Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

The best product. You feel much cleaner and much more comfortable. Few pointers for any newbies… pushing down helps, loads… cut your nails… and sometimes it will unfold a few minutes later and it might make you jump!

Emily – 1st December 2014

I’d thought about trying one for years, but never got round to it (probably would have got one sooner if they could be bought off the shelf in boots!). Then I got a copper coil fitted 6 months ago so decided to try the mooncup to cope with potential heavier periods. Unfortunately with the coil I get a week of spotting/light bleeding before my period – the mooncup makes this so much easier to manage. It’s a bit of hassle in the toilets at work, but yes, I wish I’d got one years ago. While I’m not sure if I’ll put up with the coil for much longer, I’m keeping my mooncup! And I’ll be buying my daughter one as soon as she starts her periods too.

Louise – 30th November 2014

I am not one to write reviews but this is a great product. For many years I have suffered the fear of leaking, especially, the first two days of my period where I am very heavy and sleeping was uncomfortable as I have had many episodes of ruining bed sheets. It was all quite stressful. Last month, I used the mooncup and though I still used a pad, I managed to sleep without waking up every 2 hours to change. I haven’t quite mastered getting it out without the mess so I have not been able to use the cup without a pad during the day ( I have since discovered I need to empty after 6hours on my heavy days). Anyway this is so good that I urge anyone thinking to buy one to just get on with it. It feels cleaner and it will change your life. I look forward to the day I master taking it out without the mess so I can use it while I am at work and can feel comfortable enough to just simply take a bottle of water to rinse and reinsert in the ladies. Until then, I have stopped using tampons and i am reducing the amount of pads, which I hope helps in helping the environment.

Carm – 29th November 2014

I’ve been a satisfied user of mooncup for about 3 years now! I’m 23 (started periods at 10), and had been wanting to try mooncup for environmental reasons for several years but hadn’t plucked up the courage to give it a go. The last straw for me though was missing a martial arts tournament because I was on my period: I would regularly overwhelm my tampax super-duper-extra-plus-plus-plus and the thought of that happening in the ring (while wearing a white gi!) was unbearable. When I thought about it some more, the idea of having to miss things I wanted to do as well as the endless round of dashes to the bathroom to change tampons and clean up leaks for potentially the next 40 years just didn’t fly (personally I’m not comfortable with using contraceptives to reduce my periods – better out than in, right? that’s my opinion, anyway). Admittedly when I first opened the box I was pretty intimidated by the size of the thing, but after getting used to it gradually (using just once per period at first, then for one day, and so on), I am now a competent user and would definitely not go back to tampons! It’s just a matter of working out which technique suits you best and making it a habit. Standing in the kitchen, casually boiling your mooncup on the stove can feel bizarre at first but actually, it’s a lot easier than emergency dashes to the 24hr petrol station for supplies! For anyone who wants to use mooncup but is not sure/already using it but struggling, my advice is persevere at your own pace. It’s not a race, and if you want to go back to tampons/pads for a while it’s not a problem – mooncup will still be there when you’re ready for another go. Eventually you’ll get the hang of it, and you will have saved money, the environment, and improved your health and convenience. For me, I knew I was a proper, paid-up member of the mooncup club when I successfully went swimming on my period – before mooncup, there was no way in HELL I would even have CONSIDERED that!!! So that shows it works! Now I preach the mooncup gospel whenever the opportunity arises. The only objection (and a half-hearted one at that) was from my mum, who worried about TSS – but I pointed out to her that tampons are not exactly sterile when they come out of their cardboards boxes after spending weeks on a supermarket shelf (whereas mooncup can be sterilised easily), AND they leave potentially harmful residue which mooncup doesn’t! I think she had no choice but to yield to the logic of the situation after that 😀

Elinoir – 29th November 2014

I had been meaning to buy one of these for ages! Sick of tampons and smelly pads, I went out today and bought myself one from Boots. I have to say, it has revolutionised the way I have my period. Saying goodbye and farewell to those cottony friends was the best thing I ever did! I have my mooncup in now for the first time and after a couple of inserts, I’m now pretty confident with my purchase! I want to do my part to help keep this planet clean and tidy for generations to come and the more women buy this product, the world will be less full of sanitary waste! I am so happy that I purchased the MoonCup, I already have friends talking about it and thinking of getting one for themselves! Whoever created this idea is a genius! I feel a lot cleaner ‘down there’, more hygienic and environmentally friendly already. Thank you MoonCup!

