Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I am 45 and after using tampons for over 30 yeRs was finding my flow so heavy that even the most absorbent tampson still leaked after 1 hour, so unhappily had to revert to tampons. This is my first period using the mooncup. It took a few goes to perfect the technique of inserting and then removing, but I love it! I wore a pad the first 2 days ‘just in case’ but it was fine, I confident,y used only the mooncup at night (although had to change it after 6 hours as flow so heavy) but it’s great – I absolutely love the freedom it provides. I had to trim the stem half way as it was uncomfortable when I sat down but now I cannot feel it at all and can forget I am on my period. If you are reading the reviews thinking about whether to order a mooncup, don’t hesitate just get one. No more towels or tampons, just tip the blood away, rinse and re-insert.

Nicnack – 9th November 2014

I found out about Mooncup from Freelee the banana girl on Youtube. As a person who has un-predictable period thank you so much for this product. I feel like it’s another step in the right direction to help save the planet and landfills, help the fight against testing on animals and also it’s much better for me too. Tampons and pads dry out and rub my skin, this is my 2nd day on Mooncup and it’s been a blessing, much more comfortable!I must admit the first time I emptied it made me yak a bit but I’m already used to it, I just need to get used to taking it out bit, I need to get a routine going.
Thank you for this wonderful invention 🙂

Siobhan – 4th November 2014

I’m in my first few days of using Mooncup and already a convert. Bit scary the first night as it went high, but after a bit more practise and some pelvic floor exercises along with some patience that I rarely possess, I’m there! I always used to feel dry using tampons and Mooncup makes me feel normal, and let’s face it how many of us can say we feel normal at that time of month?! I never liked the idea of using a non applicator tampon and used to revert to towels as soon as I my flow was lighter, but Mooncup just seems more natural and I’m totally confident using it! Feel much more balanced and it’s much easier to see how heavy or light my period is, I shall be spreading the word, Thank you Mooncup, for improving my life, sometimes it’s the little things in life that ,Eam so much 🙂

Rachel – 31st October 2014

I’m not one for adding a testimonial but I can honestly say the mooncup has radically changed my periods. I didn’t have much problem with inserting, after one cycle I was absolutely fine with it, I did cut the stem right down though. No more bloating, I feel totally normal whilst on my period, so much so that once I’ve emptied it in the morning I can forget about it which is great as I work in the community visiting people in there own homes ( you don’t want to be worrying about changing tampons in clients house, yuck, or that you maybe leaking) no more embarrassment for me. All I need to do is empty it again the evening, easy.
It’s also shortened my periods by 2 days. I run with it in and play netball, jump around and I feel totally confident with it and no leaks what’s so ever. I must add here that I was previously having to use pad and tampon on my heavy days.
My one regret is that I didn’t change earlier and so I’m on a mission to convert my sisters and friends, why would I keep this gem to myself, tell the world

Kedwards – 21st September 2014

I was studying abroad when I first heard about the moon cup and decided to look it up, however I couldn’t get it shipped to where I was at the time so I eventually forgot about it. A couple months ago I decided I was tired of tampons and started looking around for something else to use when I remembered the moon cup and it couldn’t have been sooner. I looked it up, ordered it, and impatiently waited for my next period. Hah! But when it came around the next month, I was prepared. I had cut the stem off immediately after reading other reviews, practiced using it, and went about my day. There’s no embarrassing “evidence” when I visit friends, no more pointless cotton filling up the earth, and no more worrying about the harmful side effects of tampons on the body C; I’ve even recommended it to several friends and I hope they make the move.

A Happy Moon User – 19th September 2014

I heard of the Mooncup a few years ago but at that time I was even too scared to use tampons. When I started using tampons, I was getting sick of all the waste and smelly rubbish bins in the bathroom. When I got my contraceptive implant and I knew irregular bleedings could occur I was looking for a new solution. I have used the mooncup for 6 months now and I’m super happy with it. I couldn’t get it in first and it took me a day of practice but it all went well and I would NEVER go back to tampons or pads.

Anna – 17th September 2014

Absolutely think it’s the best thing ever, so simple and easy to use, thank you to my sister in law for recommending it. Can’t big it up enough!

Zoe – 16th September 2014

This cup is amazing! I have like five other cups all different brands, but MCUK is my favorite by far! I can’t believe I keep putting if off for so long and just ordered one now. If this was my first cup then I probably would not have to buy the others. Frankly all cups are comfortable and better than tampons but this cups doesn’t leak while all others do, at least for me that’s how they work out. Out of all my cups, this one also seems to be of better quality than some others. I’ve heard people talking about the rim of this cup to be too firm but I think it’s actually pretty soft, yet the design makes it pop open so easily! I only wish is that the holes could be placed even more higher so this cup could have an even bigger capacity as I have very heavy flow, but I will forever choose cleaning my mooncup more often over constant leaking.

Ting – 13th September 2014

Bought my Mooncup over a year ago and the condition is still as new. I use the bicarbonate of soda + damp flannel technique to rub off any staining and sanitise it for the next use. When I first purchased it in March 2013, it took about 2 or 3 cycles to get used to using it, mainly removing it. I wrote to the Mooncup Team and they were very helpful and speedily wrote me a reply with some advice, so I started partially folding the Mooncup when removing it. Now I don’t need to do that all and use the wiggle side-to-side technique. I’m also way more relaxed when removing it and have no issues at all. I exercise and go about my business without having to worry about any leaks or anything. I’m now like many women (and girls) who ‘love’ their Mooncup, although I haven’t named it anything as I think ‘Mooncup’ is the perfect name for it. Like so many others, I wish I’d known about this little gem when I had my first cycle. I reckon Mooncup / menstrual cups should be included on the sexual health curriculum. I think everyone should have the right information to make the right choices for themselves. Lisa E.
Aged 30

Lisa E. – 12th September 2014

I have just bought my second mooncup after giving birth. I have used mooncup for ten years before having my son, and I have never looked back. I hated using pads as they felt like nappies and really didn’t get on with tampons as they were so uncomfortable. My first experience trying to remove the mooncup I was too tense and worried myself silly so didn’t find it easy, after a small amount of practice I now don’t even think about taking it out or putting it in.
I have found mooncup cleaner, easier, more comfortable and leak proof. I have been swimming and trampolining with it in and haven’t even been slightly worried about leakage. It’s discrete and much greener for the environment.

Mooncup has made something which was once rather inconvienient into something I don’t even notice.

Thank you mooncup, I am very grateful!

Hazel – 12th September 2014