Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

Hi, I just thought I would drop you a line as I have (FINALLY!) got around to buying and trying out my first mooncup. At the ripe age of 40 3/4!! I had transferred onto organic tampons ages ago, but when I went to buy some more last week I found the mooncup on the shelf next to them in the local health food store (Portland Road in Hove as it goes, I did not realise you guys were local either!) and I couldn’t resist getting it. I eventually had time to clean and try it out last night, which all went fine and then I refreshed it this morning. I had forgotten that I was due to go to the gym – got in, did a 2k speed row (warm up), still all good, then I did some handstand practise (still fine). Our workout today involved a couple of miles of running, sit ups and back extensions – all went really well. In fact, I beat my best ever time, and I couldn’t feel a thing. Am so chuffed I finally got around to it and just wanted to write to say thank you – I can’t believe it’s been so easy, why did I not do this before? Anyway, keep up the good work.

Emma – 16th June 2014

The mooncup has saved my life! From my first period I knew I was going to have a rough road ahead as heavy periods run in my family. I started using tampons but they made me feel ill and I almost fainted in a bathroom stall at school, that’s when I knew i had to find something else, so a couple of clicks on the internet and voila! I found the mooncup. I pestered my mum to get me one and almost cried when she said no but eventually she got me one and I have never looked back. Now I can concentrate at school and play sport like I used to, which helps even more since I’m starting acrobatics and its mainly guys participating. Thank you mooncup I`m not sure what I would of done without you 😀

Faith – 15th June 2014

I first purchased a Mooncup around 2007/8.Like all new users, it was alittle tricky to insert.I found putting my leg up on the bath allowed insertion & removal so much easier. I have to reiterate previous testimonials; it’s fantastic!I am now in my prime and for some insane reason I returned to tampons a year ago.The cost is ridiculous and let’s go on how bad tampons/ sanitary waste is for our environment and aquatic life. I recently purchased a new Mooncup……… Happy days! Not only do I not have accidents…. My age group different menstrual flow. Saving money and even more personal to me …… Much much better for our environment. I too am thankful for the day I stumbled across the Mooncup.

Katrina – 14th June 2014

When I was younger, my sister told me ” Buy a mooncup”, it’s amazing ! But I told her I couldn’t because I wasn’t able yet to put a tampon, I had a real problem with that. After it will be easier. But I was still not convinced to buy a cup. And this year, with some friends, we made a collective purchase order. And I think it helped me a lot. Because me share our own experience between us and our tips and tricks to be comfortable with. I’m quite ecological, and I’m so happy to don’t have to pollute with my tampons anymore. The mooncup is a sollution
more ecologic
more economic
more hygienically
So don’t wait anymore !

Malika – 13 June 2014

I have been a moon cup user for over 2 years now and to be incredibly cheesy, it has changed my life!I used to dread my ‘time of the month’, I suffered from heavy periods and therefore trips to the loo were frequent for me both day and night.
Since using moon cup, I suffer from considerably less stomach cramps and trips to the toilet!
I will say that it takes a bit of getting used to and you have to be very ‘familiar’ with yourself but once you have the hang of it, it’s safe to say that you will not regret your purchase.
After a bit of trial and error, i have found that I only have to empty a few times a day and not at all during the night. I no longer suffer from leaks and even the though of using a tampon again makes me feel really dirty!
I think that every young woman should be taught about mooncups as they are still very much a taboo subject (why???)

Ruby – 10 June 2014

My sister has been using Mooncup for like forever and she kept on telling me to get one but i insisted against it. And then my cousin bought one and they were both going on about how great the mooncup is, so I said I would try it but not necessarily keep on using it.
The first time was awkward as I wasn’t used to putting it on and off but i fell in love with it and I’ve been using it since.
It is great as I used to get really sore using both tampons (as i dnt have a heavy flow and i was always feeling dry) and towels. My daughters, if I ever have any, will be using Mooncup as soon as they are able to.

Cristina – 08 June 2014

I agree with lots of the other testimonials but I wanted to add my four favourite things about using a mooncup. Firstly – on busy days when am not sure if I am going to start my period I just pop it in so I am prepared. Secondly, you don’t have to grab your handbag in public whenever you need to pop to the bathroom. Thirdly you don’t have the dilemma of whether you should wrap or flush. Lastly, on my heavy days tampons would only last for one hour. So I would always dash to the bathroom just before going out and be on the hunt for bathrooms every hour but trying not to change too early or leaving it too late. With mooncup – I don’t have the stress of running out of tampons and I can empty it whenever it is convenient with no added expense.

Fiona – 04 June 2014

Incredible. Easy to use, comfortable and convenient. Can’t believe I’ve been using tampons all these years.

Claŕe – 01 June 2014

I finally bought a moon cup, 9 years after I first heard about it and wanted one!!! When I was 12 I saw an advert and thought- this is amazing! Seems so easy and environmentally friendly! But alas my mum wasn’t keen so i left it and forgot about it. I recently saw another advert so did some more research.
I think women in this day and age are made to feel like periods are gross and something to keep hidden- even away from yourself, so at first I thought it was really disgusting to tip out your own period blood. Then after some research I thought it’s no more ‘disgusting’ than using tampons or disposable sanitary towels. Its better for the environment and cheaper in the long run! I also am paranoid about leaking and having something to collect flow rather than absorb does a better job I think.

Anyway, my moon cup arrived literally on the last day of my period so I practiced getting it in and out- it was harder than I expected (But I did expect it to be like a tampon). Now I’m on my next period and used it straight away, I have not leaked and it’s been in place longer than I would leave a tampon in. Putting it in is much easier, still perfecting my removal technique but it’s still only technically my second/third day of using it.

I would recommend this product, its not drying like tampons, although I suspect you may get sore if you are removing/adjusting it all the time- the key is relaxing! Going to try it swimming and overnight on a heavy flow and then I will repost if it’s done the job, because it’s safe to say that I think I’ve been converted!

Tara B – 29 May 2014

Mooncup is awesome, forget any misgivings you might have because once you’ve got one you will never look back…

Victoria – 28 May 2014