Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

A friend recommended me the mooncup a few months back and I’ve finally got round to buying one. I cannot stop telling everyone how wonderful it is! It feels so natural to be in tune with my body and I’ve already forgotten it’s there. It’s weirdly exciting to see how much has come out throughout the day (never though I’d say that!) and really nice not to have to be bothered changing something frequently as I would have done before with pads. Very liberating and not having that dreadful feeling at that time of the month. Thank you!

Emma – 29 December 2013

I wasn’t ready to try the Mooncup when I first heard about it years ago – I still thought tampons were simpler. A few months ago, I heard about it again when a coworker raved about it, personally telling me many of the benefits that are in these testimonials. I was openminded, but again, I wasn’t ready to try it: I still had a whole box of new tampons. Later that month, I nearly contracted toxic shock and sepsis and had to take 3 weeks of antibiotics because I absent-mindedly left a tampon in my body for far too long. It was a shocking and upsetting experience, but the best relief was knowing I never had to use a tampon ever again! I ordered my Mooncup immediately. Ive only just begun using it, but I thought it was important to share how safe this product is in comparison, on top of all the other benefits. I agree, once it’s inserted properly, it’s like it’s not even there, and best of all, there’s no smelly garbage piling up. Telling my close friends and family about my health scare has gone hand in hand with introducing them to Mooncup – I couldn’t endorse it more. When I researched what happened to me, I found that so many women have have had the same problem with tampons. Let it be said: Mooncup to the rescue!

Samantha – 26 December 2013

I had never heard about mooncup until this summer. I thought the idea was very interesting and bought it. On the next period I tried to use it, but did not have too much success removing it, so I gave up. Last month I thought: this cannot be, I have to learn how to use it. So I gave it one more try, and reading very carefully all the advices Mooncup gives us, I eventually can apreciate the marvelous of this product.Further more, this company has the best and wonderful customer service I have ever seen. I lost my user guide and asked for another. In less than a week, I had it at home (and I live out of the UK).
Congratulations to Mooncup and I encourage every woman to use the mooncup.

Ana Paula – 19 December 2013

I have been using my Mooncup for almost about 6 months now (after 10 years of sanitary towels only). I always felt bad throwing my pads in the bin, but wasn’t sure tampons were for me – I have heard they can be quite dry and not so great overnight. One day, I heard about the Mooncup from an online forum and hunted one down. I knew I was leaving to travel through Canada for a year (am there now), and I also knew I didn’t want to be carrying around lots of pads and figuring out which new product to buy here. So I thought I would give the Mooncup a go. I am so glad I did! I absolutely love it. Ok, so it can be a little messy at times, but I am not easily grossed out! It is far outweighed by the fact is kinder to the environment and in the long run, and so much more economical. Of curse another plus point is it takes up virtually no space in my backpack! I wanted to write and than you for such a fab product!

Rebecca – 19 December 2013

I don’t usually bother reviewing products but this is one thing I really can’t imagine living without now I’ve got it! I first bought it when I was 15 because I was going abroad with school and didn’t want to spend half my time worrying about my period being due. Nobody told me about mooncups but I was desperately searching for an alternative to pads and tampons and I found this site. When I first tried putting it in, I got SO frustrated (not to mention a bit sore) because I couldn’t do it right, but I left it for a day or two and got the hang of it instantly next time I tried. Persistence is the key! As for the school trip, it involved a 17 hour flight, a trek up a mountain, lots of very long drives with no toilets along the way, swimming, dodgy public bathrooms, etc, and the only thing I needed for my period was the mooncup. It does take a bit of practice to change because it’s kind of slippy. I once dropped it on the bathroom floor (I wasn’t even in my own house, THANK GOD the floor was tiled) but other than that there’s been no problems. Since then its been camping and on a ten day road trip too. I love not having to carry a supply of pads or tampons everywhere and worry about disposing of them! It’s so much more practical, especially if you’re an outdoors sort of person like I am. And it’s great if you have trouble predicting when your period will come because you can use a mooncup just in case if you really need to, which you can’t do with tampons and it would just be a waste to do that with pads. My mum is a bit baffled by mooncups and some of my girl friends say ‘ew!’ if I mention it but don’t knock it ’til you try it!

Hannah – 15 December 2013

I’ve just bought my daughter her first mooncup – she’s thirteen. She started her period a couple of years ago and has always used reusable sanitary products. However she does lots of swimming and uses a tampon for this. I’ve used a mooncup for many years and think its great., and can’t believe I didn’t think of getting her one sooner!

Bittybit – 08 December 2013

I had a Mirena coil inserted at the beginning of September this year- it was awful. The continuous trickle of bleeding meant I was having to either use pads which I loathe, or risk using tanpons which were incredibly painful to remove as they never absorbed much! I bought my mooncup just over a month ago and cannot believe the improvement in my quality of life. I’m so much more comfortable and happy- no more ruined underwear or waiting for the worst to happen. I only found out about them through research and I’m so glad I did. I think if you can- everyone should use them!

Effy – 07 December 2013

I’ve been using the mooncup for 18 months now & tell everyone about it. Since stopping using pads & tampons I haven’t had thrush! And I feel more confident that even though my flow is heavy the mooncup does it’s job so well. My periods are still heavy but for less days now, my age maybe/or the magic of the moon cup. I’ve tried to convert my 3 daughters, 26, 18 & 16, but they say it’s too yughy, it’s not, once you get into the swing of it, always take a bottle of water into a public convenience it’s great. Best for me is being able to stay overnight with confidence I wont leak!

Ruth, 45 – 01 December 2013

I’ve been thinking about buying a Mooncup for a while now, but hadn’t actually spoken to anyone who’d used one. I’m quite disorganised when it comes to changing (and even buying!!) tampons so figured it would be perfect for me. I was a bit worried about getting it in and out but managed it first time. So easy, quick, painless. After trimming the stem off it is super super comfy. After emptying it a few times it actually became easier to do than changing a tampon which is something i’ve had years of practice of!! Great product, really wish i’d bought one sooner (also, it’s kinda cool seeing home much blood comes out!)

Daisy – 27 November 2013

I have been using the mooncup for about 6/7 years now! I have NEVER had a leak, and have always found it incredibly comfortable. I have recently had my first baby and had to use pads for the first time in a very long time and oh my goodness, they were uncomfortable and irritating! I am now buying my new mooncup, and would seriously recommend it to everyone. So comfortable, affordable, clean and reliable! What more could you need from a sanitary product!

Michelle – 25 November 2013