Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I couldn’t believe it could really be as life changing as the testimonials I’d read/rave reviews from friends but IT IS THAT GOOD.
It took me one period to get used to it- I would really advise testing out inserting and removing it when you’re not on your period so you get used to it (if you rinse it with a bit of water its easier to insert). Tricky at first but definitely definitely worth persevering and so easy when you get used to it.

I suffer from really heavy periods and Mooncup is so much better than so called super extra absorbant tampons. I can actually rely on it and I don’t have to worry about changing it when I’m out either, so I can forget about my period and just get on with stuff!

It’s just so much cleaner. I don’t worry about staining my underwear any more and there’s something about not needing to break out the Bridget Jones pants that makes being on my period less of an ordeal!

Total Convert! – 29 January 2014

I won’t repeat all the many positives about the mooncup but, in three words – I love it and won’t go back to the nasty tampons (oops, that’s an added set of eight words). I simply wish I’d started sooner, but better late than never. A massive thank-you to my best friend who introduced me to the idea and encouraged me to try it and to persist when I was having “teething” problems during the first two periods. By month 3 I had cracked the no-leak code: my mooncup doesn’t pop open like a rose at dawn so I have to adjust it until it’s a perfect concave shape all around (my finger informs me of this). I was worried I’ll never be a true initiate but now I feel I could apply for a NASA job. My own uncharted territory… On the fourth period I was exploring the depths of the ocean, for the first time – nothing to stop me. I’m not the proselytising type but this is too good to keep to myself so I’ll talk to anyone who wants to hear!

Myriam – 21 January 2014

I LOVE IT!! Along with my dishwasher I would say the best money I have EVER spent!!!!
I have never liked tampons always found them uncomfortable and was always very aware of the TSS risks associated with them. I was originally very unsure as to wether a moon cup would be for me, due to the fact that I never got on well with tampons. I read many reviews before purchasing the moon cup but finally decided I would give it a go. Honestly I can not tell you how pleased I am, I really would urge anybody thinking about it to give one a go. I swim in it, I sleep in it, I literally love it!!

I used to hate the week of my period as it either meant uncomfortable tampons or horrid, smelly, itchy, pads. But the moon cup has literally changed a week of the month for the rest of my life!! I can do what I would normally do with out any compromise. It took me only a couple of cycles to get the hang of using and now I can get it in and out with virtually no mess, its definitely no more messy than inserting a non applicator tampon, and the fact that you don’t get the horrid smell that you get from pads its just fantastic!
So in summary if your thinking about trying a moon cup, do its is simply BRILLIANT!!!

Kate – 19 January 2014

I accidentally left my mooncup at home on a recent trip to visit my parents and after going back to tampons for a few days I can honestly say I have NO IDEA how other people cope without this thing
As a woman with a very light flow, I always had difficulties with tampons drying me right out and becoming painful to insert and remove, but pads just left me feeling disgusting and like I was wearing a nappy. The mooncup did get some getting used to, but honestly it is so worth it because you can just forget about the fact you are even on your period for the whole day. I started using it when I was a virgin, and had no more trouble than the usual.

Would definitely recommend to anyone, trying to convert my friends.

Robyn – 17 January 2014

Absolutely love my Mooncup. I am now on my second one (after stupidly damaging my previous one by leaving it soaking in Milton for FAR too long) and I am a happy cheerleader for the product.
It takes a bit of getting used to (for the first month I used it along with pads, by month two I started with a pad but it was so awful compared to the product I stopped using them completely), but once you do you will never look back. Beyond any green consideration the Mooncup is very comfortable and you forget you have it in. Very useful for exercise and when you go on holiday, due to how long you can keep it in (subject to how heavy your flow is) and how easy it is to empty it and pop it back in.

Mooncups should be included as part of girls education about periods and products – I will never go back to pads now but I do wish I have found the product before I did.

Finally I would like to praise this site for the quick processing and dispatch of my replacement Mooncup. After discovering I had damaged my old one only 5 days from my period I was horrified. I placed my order Monday morning and my new Mooncup arrived today.

Kathryn – 14 January 2014

Hi, I bought my Mooncup a few months back and I have used it every period since. It is such a great thing although I still need practice getting it right to stop leaking. I love the fact that it is environmentally friendly and that I don’t have to buy and dispose of pads or tampons. it is so comfy to where and makes it so much easier especially on heavier days. At first I thought it was a bit more hassle than using a pad but it is so much more comfy and less smelly and it means that I don’t have pads in my bag if my mates go through it at school. Thank you

Anna – 09 January 2014

So I have finally got a Mooncup and I am absolutely delighted. Why didn’t I do this sooner?
I suffer horrid, heavy periods that no tampon can match. Within an hour they are soaked through, flooding plagued me, changing knickers throughout the day, clothes constantly in the wash, LIFE ON HOLD. This is no way for any lady to live their life.

So the Mooncup, okay it took me a day to get to grips with it. In the first day I had slight leakage, though nowhere near like a dreaded tampon. By day two I had corrected this by perfecting the twist. Yippee!

The mooncup is comfortable and really works! It is amazing how clean this product makes you feel, you forgot that you’re even having your period. This is worlds away from tampons and pads that are uncomfortable, drying, itchy, smelly and irritable to your skin.

I highly recommend and hope one day that every lady owns one of these! Eco friendly and purse friendly, perfect.

Hannah – 08 January 2014

I was encouraged to try mooncup by my step-sister although I had been aware of that type of product before then. I had been concerned about the waste with traditional pads for a while, although I use relatively few because my flow is light. The mooncup has been fabulous! I’ve used it for two months now. It does take practice and perseverance to insert and remove but it’s worth it. You have to give yourself time and try to relax and you’ll find the best way for you. I find the second fold easier, and have to fold a little on the way out too. I also cut the stem right down to within 5mm. The ick factor is still there, but it’s also accompanied by a certain fascination. I now also seem to bleed for a day or two less than before. I’m so pleased that I am no longer reliant on pads and will be saving money and producing less waste from now on. Everyone should try it!

Liz – 03 January 2014

After having a heavy period all my life, selecting the right tampon has always been tricky. Often I would get a dull ache from wearing them. So I searched online as for what to do and found reviews for the mooncup! It’s much shorter than the big super-flow tampons that I needed so it doesn’t hurt, I can’t even feel it! I bought it a few months ago and it’s definitely made up the money already. I’m at college with lessons all day, I used to have to time my toilet stops in my day in order to change pad + tampon because both would always be soaked through within an hour in days 2-4 and having to rush myself in the bathroom in order to not be late for my next lesson always made it worse! The mooncup doesn’t need removing as much as a tampon, it’s quicker, you don’t have to wear a squidgy uncomfortable nappy type pad. It’s fantastic. It causes no pain, and the stress of getting my period is much less because now I have an awesome way of controlling it. Would definitely recommend it to any lady. Especially those with a heavy flow, a busy schedule or those who are interested in helping save the planet.

Jess – 01 January 2014

I am not one to ever write reviews, for this product, it is necessary. I bought a moon cup before I would be traveling to India for 6 months. Clean is the word to describe how this product made me feel. It is a no hassle, accessible, and stress-free solution for your period.
I would recommend this to EVERY woman. I have saved over $500 in tampons/pads, have less clutter in my bathroom cabinets, and am able to enjoy my day without worry.

Samantha – 31 December 2013