Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

The moon cup was a brilliant investment. I had thought about trying one and it was the reviews which sold it to me so I’m writing my own. I love it! No more dryness and discomfort when the flows not heavy , it’s not as messy as you’d imagine. Honestly if you’re concidering do yourself the favour and buy one.

Amy – 28 April 2014

I have to admit I was very skeptical, the whole idea of reusing a tampon equivalent struck me as icky! But I just got sick of seeing the bathroom bin fill up with used sanitary products (even more gross) and thinking of the waste, both in environmental and cash terms. So I thought I’d give it a go, and if it didn’t work out it didn’t work out.
Well! What can I say?! It’s everything everyone says! I found it unwieldy to insert on the first go but had no problems after that, think it just takes getting used to (definitely worth wetting it first – it’ll be wet subsequently anyway because you’ll have rinsed it). I had to trim the stem by quite a way but once I’d done that I frequently forgot it was there for long stretches of time, particularly as it doesn’t require changing nearly so often as tampons. I would put it in before work, rinse it when I got home and again before bed. That was it! And it was never full.

I had no leakages for the first time in 14 years. No unsightly strings hanging out when changing underwear in front of the hubster (I always had an ick thing about that and would try to hide when doing underwear changes at lady time, seems ridiculous now), although the poor man has had to listen to me going on about how fabulous the Mooncup is for the whole of my period. He smiles politely poor chap.

I completely agree with the other comments about improved comfort, I normally get that horrible dry feeling on the last couple of days of wearing tampons but I’m not quite ready to go with nothing – not a problem with the Mooncup it doesn’t dry you out and is completely unnoticeable the whole time. I didn’t notice any change in cramps unfortunately but still worth it for increased comfort.

I am 29 but have had no children vaginally or otherwise, so was unsure which size to go for as I’m on the cusp of turning 30. I don’t know what other people think but I went for the smaller size and have had no problems so I would recommend this to people in a similar situation.

My only gripe is, why aren’t these things more widely publicised? I wish I had tried it years ago but didn’t have any information on it until I made the effort to look it up. But when I did, it was the reviews that sold me on it, so here’s mine! If you’re thinking about it, please do it for the sake of your comfort, the environment and your pocket, I promise you will not regret it. I work in a school and will be nagging the Year 6 teachers to include the Mooncup in the suggested sanitary wear as part of our sex education classes. Viva la Mooncup!

Jenny – 26 April 2014

I bought a Mooncup on impulse while visiting the UK a couple of years ago, having heard good reports about menstrual cups from a friend. I was about to fly back to Australia and didn’t want to pack a whole load of bulky pads and tampons in my luggage. I’m very glad I took the risk and left the tampons on the shelf! I would never go back now. It took a bit of getting used to, and I found it uncomfortable until I had completely removed the stem (now I just grasp the very bottom of the cup itself to get it out). After ironing out the teething troubles though, I can’t imagine life without it, as over-blown as that sounds. It makes every period easier to manage, saves loads of money, and is much better for the environment. It is my saviour when I go out camping in the middle of nowhere for weeks at a time for my job – only one small thing to carry, and no waste to worry about!

Ellen – 20 April 2014

A friend of mine told me about Mooncup about a year ago. Although she sold me listing all the advantages, I did not have the courage to get one until last week. Oh, why did I wait? It is definitely the best solution to handling our monthly inevitable discomfort. I read the instructions and managed to use it properly on the first day. Used it for over 8 hours and not a drop has leaked. Taking it out is a bit more “hands on” than a regular tampon or pad, but it is definitely much cleaner and there is no smells at all! I recommend this to all women out there. Eco-friendly, comfy and neater – what else would you want? 🙂
Thank you!!

Amanda – 15 April 2014

I’ve been using the Mooncup for about 18 months now. I’m going to be realistic here and give my truthful opinion, it takes a bit of getting use to. I’ve mastered the art of inserting it but some days my anatomy isn’t having any of it! If I’m slightly constipated I’ve know the cup to turn inside (a little worrying the first time but not a disaster). I also still need to wear a small pad when using it. That said, for 18 months I’ve saved an astronomical amount of money that quite literally would have been flushed away. My only gripe really is when out shopping and you can’t get to a loo with a basin to rinse, I’d like for Mooncup to devise a little box with a spare cup so that you can rinse in the privacy of home later.

Michelle – 08 April 2014

Moon cup is fabulous! I’ve had mine about six months now, would never go back to tampons. The benefits for me are no leaking, period pains/ cramps are much reduced, it doesn’t make me feel dry and itchy on lighter days and best of all my periods have gone from 5-6 days long to 2-3 days long! Not sure how that can be but I can only think that it’s down to the moon cup 🙂 Honestly it is so much more comfortable, I even forget that I’m on my period! I went for a 3 mile run the first day of my period this month! That never would’ve happened before, I’d have been sat on the sofa feeling bloated and miserable.Give moon cup a try, you won’t regret it!

Emily – 08 April 2014

This is THE BEST invention ever…being in the military we go out on exercise…living in the woods…wee-ing in the woods,…there is NOTHING worse than having your period when you’re out..because…well where the hell are you supposed to put used tampons?? in your pocket??This solves that problem, nothing to pack, nothing to worry about “will I be able to change my tampon reguarly” (because you wont)
I am SO glad I bought this, even if it was £50…it would STILL be SO SO SO worth the money.

Amy – 04 March 2014

I have been using my mooncup for at least a year now, and I would *never* go back!
I started looking around for other options rather than using tampons as I found them uncomfortable half way through my period causing me dryness.

One of the best benefits is that you can put it in even if your not on your period, so no worrying about if you have started your period or rushing off to the toilet!

I found it a strange concept reading about it before I bought it, but mind of matter ladies, it is amazing!

I cannot recommend the mooncup enough, I wish I was made aware of it in my teens!

Lucy – 04 March 2014

Took the plunge a few days ago and bought the mooncup . I was a bit skeptical before trying it but I’m so pleased I have ! I found it easy to insert once I tried using the second folding method, it took longer to get good at getting it out but once I realised not to panic I wasn’t going to lose it I have had no problems . As someone who has problems inserting tampons I’m shocked I can use it had no leakage or uncomfort . Have already told all my friends highly recommend it

Liz – 04 March 2014

I’m 35 years old and I have a 3.5 year old daughter. Not long after she was born my cycle started going haywire. I went from a normal cycle to being on for nearly two months straight! Doctors don’t know why and scans show nothing is wrong. A friend suggested I try a mooncup as she’s used hers for 15 years and she has a 2 day cycle! I’ve used it for one cycle but I went from being on for two months straight down to 20 days! Still most women’s worst nightmare but a blessing for me! I hope it continues to help improve my quality of life! I know others have mentioned this as well, but it was so nice to not have to be constantly worried about whether or not I was leaking. This is a phenomenal product. Everyone should get one!

Kara – 02 March 2014