Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I have been using my mooncup for about a year now and have not regretted the decision. It’s really easy to use and and not unhygienic when you follow the instructions on washing it.I always used to worry when I went away that I wouldn’t have enough tampons but now I no longer have to think of this! 🙂
I have convinced some of my friends to try it and a couple have do so and not looked back!
I always felt like there was a weird smell when I used tampons and felt really self-conscious about it. But now I don’t notice anything! 🙂
Best £20 I have spent!! 😀

Nessie – 1st July 2014

It’s the end of the school year and I was invited to a few pool parties right after and then my period started! What luck. I had to use a tampon for a bit but they didn’t last long enough at all. So after the first day I got home to try and put in my cup. I was never able to get it in before today because I felt slight discomfort. Today I got it in just barely feeling it. When it’s inside I don’t feel anything at all unlike with tampons. I love so far and will probably never go back to using disposable menstrual products.

Ray – 29th June 2014

I’m absolutely IN LOVE with the Mooncup!
I’ve only been using it for two cycles (never used tampons before, just pads) and I’m getting into the swing of things now. I’ve no idea how I coped with pads for so long, as this thing is amazing.

I should note that I’m a virgin and have never even used a tampon before, so don’t worry that it’ll be too big or that you need to try a tampon first or anything like that! I’ll admit that I wanted to throw it across the room at first attempt, but once I’d gotten it in for the first time, I knew I was onto a winner. (I use the punch down fold, I’d recommend it)

There are SO many benefits of the Mooncup. I think it says it all that I was terrified to use tampons for years, yet within two cycles of using the Mooncup I’m completely in love.

I’m not exaggerating when I say that I can insert my Mooncup and then completely forget I’m even on my period for a few hours, once I’ve taken pain killers for the cramps. It completely removes that ‘icky’ feeling you get with pads. Sure you do come into contact with blood on removal, but remove it while sat on the toilet and you’ll be fine.

The Mooncup is so versatile and can be used by people of all ages, sizes etc. If you’re on the fence (I’ve known about the Mooncup for months but wasn’t brave enough to get one) I implore you to buy one! I can’t lie and say it won’t be frustrating to insert at first, but after that you’ll be wondering how you coped without one!

Love you, Mooncup!

Laura – 27th June 2014

Firstly OMG it’s AMAZINGFor the last 6 months or so my periods have been awful, excessively heavy and would last for weeks, this month alone I’ve been bleeding for four weeks with no hope of it ending any time soon, I’ve spent at least £20 this month on sanitary products.
So ordered a mooncup on Friday got it Saturday and tried it Saturday night, well what can I say I am literally over the moon!!!
Can’t say enough good things about it to be honest other than go out and get one NOW LADIES!!!!!

Kathy – 23rd June 2014

I have just had my second period using my mooncup and I will never go back. Trimmed the stalk off and have got the knack of positioning it correctly. I have been running with iit and can honestly say a couple if times I have completely forgotten I’m on my period! I find removal is no issue if you bear down and use your inner muscles. I feel cheated that I’ve already had 15 years of periods without a mooncup!

Lisa – 20th June 2014

After about six months of using a Mooncup, I’ve had absolutely no issues, have even stopped wearing a pad and totally wish I’d heard of it years ago. It has really made a big difference.

Becky – 19th June 2014

I have previously had a lot of difficulty when using sanitary towels and tampons. I have found sanitary towels to be uncomfortable, and tampons to leave me in a lot of pain as they would always seem to soak EVERYTHING up, leaving me sore and extremely uncomfortable. I was therefore over the moon to find out about mooncups, but I was very hesitant, concerned that I might not be able to remove the cup easily and may be left in pain. However, I cannot stress how grateful I am that I had the guts to just give it a go. The first time you use the cup can be daunting, but once inserted I couldn’t believe how comfortable it was! Compared to using tampons and constantly being able to feel them, I was really shocked to discover that I couldn’t feel the mooncup at all! The removal was also daunting, but I found that squating and using my inner muscles to (excuse the reference) but squeeze it out of me to be the most successful method. I have seen reviews that state that the mooncup leaves a really horrible smell, but as long as you read the instructions and boil the cup before you use it, there are no horrible smells at all. I would really recommend this product, it really will make that time of the month ever so easy!

Amy – 19th June 2014

I love my Mooncup so much. I’m not exaggerating to say it has changed the way I live my life during my period. I began having my period when I was 10 years old, and I have always had terribly heavy flows. I have tried pads of all different absorbencies … with wings, without wings, extra long, overnight. I have tried all different varieties of tampons as well. It was fairly normal for me to change these every two hours. Nothing prevented the embarrassing leaks. On top of the absorbency issues, the pads and tampons were so uncomfortable to wear for six days in a row. A friend introduced me to the Mooncup on a camping trip almost three years ago, and I haven’t looked back. It’s so comfortable. I really can’t even feel that it’s there at all. There isn’t any awful drying or soreness, and best of all, NO LEAKS! I don’t have to worry about going on long hikes, camping trips, sitting through a whole day at work or a music concert. I can be as active as I want to without worrying about leaks. It’s so liberating. I’m so thankful for my local healthfood store for carrying Mooncups. I only wish I had known about them sooner so that I wouldn’t have had to use those other awful products for the first twenty years.

Anibelle – 18th June 2014

I stumbled across moon cup on the internet quite by accident, thought it was worth a try, ordered it and it had arrived by the 3rd day of my period so decided to give it a go. I used it last night and today. Easy to put in, no leaks. Tricky to get out after it had been in all day but had a break and tried again later and it came out fine. I’ve really surprised myself and am getting used to the idea if it. I will definitely recommend this to my sister/friends should it crop up in conversation!

Emma – 17th June 2014

Oh my god. The mooncup has changed my life. I have never felt cleaner during my period – no nasty smell, no leaking, no horrid waste filling up our landfills, just give it a wash and it is ready to reuse! I LOVE IT. If you don’t have one, get one! It will change your life too.

Amy – 17th June 2014