Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I bought a mooncup 3 years ago after seeing a sticker on a toilet cubicle in a shopping centre. It was honestly the best thing I ever did. As a nurse it is often difficult for me to get away from the ward, making my period a nightmare time of the month. With mooncup it’s easy, I just pop it in in the morning and forget about it. There is no worrying throughout the day about how I’m going to get away to the loo etc. I also find my mooncup a lot more comfortable than tampons, I have an IUS fitted so my periods are fairly light. This meant that removing tampons was really uncomfortable as they were often dry. I have none of that with my mooncup. I would honestly recommend that every female give them a go, you won’t be disappointed!!

Jenny – 10th September 2014

When a friend told me about the Mooncup I initially thought Yuck! and dismissed the idea. Then I had my daughter and my periods got really heavy, I needed tampons and pads but still had embarrassing leaks so eventually I stopped going out socially during my on days as it was too stressful! Also my period pains got worse, I would spend hours bent up with a hot water bottle getting grumpy with anyone and everyone! So I decided to try it, that was about 4 years ago. The first few days of using it were a bit hit or miss but once I got used to it it changed everything. I no longer have to fill my supermarket trolley with tampons and pads saving me about £10 a month, or fill handbags to bursting point once a month. No more worries about leaks, even heavy periods go by with ease. My period pains have gone, I don’t seem to get PMT. It’s less messy than I had to cope with before. I can’t fault it! I only wish I had known about it sooner, I could have saved so much waste from tampons,goodness knows how much money and stopped so many days being ruined by cramps. Thank you to everyone that was involved in creating this amazing product! I have recommended it to friends and will be sure to tell my daughter when she gets her periods and hopefully I can save her some of the pain and misery that I had to go through! : )

Ruby – 6th September 2014

Trying out the mooncup has not been a stress free experience with a few adjustments needed to positioning and one minor panic about the cup being stuck forever… That being said I have had no cramps, no accidents or leakage and a period which stopped 2 days earlier than normal. There is no discomfort and the washing process is surprisingly easy with a small water bottle in your handbag! Go and buy one it will change your periods for the better!!

Betsy – 5th September 2014

Mooncup saved my holiday, my music festival, my camping weekend,the list goes on. I heard about Mooncup a few years ago but wasn’t sure if they were worth the money, until I realised a few months ago that my period was due smack in the middle of my beach holiday. There’s nothing worse than having to go to the loo & change your tampon every time you go in the water or risk leaking on your towel, so I decided to invest. Best money I have ever spent, it hasn’t been all plain sailing, it took me a few attempts to get the hang of it, and I had to trim the stem off completely – but now it’s so easy to use & clean, and no more carrying a small suitcase of tampons & towels around ‘just in case’.I literally can’t recommend this product enough!

Carrie – 5th September 2014

I love my mooncup, it is so practical and confotable to use, and it isnt harmful to me or the environment. I’ve been passing on the messege and now my sister has one too and loves it! MOONCUPS FOR EVERYONE

Vivien – 30th August 2014

Thank you. My mooncup arrived just in time for my period and now my life has changed for the better. My periods are fairly light and a bit erratic so tampons don’t work for me. I have been using pads but hate them. A friend told me about the Mooncup a few years ago and finally I ordered one. I just want to tell those out there that are thinking about it, do it! They are sightly awkward to use at first but, by reading other peoples feedback and doing internet research, I was well informed with tips etc and have had no troubles. Thanks again. It is great to have options, and you guys make a great product.

Jenny – 26th August 2014

I purchased the mooncup after reading the reviews online over a few months, as a fibroid and heavy period sufferer(I’ve taken various medication and numerous operations but refuse an hysterectomy) I decided as I’d tried every other form of sanitary protection I had nothing to lose! The best decision I have made, I have just had the most easiest, convenient and stress free period for over 10 years! The mooncup is amazing, I couldn’t praise it enough, inserting it is easy( but I have used a diaphragm for contraception for years) it kept me clean and fresh, no leakage, no stomach cramps and no embarrassing moments where I would suddenly pass blood clots and find myself covered! Emptying it was easy and I also found the measurements inside the cup very useful as it is a way for me to monitor blood loss( I am anemic). For some reason I didn’t experience as much pain, or bleeding and it didn’t last as long( 5 days instead of the usual 10 plus) I can not recommend this product enough, I wish I had discovered it years ago! For the firat time in over 10 years I actually had a life during my period. I almost don’t dread my next period! Highly recommended

Michelle – 26th August 2014

I have NEVER been this thrilled with a period related product, nor would I have ever expected to be. I’m so excited about Mooncup that I actually want to frantically run up to strangers and tell them about it, because whilst they may not work for everyone, which is unfortunate, all women should at least know about them, and give one a try, as they are revolutionary.

I’ve always been happy enough with tampons, though I was never really comfortable with trusting them fully, and was always annoyed when traveling at a time near my period as I’d have to take tampons just in case. I decided to try a Mooncup because I was beginning to hear some rave reviews, and I have to say, it was one of the best decisions that I have EVER made; life changing.

By the third day of my cycle whilst using the Mooncup, I was 100% comfortable with using and inserting/removing the Mooncup.
The biggest learning curve was discovering how, and where exactly, the cup should sit, and with each insertion It became quicker and quicker. It is now just as quick and easy as inserting a tampon, but a thousand times more comfortable and trustworthy.

Truly incredible, I will never use a tampon again. Ever.
Thanks Mooncup team!!

Jessie – 23rd August 2014

My reasoning for purchasing a mooncup was the environmental benefits, I try to do my bit where I can and after hearing about mooncups I was keen to ditch the pads and give it a go. Having been on the contraceptive pill for 10 years, 3 on the injection I hadn’t had a period for quite sometime and when I decided to ‘go natural’ again last year I was severely regretting my decision due to how long and painful my periods were. Whilst researching the mooncup I read women claiming that using the mooncup had shortened their periods and made them less painful, I was a little sceptical but thought if it did work it would just be another benefit. I can now say wholeheartedly it’s true. My periods have gone from 8 days to 3, my flow is not as heavy as it appeared from using towels, the pain is minimal now and lasts for half a day as opposed to 3/4 and I can actually go out and do things rather than lay in bed almost in tears. It was tricky the first couple of times I used it but I soon learnt the best way for me to insert it and it’s now quick and easy to use. I can hand on heart say I will always use a mooncup now, I already can’t imagine my period without it. I feel better knowing I’ve lessened my environmental impact greatly and I’m so much happier on my period now because of the reduced pain and the number of days I am on, to the point, I’ve even forgotten a couple of times that I’m in my period because I can feel no side effects and no horrible towel.

Kaylie – 21st August 2014

“Koupila jsem si kalíšek Mooncup B. Byla jsemnetrpělivá, a tak jsem ho vyzkoušela hned 2.den
menstruace. Vložení absolutně bez problémů!
(S tampóny jsem občas problém měla.) Po dvou
hodinách jsem odstřihla část stopky. A pak už si
jen dělala co jsem chtěla. Vyndavání jsem si nacvičila
během dvou pokusů. Všechno je jednoduché,
hygienické, příjemné a pro mě i spolehlivé. Kalíšek
obstál na výbornou i na běžkách! Takže holky, dámy,
ženy … do toho!” (viz více v angličtině)

Terezka – 20th August 2014