Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

My periods are really heavy and I was sick and tired of not getting a good nights sleep with the thought of having to change the bedding in the morning, due to ill fitting towels and tampons. I am over the moon to have found Mooncup, as I had a good nights sleep for the first time, stain free and full of confidence.I have told everyone……………..

Nicola – 19th August 2014

“Musiałam zaprzestać używania tamponówponieważ wysuszały moją śluzówkę. Kiedy
usłyszałam o Mooncupie nie mogłam się doczekać
miesiączki, aby go wypróbować. Bałam się jedynie
kłopotów z zakładaniem, ale okazało się to o wiele
łatwiejsze niż myślałam, od pierwszego razu nie
sprawiło mi to żadnych trudności. Polecam go każdej
kobiecie prowadzącej intensywny tryb życia”.
(zobacz więcej w języku angielskim)

Melania – 19th August 2014

I have never written a review or testimonial on anything before, but I am so delighted with my mooncup that I had to let you know! It has been an absolute revelation! By following the extensive and very clear instructions, I found it very easy to use right off the bat and I love it how clean and comfortable it is. I was worried it would be messy before I tried it, but it’s the cleanest sanitary protection I have ever used. I can’t imagine going back to towels again. I have always found tampons difficult to get on with, but the mooncup is totally different. I can’t feel it at all. It’s as if I’m not even having a period when I’m wearing it. I live in a hot, humid country and often get yeast infections after my period because of using towels. The heat can make towels smell very quickly, and damp towels plus sweat feel revolting. No such problems with the mooncup. I can swim spontaneously, roll around on the floor with my baby, sleep without underwear on… It’s changed my life! Thank you! I wish I’d got one years ago.

Helen – 16th August 2014

Having just had the contraceptive implant fitted and experiencing spotting for three weeks the mooncup has been a godsend. As I had it before I had the implant fitted I can say that it can cope with the lightest and the heaviest bleeding with minimal fuss. Best 20 quid I ever spent!

Rosie – 12th August 2014

I was very dubious and it took me a few years since hearing about the mooncup to give it a go… but wow! It’s a game changer. Everyone needs one. Goodbye leaks, goodbye soggy tampon string, goodbye ruined knickers!!! No leakage, easy to use, environmentally friendly and affordable. I may even look forward to my next period to take it for a spin again!

Christy – 12th August 2014

I have PCOS and it messes up my cycle like crazy. It comes at the most random times, never on schedule, and it’s extremely heavy. I can’t really do anything the first two days of my period and I bleed through tampons almost every hour. I spend a LOT of money on feminine products that don’t even work like I want/need them to! So mostly out of desperation, I ordered the Mooncup to see if it would help (I was willing to try anything!) It arrived faster than I was expecting and just in time because I started my period not too long after. It was a lot easier to use than I thought; I had no difficulty inserting or removing the Mooncup. It felt really comfortable, way more-so than a tampon. Since my periods are so heavy, I wore a pad with the Mooncup as well, but noticed SIGNIFICANTLY less leakage than what’s normal for me. Consequently, the first day I used it, I fell out of a window and broke my ankle (LONG story!) and I was so thankful for the Mooncup in that instance because I was having to be carried around a lot and was stuck at the hospital for a while with no opportunity to use the restroom or anything. I’ve been on bed-rest ever since and haven’t even noticed I’ve been on my period! It’s been so great and has made a horrible situation (broken ankle AND period at the same time?! ugh) so much better than it could’ve been!!! I’m extremely happy with Mooncup and look forward to never buying another box of tampons as long as I live!!! 🙂

Liz – 9th August 2014

Was looking for something to help cut down the amount of non-recyclable waste in my life, and discovered the Mooncup.
Although it was a bit of a cost-investment for me, I decided to get one and give it two months (two periods!) for me to get used to it and for it to prove it’s worth. By day 3 I was completely sold on it. There is a knack to inserting and removing the Mooncup, but it’s not hard to master and the job is easy and clean once you’ve got the hang of it. I love not having to worry if I have enough pads and tampons with me when I go camping or on holiday.

Michelle – 4th August 2014

I wouldn’t normally write a testimonial but I am so pleased with this product I felt I had to. I generally menstruate for 8 days in a 35 day cycle. The flow starts with spotting, becomes very heavy for tampons to cope with for a couple of days then goes light. I struggle with getting the right absorbency for my flow every month. Tampons are either leaking within a couple of hours or too dry to remove. This is my third day using mooncup and it’s just fantastic. It’s easy to Insert, just make sure your cervix is facing into the cup and the cup is fully open. No leaks.. Though I was really worried about this, I believed it would pop out and spill everywhere! Not even possible! I was crazy to think it, once it’s in only a good tug and wiggle will budge it! I was really scared whether it would be gross, the thought of a cup of blood sounds proper grim! But compared to the sodden tampons and pads covered in blood and clots I’ve faced for years, the contained flow within the mooncup was a vast improvement and actually made the whole thing a whole lot less gruesome. You don’t have to pull string out the way when peeing, you don’t worry about leaking with a big sneeze! And you can empty it a lot less often than changing a tampon. I also discovered that my flow was nowhere near as heavy as I thought. Also it’s great for the environment, which to me was just a nice perk for a product that is absolutely essential. I honestly believe that all women should be provided with this product on the day of their first period. I was actually put of by this product because I believed that it was used by people who cared more about the environment than their own needs, but honestly, those women have had the best of everything from this product. I CANNOT rate it highly enough. Thanks to everyone at mooncup, you’ve made a huge difference to my life x

Sally – 4th August 2014

I am 3 days in my first cycle with a mooncup and I wish I’d got one sooner! I stopped using tampons a few years ago because I hate the way they dry you out and are bad for PH balance among other things! (they’re just all out gross to me) but pads are bloody annoying, and I’ve recently started swimming and gymming a lot and pads are just not practical when getting a sweat on. Also I hate the way pretty much all pads these days are ‘scented’ with some floral bullshit that when mixed with period actually smells worse than with any unscented products! It’s just not necessary and I like to look after my vagina, I don’t want all this perfumed and bleached crap! ANYWAY, Mooncup is just completely liberating! I also feel less awkward at work – as our office is so small we have only one bathroom shared between males and females, but now I don’t have to worry about anyone noticing me take a pad into the bathroom, or leave the wrappers in the bin. Liberating I tell you, liberating!

Tannah – 4th August 2014

I bought my Mooncup on a whim a year ago before I went travelling. I had never liked tampons because I found them too dry and uncomfortable (even the light flow ones) and found pads bulky and often messy because the flow of my periods can be a little unpredictable. Mooncups are amazing, especially for someone travelling without regular access to decent toilets and not much luggage space. You can pop it in in the morning and take it out when you get home from your day out if your periods aren’t too heavy. I got the hang of inserting the cup straight off the bat so I was quite lucky, and quite often I forget it’s even there! I’ve only once had a problem with my Mooncup overflowing and that was because it is so unobtrusive that I actually forgot I was on my period! I also find the Mooncup seems to help with my period cramps. However, the biggest advantage of the Mooncup for me is the smell. At times with pads I found that I would sometimes get an odd smell(disgusting, I know!) which made me self conscious and meant I changed pads even more frequently creating even more rubbish. But with the Mooncup I don’t get anything like this, the blood that collects in the cup doesn’t give off a smell at all, which is fantastic. I used to find periods so annoying, but now they are so easy to deal with. All of this makes Mooncup the best choice for me and I know I’ll never go back to other methods of sanitary protection.

Lynn – 31st July 2014