have been getting heavy bleeding and the Mooncup is the best for controlling ‘flooding’. I’ve only been using one for the last couple of cycles but I don’t think I’ll be using anything else from now onwards. The other good plus is that you can actually get a clear idea how much you are loosing, which is good to know.

Elizabeth 3rd October 2016

I absolutely love my mooncup. My period pains are all but gone and my period is only about 2-3 days rather than closer to 5. I only wished I’d found them earlier! I have converted one friend who loves her new mooncup and I’m trying to convert more.

Liz – 3rd October 2016

To be honest, when I first tried the moon cup, I never thought I’d use it again. There was a lot of discomfort and a few gross mishaps. It definitely took a while to figure out the best way to insert and take it out but it turns out for me TWISTING was the key! Now that I’ve mastered all that, I absolutely LOVE my moon cup! I go most cycles without getting blood on ANY of my clothes (always had leaks at night with pads). Sometimes I even forget i’m on my period because I can’t even feel it and it fits great! If I do ever have leaks its only because I’ve totally forgotten it was even in and need to empty it! I have very sensitive skin, especially down below, and itchy pads and tampons DID NOT HELP that situation. But the Mooncup eliminates so much itch and allows me to follow my normal skin care routine without interruption and a lot less mess! I also travel a lot! And sometimes traveling can trigger my body to have a period totally out of the blue! So its nice that I don’t have to constantly worry if I have enough pads or tampons and if/when I’ll need them. I just have my moon cup with me all the time and its always ready to go to work whenever I need it! Even in less than ideal bathroom situations! I love that I’m saving money, the environment and my clothes! I love my moon cup! Thank you!

Mary – 3rd October 2016

I bought my mooncup in 2012…and I’m still using it! Such a good investment. I often pair it up with some panty liners and it does the job. I can’t describe how convenient having a mooncup has been! Some may find it disgusting but it’s very sanitary – it all depends on you. Keeping it clean, disinfecting it through boiling and storage. I am so glad to have a mooncup.

Lau- 21st September 2016

I am so happy with my Mooncup! To all your girls out there who never used tampons I can tell you using the Mooncup is not scary. I used a tampon once and hated it. The feeling was horrible, the placement wasn’t comfortable and it just didn’t feel right. I “test drove” the Mooncup for one day and actually forgot I was wearing it. I urge you all to at least try it, the placement and insertion/removal might take a bit of getting used to but it is very easy and you can’t feel it. It is kind of like a contact you know it is there but eventually you get used to it and I completely forgot about it after a couple hours.

Also if you are having problems or worried the people you can contact via email are wonderful and so understanding. They put you at ease and make you feel so comfortable.

Mooncup is brilliant!

Jean- 30th September 2016

I was very hesitant about using the mooncup but I had heard such good things about it that I decided to try it. I used to use tampons but found they were uncomfortable with a light flow. The mooncup worked instantly and I’m so happy. It doesn’t leak and it’s not that awkward to empty as long as you have access to a toilet with a sink. The only time I fill the cup is on day one, and even then it’s only after 7 hours or so. Yes, you have to get up close and personal with your period and ultimately get it on your hands, but it’s nothing water won’t fix! And trust me, you feel so much more comfortable and clean without all those ammonia soaked tampons! I am a true convert and absolutely recommend it to everyone!

Lauren – 30th September 2016

So I am 13 and I started my period in may. I used pads for the first month and felt so icky and gross about it that I decided to try the mooncup which I saw on the boots website. It had good reviews so I bought it and I absolutely love it!!! I do leak every now and then because I am yet to figure out the best ways to do things for my body but honestly I am glad I found this at such a young age and I will never use a pad again! I am a cheerleader and I can cheer and I love to swim and it’s so awesome I love it!

Tabitha- 28th September 2016

I came across the Mooncup when looking online for an alternative to tampons. So glad I found it and will never go back! When I bought it I practiced with it before getting my period and found the punch down fold the easiest and definitely running it under cold water helps. Have used it for four periods now and having no problems. Used it swimming last week and was great. Would highly recommend it

Martina – 26th September 2016

Just wanted to thank you for the great mooncups you make. I ordered today a new mooncup after using the old one over 15 years. Oh we have been together travelling, sailing, surfing, horse-riding & much much more and experienced so many amazing adventures! The only reason really why I decided to buy a new one is that the old one is already a little bit stained. Otherwise it is still in good condition.

Elina – 31st March 2016