Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I brought my mooncup and looking for a more practical solution to dealing with my period. (Where I work I’d have to go to my locker to get things to use and so many other things having a period was almost impossible). But now I am in and out the loo in 3 minuets!! So easy to insert, reading the what you should do and then adapting it to you is best. And you just need to get used to taking it out then you’ve got it sorted.
I have a heavy flow for three days then the other three I’m pretty light. I can leave the cup upto 3 hours before I need ro change it on my heavy days.

Honestly a life saver.

I’ve been singing it’s praises since the first moment I used it. Saved so much money to.

900/10 would certainly recommend.

Hayley – 28th December 2014

I’m disgusted with myself that I didn’t try this 4 years ago when I first heard of the mooncup! I’m 43 now, and can honestly say I just had the most comfortable period of my life, and I’m a first time user. What had put me off before was notions of spraying blood all over the bathroom if I dropped it, but it’s completely safe! SO much better than the ubiquitous leaky tampon and the sodden pad that takes you by surprise on a long drive home, or at a friend’s house, or somewhere equally awkward. Ever decided NOT to go somewhere due to the possibility that you’d have to find a toilet every hour or that there won’t be any hygienic place to dispose of your used tampon? You’ll never have to stay home again!
I’ve had two tiny leaks – once due to an insertion error as it hadn’t unfolded properly, and once because it was full after an 8 hour sleep, but neither were as problematic as a leaky tampon and the panti liner didn’t have a lot to contend with. Delighted. Seriously delighted. This will change my life.

Ps. When I saw the stickers that came with my mooncup, I thought “Where the hell would I want to put those?…and why?”. Now I know. All women should know about this, so I’ll be sticking mine on a wall next to a tampon dispenser in a ladies near me soon!!

Sadie – 28th December 2014

I can’t believe how well this worked! I normally have to wear tampons and pads, and on my heaviest days this normally means four-six trips to the loo every day! I go through a packet of pads normally every period, and a box of tampons every two-three months. However since buying my mooncup I have saved myself so much money and time! I now only have to go to the toilet in the mornings and before bed, and maybe once more during the day! It’s so easy to use and clean, and not at all messy once you get used to it! It’s also less uncomfortable than a tampon, I think, and the best part, I no longer need pads! No leakage what so ever! I can’t thank you enough for making such a wonderful product!

Beth – 23rd December 2014

Looked at one of these repeatedly over my 20’s but thought it was a lot of money to spend if it turned out I didn’t like it.
Turns out age 30 I should have got one ages ago – it’s well worth the money.

If you are a tampon user you will have no trouble, you don’t even know it’s there though I did snip off half the stem as had read other reviews on this.

It’s also great knowing your not leaving tampon fibres inside you but you get the same clean feeling!!!

Anna – 22nd December 2014

I am 20yrs and a dental nurse. I had the contraceptive implant for a year and had it removed two months ago as I was not happy with it; it stopped my periods altogether and was affecting my mood a little. When I had my first period for a year I used tampons like I always have. But having not used them for so long and then going back to tampons, I remembered all the things I hate about them. They dry me out so badly and I get leakage with them when I am heavy- I never feel entirely “safe” wearing them. My job means a lot of moving and sitting so I was wearing a pad as well to keep me feeling safe but that was so uncomfortable. I decided to try the mooncup and honestly I wish I had gotten one six years ago! It was fiddly to begin with but you get used to it. Also, “birthing” it can be a bit of a pain but my pelvic floor thanks me for it, I am sure! I love it. It feels cleaner, I am not as dry, I do not have to carry bulky tampons everywhere and I do not have to fill the world up with used sanitary stuff. I love it to bits. Recommend recommend recommend.

Charlotte – 21st December 2014

I bought the Mooncup 6 months ago after getting fed up with pads and looking for an alternative. I am a young backpacker and have to say it is brilliant! Although it took a bit of practice to insert (I’d never used tampons) I quickly got the hang of it and it is so easy to use. Great for travelling as takes up no space at all in your backpack and there’s no guilt about the environment either. I only wish I’d discovered this fantastic product earlier as they are an absolute godsend and every woman needs one. They are so comfortable that you forget you’re on your period and the money saved is fantastic. No mess, no hassle, I cannot thank Mooncup enough for this great product -I’m never going back to anything else!! Give it a try and you won’t regret it!

Sara – 20th December 2014

I’m 32. Decided to use a Mooncup for ecological reasons, and also I was having constant UTIs and wondered if switching to a Mooncup might help. Two things I’ve noticed since using a Mooncup- little or no period pain and a big reduction in the amount of UTIs I get. I am very pleased with it. I love that I don’t have to worry about buying tampons or carrying them around with me. I’ve had no problems at all using the Mooncup. So glad I made the switch!

Lily – 19th December 2014

I have been using tampons for 7 years and I became increasingly guilty about flushing tampons down the toilet, but found taking them out and wrapping them in tissue too gross.
Saw a sticker on the back of a university toilet for the mooncup and thought I would give it a go. I have just completed my first period using just a mooncup and I am never going back!

This is the future of sanitary protection! Tampons/pads are something we all should have moved on from long ago!

I found it really easy to insert by following the instructions, and it fits really comfortably. Can’t feel it’s there at all.

Taking it out and rinsing it not as gross as I thought it would be either – infact it seems more natural and its an easier way of gaging your flow.

My favourite thing about it? You can wear whatever knickers you want! You can even walk around naked! So if you have a partner, you can still get sexy infront of him, instead of slobbing around in granny pants 🙂

Thank you Mooncup, this is a life-changing product!

Mia – 19th December 2014

I purchased the Mooncup for the summer as I didn’t like the sound of tampons. I am 16 years old and have no experience of inserting tampons. At first I struggled to insert the mooncup, but after a few attempts I succeeded. I find that the ‘punch down’ fold is the best. I had to trim off quite a bit of the stem and now when I use it I can’t even feel it. It is amazing. I used it for the first full school day today (previously been using it to bed and just on short trips out) and it was amazing. No leakage even though it was the second day (quite heavy)!!! I am seriously impressed. I would advise everyone to get one. Although it may be hard to get the hang of at first, it is seriously worth persevering as it has changed my life! I love it and I would give it 5 stars!

Victoria – 9th December 2014

Best purchase I have made in years. I hated towels, tampons constantly slipped because my muscles contracted forcing them out. My moon cup (nick named moon pig by bf) is clean, easy to use and lasts all day. I cant feel it, unlike tampons and so completely forget my period. And best still, i have realised my periods are normal and not the heavy and painful things I thought they was. That was clearly the mess that lossing tempons was causing.
I will never go back

Nikki – 1st December 2014