Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I used a mooncup for the first time last month. My period is irregular and so it’s always a total surprise when it comes. I was going on holiday and I was sick of carrying stuff with me constantly “just in case”. Annoyingly I did come on half way through the holiday, but using the mooncup meant my holiday was in no way ruined. I could wear any of my beach clothes without worry of tampon string making a nasty appearance or leakage! I went to a festival while abroad and let me tell you, if you can remove, clean and re-insert your mooncup in a portaloo you know it’s the product for you! In reality, I didn’t need to even empty at that time at all, but as it was my first time, I had the panic of “oh God it’s going to be full, I’m going to leak everywhere!” Totally unfounded, they say 8 hours on the FAQs, they’re not lying. Yes I had the initial – oh god this is gross, a cup of blood, a cup inside me, but really is that any less gross than a piece of cotton shoved inside? I think this is now the product for me, I survived the toughest challenges for my first time and it was better than what I’ve been doing for the past 15 years.

Samantha – 28th July 2014

I tried using the Mooncup several years ago and initially found removing it quite painful so gave up for a few years. Then a close friend told me she had started using it and how good it was so persuaded me to give it another try. So glad I did as 16 months on I can honestly say it’s the best thing I have ever used! After a bit of practice I was able to remove the Mooncup correctly and since then have noticed my pms is not as bad, I hardly get any cramps when on my period, if anything it feels like a gentle release. Also during some cycles my period is only 4 days instead of 5 or 6 and I have become more “at one” with my body and no longer dread my period every month.

Vicky – 26th July 2014

I decided to try the Mooncup after several years of heavy, uncomfortable periods. I hated how pads felt and how drying tampos were. After some online research I took the plunge and bought one. It is safe to say I could not be happier! No leaks, easy to insert, removal is a bit more tricky but you soon get the hang of it. Complete convert! I am going to reccomend to all of my friends, 100% worth it.

Alice – 22nd July 2014

Just bought and used my first mooncup today. At age 40 and with 3 children I thought I knew it all – I was so very wrong! Today I’ve been on the beach in a wetsuit all day playing with kids, kayaking and swimming. No toilet facilities at all so normally impossible with a period. However, today was a total joy! (Quick dip in the sea when needed a wee!!) When I came home, I struggled a bit to get it out but read the leaflet again and managed ok. So pleased, this product will have so many benefits – just how did I not know about it before? My daughters certainly will when the time comes!!

Jo – 20th July 2014

I think they are marvellous things. I have had terribly heavy periods since having children and they were getting to the point of rendering me incapable of leaving the house on certain days. I have been using the moon cup since November 2013 and it has been a revelation! My periods are still heavy but they are now shorter! Result! Last month I was at Ascot on my heaviest day and it coped admirably…this month I was sorting my daughters prom on my heaviest day and once again it was brilliant! I still have to wear a sanitary towel on the my heavier days as sometimes I do leak but my usage is down to so little I am probably using what I used in a month in a year.

Louise B – 19th July 2014

I am a happy user of mooncup for about 2 years now. I remember being a bit suspicious about it when my friend first told me about it. But I decided to give it a go, and I am so happy I did. I no longer have to buy expensive sanitary products every month. I am never caught off guard, by not having any tampons in the house when I need them. And it really has made me feel a lot more positive about my period. I no longer dread it, and often forget that I am on it when I am using my mooncup. It is that confortable!
When using disposable products I used to get horrible cramps. After starting using the mooncup these have drastically receded, and I rarely experience period pain these days.

And as a bonus I have the emotional gratification of knowing that I am making a smaller contribution when it comes to waste going in to landfills.

All in all a completely positive experience, and I will never go back to disposable sanitary products. Now I am the one telling all my friends how great the product is.

Veronica – 15th July 2014

I LOVE my mooncup! I have recently changed career from shop work to gardening. The lack of toilets and bins therefore prompted my purchase. I will never look back. I find it very easy to use and a lot cleaner than having to carry used sanitary products around in the van and it’s nice not to carry pads and tampons in every handbag. It copes with the varied physical parts of my job; running, bending, climbing, hanging, kneeling ect. When I get hot and sweat from digging I don’t have to worry about gross odours and I feel cleaner knowing that I’m not sat sweating in my blood all day. In terms of comfort nappy rash from thick pads is eliminated and I don’t have to worry about wearing pants at night. It also means (like tampons) I can fill my pee bottle without making it obvious to my colleagues (all men) that I’m on. It has reduced my cramps to almost nothing, though they weren’t awful to start with and I’m finding that my period is over much faster. I am also finding that, oddly, I am really enjoying learning about and monitoring my period. This was something I wasn’t expecting. 🙂 Basically ladies; great idea, well made, economically advantageous, ecologically friendly and easy to use!

Laura – 12th July 2014

At first I was dubious and a bit grossed out by the Mooncup, but on reading the testimonials on here, I decided to bite the bullet and buy one, prompted by the fact that I was going travelling for 5 months. I used it the period before I left, it takes a bit of getting used to, how to place it and how to correct a problem, but I was so glad I got it. It doesn’t fill up anywhere near as much as I thought it did. Mine are quite heavy, but it really is less than you think. It meant I didn’t have to lug tampons everywhere, and I didn’t have to worry about running out or where I would get some. You can empty it how ever many times, so when I was going on long bus journeys (south-east Asia) and had only just put it in an hour before the ride, I could quickly to a last minute empty before the bus without having to waste a whole tampon as I usually would have. It really is fantastic, they give you such clear instruction on EVERYTHING, from size to how to clean it. It’s good enough for me to have taken the time to come on here and write about it.

Emily – 11th July 2014

A work colleague told me about the mooncup and ordered me one to try. I have never looked back. I think it is amazing and so much better than tampons or towels. I would recommend it to every woman.

Alison – 10th July 2014

I have been meaning to get one of these for years and yes insertion is tricky and a bit tricky. I began to feel at 35 years of age it was time to have control of the time of month. I never have a period where I am overjoyed and I do not look forward to it(I never will) but love this product easy clean and not as tricky as you would think to put in though getting out is trickier. Maybe not someone who loves my period but at least now I can tolerate it die to such a fantastic product. Tampax your days are our numbered.

Tamsin – 2nd July 2014