Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

A friend told me about mooncup a few years ago and I thought it was revolting! Honestly I just couldn’t get my head around it and didn’t even consider giving it a try! By the way I’m a midwife so really should have been more accepting of it… Lol! Recently in my quest to start trying for a baby I’ve made some lifestyle changes to improve my health! For a long time now Tampons left me feel sore and dry especially on my lighter days and I hate using pads! I hate feeling like I’m wearing a nappy, the smell when changing them and having my waste bin filled with them! I also feel unclean during my time of month and just want to stay in bed till it’s all over!
Recently I went into boots to stock up on more tampons and Pads! I spotted the mooncup on the shelf picked it up and never turned back! I didn’t even give myself the chance to think about it!

The pack recommends to start using on day 2/3 of your period however once I’d bought it I went home and after contending with another Pad (I started that very day) I decided why wait! I boiled the mooncup and stuck it in! It took a few attempts before I more or less removed the whole stem before it was comfortable! But once it was in I forgot it was there!
The problem came when it come to removing it! I couldn’t find or reach the bloody thing and had no idea it would creep up so high! I tried with all my might to no avail… In the end called my husband who obviously wanted no part in my disaster and simple passed me the instruction booklet!
So the instructions say relax don’t panic… Blah blah blah! I was already tense and yes panicking! I honestly believed i’d have to go to A&E and have it surgically removed! Did I mention I’m a midwife!!!! Chances are I would know the gynaecology doctor called to assist at the local unit so this was not an option! I calmed down took some deep breaths did some little pushes and the moon cup materialised! I won’t lie was a bit messy, and the floor, my god the floor! But the cup was out! I rinsed it of and popped it back in! After spending £20 I was not going to be defeated on my first use! 3days later and I love it! Wish I tried it before, I can almost forget I’m even on! No cramps at all, no leaks at all and in never ever going back to tampons or pads!
I want to tell everybody and anybody about mooncup! Unfortunately my friends don’t seem to share my enthusiasm!
A little disappointed I didn’t receive any stickers with my box otherwise I would have used them in the loos at work and try convert a few more!

Dionne – 8th January 2015

I’ve been a dedicated Mooncup user for a number of years, and like others here I couldn’t be more pleased that I found Mooncup. Recently I started to experience some leakage on the heaviest day of my period when using my Mooncup, so contacted the advice line about this. The advice got was helpful, timely and considerate. I was impressed how seriously the company take helping Mooncup users out and would encourage others if they are not sure just to drop them a line and ask. Thanks Mooncup!

Ginny – 7th January 2015

I’m 32, always struggled with tampons and found towels a bit stressful as my periods are short, but quite heavy. Since I started using the mooncup my periods are stress-free. I feel a lot more in control of my period because the mooncup is easy to use and so hygienic. You can also feel good about the fact that you’re doing your bit for the environment. It’s also cheaper! No brainer.

Kate – 6th January 2015

10 years ago an old school friend told me about the Mooncup. I thought it was a great idea and what a fantastic way to save money on the “monthly” (as my Mother calls it) and also aid the environment. I try to be as conscientious as I can be towards green issues, however I carried on as normal thinking that I’ll get around to it one day. And eventually I did.I am 36yrs old and had a child by C section – so I wasn’t sure about the sizing, although I opted for the larger one (and it is only marginally larger) as I didn’t want leaks.
Day One
Managed to get it in ok. Much better if wet (water not a lubricant). Needed to adjust it a few times and trim the stem but ones it’s in place it’s in place and you can’t feel a thing. You really don’t know it’s there. Fantastic! As a parent you know that you don’t get any time to yourself so going for a wee whilst having a child glued to my side asking various questions about Barbies was fine as there was no issues as there was nothing to see (mooncup inside). Impressed with the convenience. And it lasts between 4-8hrs – much longer than a towel or tampon. Still impressed.
Getting it out was a little tricky at first. I thought I might have to explain it to staff at my local A&E! My advice. Read the instructions! It does give you tips. And relax!
Day Two
Who’s idea was it to go to Ikea! Public toilets I was dreading! I think my friend thought I’d got lost I took so long! However, I’m still here to tell the tail, a quick wipe out and it was fine.
My first thoughts was that it was going to be very messy. But it’s seriously not. I’ve not “spilt a drop” – once you hear the suction release you know it’s nearly out, a quick wiggle and to get ready to ‘tip and rinse’. Make sure you wash hands before and afterwards.
Day Three
I have getting it out to a fine art now. The main thing is relax. Much quicker. Now no one knows the difference if I go to the toilet for a wee as it’s out, rinsed and back in in no time at all.
I am converted! No more hassles of sliding a tampon up your sleeve when you go to the loo and no more monthly expense as this lasts for years.
I didn’t get on very well with sanitary towels as I suffer with a skin condition in that area which used to flare up when I wore these, and tampons used to give me “twangs” similar to period pains. Plus it’s better for the environment and our used products don’t end up in the sea with all the sea creatures….would you like to swim around with our used sanitary products by your side?
I never write reviews, but I am seriously impressed! Only Day Three and I’m converted. I can’t stress enough for more women to try it. Comes with a cute discreet storage bag too! No need to hide tampons or towels in the zip up compartment of my handbag and I don’t dread my periods anymore…win win! I can’t believe I waited 10 years! Thank you Mooncup Makers!
P.S No leaks either (including overnight!) – the larger one is really only fractionally bigger than the smaller one, and remember you want it to make a proper seal, so if in doubt and you’ve had a C section, then go for the larger one. Just try it – you’ve nothing to lose!