Chloe – 25th November 2014

I’ve never reviewed anything before, but this is life changing! I’d heard about the mooncup and liked the idea but was always a bit scared at the reality of it. Then I suddenly had to come off the pill and didn’t have any control over when my periods happened – and I had a beach holiday booked in for two months later… So I bit the bullet and got one. I’m hugely squeamish, and quite clumsy, so the first couple of goes at getting it in were a bit eye opening! It’s definitely easier to do it when it’s wet, and I ended up cutting off almost the entire stem. Read the leaflet with all the tips about how to fold it – they really work! Although you’re really good to go from the first time you try it, I agree it does take a couple of months to get completely used to it, and now 2 years later, I’d never, ever go back to tampons. I didn’t realise how drying they were until I used the mooncup. It’s brilliant to use, just pop it in at the start of the day and then forget about it until you get home again. And I don’t know how, but it has shortened my period by about two days. And I love knowing what’s normal for me too, I feel more in touch with what’s going on with my body. Thank you!

Vicky – 23rd November 2014

I’m 16 and first got my period last year. I absolutely hated it and was glad I was really irregular and I still only get it every three or four months. But tampons and pads were the worst. Pads are sweaty and awkward and feel gross and tampons, I was constantly worried about leaving them in too long and they dried me out. But I just bought the mooncup today and I love it!! Was awkward at first and I tried so many times coz I’m kinda tight but used a lubricant and it went it easily!

Steph – 21st November 2014

I’m on my fourth month of using my moon cup and I have never looked back. Its amazing. I couldn’t use tampons, so its a massive liberation from awful sanitary towels. I don’t have to wear period pants any more and it feels so much cleaner and hygienic!Its easy to use and really comfortable. I ended up snipping off most of the stem. I struggled the first few times taking it out but after that it was fine. Just don’t panic and stick with it!
I recommend this to anyone who is fed up with traditional products that are dry and uncomfortable and it saves quite a bit of money. Its paid for itself already!

Lou – 21st November 2014

I love the mooncup! My friend introduced me to it years ago when travelling (perfect when packing light and hard to get tampons) and I have never looked back. The odd time when I first started using it I had an occasional leak but probably happened less than with tampons and now it just seems to fit me like a glove. I find it way more comfortable than tampons…totally forget I’m wearing it at all quite often and I like how it doesn’t react with your body at all/isn’t dry and abrasive. Is also really easy to empty out and actually feels way cleaner than tampax once you get used to it.

Becky – 19th November 2014

I had wanted to try a Mooncup for some time as liked the idea of being more green, but I never seemed to get round to buying one. Finally, after getting more and more uncomfortable with tampons, especially after having a baby and getting a copper coil fitted, which made my periods heavier and more painful, I ordered one online. I am coming to the end of my first month using it and I am amazed. It is so comfortable, and far from being messy, apart from a little bit when changing, I feel much cleaner during my period than I ever have. My cramps were less and I didn’t even know I was wearing it and could go much longer inbetween changes. I can’t get over how easy it is to use, it was a little fiddly first time and I had to cut the stem almost off, but after a couple of goes it was easy to insert and then really easy to remove, just lean back on the toilet and give a couple of gentle pushes with your muscles and it moves down enough to get hold of and pull gently out. I am just annoyed that I did not try it sooner as I’m 38 now. I have just had to tell all of my female friends as they all need to try it and see how wonderful it is. My daughter is only small, but I know what I will be introducing her to when she starts her periods (many years down the line). Thanks Mooncup you are a life changing discovery!

J – 10th November 2014