Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I really love my mooncup. I’ve been using it for about a year, and it is perfect for me. On my light days I can leave it in all day, and it is very comfortable. Can’t imagine using anything other than the mooncup for my mensies in the future!

April – 25 May 2014

I decided to give Mooncup a go as I am going travelling for a few years in September, starting off in South East Asia. The thought of taking an infinite amounts of tampons just wasn’t going to be possible, along with disposal issues, it just isn’t practical.
Firstly I read as much as I could about them and had difficulty figuring out which size would suit me best – being on the cusp of 30 with no children. I emailed Mooncup who asked me questions and gave good advice, so I settled with the smaller size.

To begin with it wasn’t easy. At all.
Inserting it was much easier than I had imagined but getting it out was beyond difficult! I read all the advice, tried all the techniques but it felt like it was never going to come out, over an hour was spent fiddling about each time, getting dizzy and muscles aching from the random positions I was trying!
Once out, all was well! Little to no spillages and no leakage at all once inserted – just getting it out was a mission and a half!

However, I had confidence that, like I had read, it would get easier the more you do it and that couldn’t be more true! This is my third period using Mooncup and although I was dreading the removal initially it has been very quick and easy, mere minutes and it’s all done – I’ve definitely got the hang of it now! Feels great!

I seriously cannot recommend this product highly enough, the perseverance is completely necessary yet entirely worth it. It feels amazing knowing that I don’t have to carry and dispose of tampons anywhere anymore, let alone when travelling.

The financial, economical and health benefits are reason enough to give it a try.
I am considering purchasing another one for a spare – just in case!

deb – 22 May 2014

when i head of this mooncup i was a bit neves a bout using it took me 3 gos to put it but now iam having no problems with it now i have now stoped useing tampons i fill much better having this inside me i do not fill it when its in side me ill keep on useing it thank you .

katherine – 22 May 2014

Four months ago I bought my moon cup and I’ve been in love ever since. I got a moon cup because I was so over putting weird chemical laden tampons into my body and I wanted a healthy and sustainable alternative.
I’ve had a real easy time with my moon cup. It’s easy to insert and remove, not at all messy, and I haven’t had ANY problems with leakage. When I was using tampons I believed that I had an extra heavy long period- maybe up to 6 days. Now with my moon cup, my periods are significantly shorter… 2 days! What is this magic?

I do lots of things with my moon cup: riding my bike, practicing yoga, running around the park with kids, sleeping, camping, and traveling. It’s all been wonderful! I can’t believe it took me so long to switch!

If you’re reading these testimonials because you are scared of trying it: Just do it! It will change the way you experience your menstrual cycle. Don’t be afraid! It’s only a moon cup!

Lady – 20 May 2014

I’m 22 years old and have only ever used sanitary towels. I was a bit nervous about the idea of a mooncup as I hadn’t found tampons to be comfortable, however, my reservations were completely dispelled upon using it. Today is my first day using my mooncup, and I’m totally converted. I feel cleaner and more comfortable than I’ve ever felt during my period before. I definitely reccomend buying and using a mooncup. They’re great! Don’t hesitate, it’s completely worth it.

Hope – 20 May 2014

I have very heavy and short periods which caused me lots of logistical problems. I also do martial arts and my heavy periods were stopping me doing this on certain days. I came across the Mooncup by accident. It was an instant solution for me. It did take a few cycles to perfect but I haven’t looked back.

Vicky – 15 May 2014

I was wondering for a long time if there were alternatives to pads and tampons. A friend of mine spoke about Mooncup and told me how great it was.I’ve never got on using tampons so I’ve always stuck using pads, which when in the gym or using communal showers (I play rugby)or doing sport in general isn’t really convenient. The smell and wet feeling you have with pads is also horrible. Also I’ve never felt comfortable about being on my period whilst on holiday and have always tried to book holidays around it.
I bought my Mooncup a few months before I started using it as I was scared about it being like a tampon. Eventually I (wo)man-upped. I decided to do a few trial runs – when not on my period, so I could get used to it. I found I had nothing to fear.
The first few times I used it on the first day of my period I did leak. I used pads for those first 2 days of the fisrt few months. You learn what feels right when putting it in. It doesn’t hurt to insert it either nor can you feel it once it’s inserted.
It’s really not messy either. I found I actually felt cleaner even when taking it out than when using other sanitary products.
I tell any of my female friends willing to listen about how great the Mooncup is!
I wish I had known about Mooncup 10 years ago! I’m glad I’m now helping the environment and I feel so much more confident and cleaner and happier when it comes to my period. It’s been amazing!

Rhi – 12 May 2014

Ok, I will admit that it took me a while to get used to my Mooncup but I have been successful this month and I am so glad I got one. I only wish I’d started using this as a teenager! I struggled at first because the cup didn’t seem to be fully open when inserted but I tried one of the other methods suggested in the leaflet and now it works brilliantly. No leaks and you can’t feel it’s in. After a couple of uses I was confident enough not to wear a panty liner so the Mooncup not only makes things cleaner and easier for you but it also saves money and the environment! It really is great to be able to get on with your life and not be held back by your period. I just want to tell everyone to try it and persevere – it will be worth it. Thanks, Mooncup! x

Jane – 09 May 2014

I saw this in Boots and thought I’d give i† a try. Once I purchased I visited this website and after reading the hundreds of very positive reviews was very keen to try, so after boiling it for a few minutes decided to pop it in. It took a few goes to get it in comfortably, so I then had an hour to try it out before I went to Pilates. I was worried it would fall out (as I have this problem with tampons after having a couple of children!), absolutely fine, the suction helps keep it in place. Then the test.. I moved around cautiously in my class and after an hour of being upside down, horizontal and upright, no leaks at all, very impressed. It was easy to take out, squeezed it at the bottom and helped it out with my finger, this seemed to be the best way, while hovering over to loo… just in case! No problems whatsoever, emptied it, rinsed it and popped it back in, hey presto! I’ll never go back to tampons. Thank you.

Cassedy – 07 May 2014

I was decidedly skeptical when I bought my mooncup after having had a couple of beers and while waiting for a prescription, and kind of though – why not?!
A year later I have not looked back once, and really cannot say enough good things about the mooncup. I have told friends that it has ‘changed my life!’, and I have to say that this is really not too far off.

The fact that I can empty and change the cup whenever is convenient for me, without having to wait for it to be full or the timing to be right, is really amazing to me. I have an IUD I have fairly heavy periods, and was always having trouble with XL tampons and pads on heavy days. Having to get the timing *just right* to changing everything, as 5 minutes too late there was leakage and disaster everywhere. I now think back to a stressful trip to Egypt and roadtrip through the US where facilities we sparse and timing bathroom breaks with tampon change breaks was really a nightmare… The mooncup has done away with all of that, and I could really really not be happier!

I didn’t find it difficult to use, insert and take out, and you will quickly get the hang of keeping it upright when it’s full too. A bit of practice and voila, I barely think about it these days.

I also love that I am no longer using anything chemically cleaned or with added scents, and the fact that I can just wash and boil the latex is amazing. No more dried out anything! 🙂

I really cannot recommend it enough, and wish I had known about and tried the mooncup years (decades!) ago. Give it a try, I promise, promise you won’t regret it!!

Lisa – 29 April 2014