Katie – 6th January 2015

So, this is about the best thing ever. I first heard about the mooncup via some stickers around my university, looked it up, saw some testimonials and figured it was worth a shot. I’ve never tried tampons (the whole TSS thing was a bit worrying) but pads: feel horrible, get expensive after a while, inevitably result in mess on my clothes, irritate me or even give me thrush if I accidentally get the wrong type, and are *not easy* to dispose of discretely in university accommodation.
Headed down to the local Boots and bought one – was slightly miffed that it cost a couple pounds more than advertised on the website, but still way cheaper in the long run and didn’t have time to faff around with delivery times, so I got it.

It’s amazing. It takes a little practice to get in and out the few few times, and if you have problems with poking around inside or seeing a small cup of blood, you may have to steel yourself. However, I can’t feel it at *all*, there’s no leaking, it needs emptying about twice a day (so much more convenient than pads) and you don’t need to worry about packing enough spares. Also, there was far less actual contact with blood than if I’d been using pads and having to remove/change them. With the exception of cramps on the first day, which I always get, and literally a minute a day of emptying it, I could not tell that I was on my period at all. Incredible. Plus, saving money in the long run.

Having used it, I honestly cannot tell why anyone would go for anything else instead. Spread the word to university students particularly – we’re moving away from home, starting to buy these things for ourselves, and it makes life so much easier.

Lauren – 6th January 2015

I bought a moon cup yesterday after reading a link on Facebook. This product is brilliant. I love not having all the waste in the bin and leaking pads or tampons. The thought of being environmentally friendly is a massive bonus too. This product needs more advertising it is amazing. Well done for the help for girls in Africa too.

Karen – 4th January 2015

Thanks to my mooncup I no longer feel gross during my period! The use of tampons and sanitary towels made me feel dirty and uncomfortable for years, now with the mooncup I often forget I’m even in my period! I feel cleaner and much more accepting of my period.

Alice – 4th January 2015

I bought my Mooncup in 2003 and have been using it ever since. It’s such an intuitive product which I promote whenever is appropriate. I’m not paying into a massive corporation, it’s mine to keep and use as long as I need to. It’s discrete, easy to use, and comfortably reliable. I’ve been “caught out” a few times and am so aware of the waste being created and the messiness whenever I’ve used conventional products. It’s particularly good when travelling. I love my Mooncup and will do till I no longer need it. X

Bethan – 3rd January 2015

Since having my children (eldest is 6), my periods have been excruciating. I have always had heavy periods, and very painful. But since giving birth twice, I just couldn’t find a protection that a) fit me properly and b) could cope with my heavy flow. I stand most of the day at work and leak a lot. It was so humiliating. Tampons would HURT. I had a constant ache and felt like I was bruised from a kick! It was vile.
A friend told me about Mooncup a year or two ago, and I did investigate, but put it off. Desperate enough to go to the doctor to request a hysterectomy to free me from my misery, I decided to give it a go. It has revolutionised my period. Gone is the leaking, the general aching and bruised feeling, and obviously it hasn’t affected my flow, but I am able to get on with my life and not even remember I am having my period. Thank you!!

Aly – 1st January 2015

I just bought a mooncup and tried it today for the first time. I wish I’d known about this when I was younger. it’s fantastic. Why don’t more people know about this? I just stumbled on it on the net, don’t ask me how, I have no idea. Why don’t women know about this? Come on, every woman should have one. It’s so liberating!

Sam – 30th December 2014