Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I Bought one of these from boots on Saturday. After reading a bit about them first, I was worried that it would take some getting used to. How wrong I was! These things are amazing, if you are reading about them, buy one! Don’t put it off a minute longer! No mess, no leaks it’s easy 🙂 I can’t say for sure after 2 days, but I’m pretty sure this might just be life changing! I have almost forgotten that I am on my period.

Charli – 26th January 2015

I would definitely recommend the moon cup to anyone. I bought one because I did not like the idea of using disposable products that then went into landfill and I also wanted to save money. The mooncup took a little getting used to, there is definitely a “knack” to it but once you’ve got it, it’s amazing! It stands up to all activities, I’ve never had any trouble with leaking. It is so much more convenient when going away to be able to take my one mooncup instead of lots of pads and tampons. Everyone should have one!

Rachel – 25th January 2015

I love my Mooncup! I’m so incredible happy I’ve found it! I have been using Mooncup for 5 years now, and I can only encourage every one to buy one! It’s absolutely convenient for traveling, because you don’t have to change it so often. My period might not be as strong as some other women have, but I just change my Mooncup in the morning and in the evenings. So it’s perfect for traveling. You don’t have to carry stuff with you, except a water bottle if you like to change it during the day. I always forgot tampons at home or to buy new ones, so I really happy I don’t have to think of carry them with me. I can go swimming and into sauna without hoping that nobody can see that I’m wearing a tampon. I don’t have to go to the toilet every time I go for a swim, because Mooncup will not soak in water. I can do sports even hard ones. I always felt my tampons when doing sports with a lot of jumps, not with my Mooncup. I can’t feel it, it doesn’t matter what I’m doing. I always had problems with tampons on my very last days because my period wasn’t really strong then and tampons hurt really much when changing, I hate pads. So I’m really happy with my Mooncup, it doesn’t matter how strong my period is or if I have only spotting before getting my period, I can wear it and feel clean. Yes you can see your blood, but I think that’s nature. Why being afraid of seeing your own blood, it’s not ugly and you get used to it.

Mona – 23rd January 2015

I’m 18 and heard about the mooncup a couple of years ago but didn’t like the sound of it! I started on tampons a few years ago and found them much more liberating than pads but they dried me out! I was always concerned about harsh chemicals in tampons, but as a student just couldn’t afford to regularly buy natracare tampons! I am currently near the end of my first period with the mooncup and I’m never going back! It was easy to put in and take out from day one, its a lot easier than it looks! Its not messy and I can leave it all day whilst I’m out at college without having to worry! I often forget it’s that time of the month! No leakages throughout the day or night. With tampons I often woke up in the morning covered in blood! I feel like shouting out about this to women everywhere! More women need to be aware of this! I can’t express it enough!

Jasmine – 23rd January 2015

An amazing invention! For the first time I feel utterly clean and healthy during my period. It has normalized the whole experience for me. My cramps have reduced, and there is a great sense of freedom not having to bring stacks of tampons with me everywhere I go. Thank you Mooncup!

Rachel-Rose – 22nd January 2015

The best product ever! I started using mooncup because I wanted to cut down on waste, but I couldn’t even handle tampons. Its taken me 3 periods to get to a point where its all I use! And I only used 4 pads on my last one. You can sleep, pee, run, skip, you really don’t feel it at all. I don’t need any stem to get it out either, it did take me a while of fishing around but then I found out I was going in at the wrong angle. My vagina and I have never been closer and I think she’s pretty grateful not to have rashes and smell gross every month! I can sit with my legs open on the tube and not get blasted by iffy wafts…

Jaz – 22nd January 2015

When I tell people I use a mooncup one of the most common reactions is …ew. I have been happily using my mooncup for a good few years. It’s comfortable to wear and insert, unlike conventional raspy scratchy tampons. It doesn’t develop a putrid smell like sanitary towels. I recently misplaced my mooncup and reverted back to sanitary towels for 2 days. I forgot how dirty, fidgety and irritating they are! I had to rush out and buy a new mooncup immediately! I have found a way to not let my monthly cycle interfere with life and I had to get it back.What it doesn’t say on the tin is that mooncup is sensational at saving your sheets from dreaded stains, I also get far better nights sleep with a mooncup over disposable methods. Having discussed with a few friends we have discovered that mooncup seems to ease cramps, whether this is accurate or not it seems to be the only common denominator.
Practice makes perfect, inserting is easy but you will have the odd mishap. TIP: don’t ever whisk it out quickly not matter how much of a rush you are in!

Amy – 19th January 2015

I had heard rave reviews from a friend and finally decided to bite the bullet- cannot thank my lucky stars I did. I always hated using tampons and other such products, finding them uncomfortable and stressful to use. Now that I have a Mooncup my period is quite literally a breeze. I feel clean, healthy, comfortable, not to mention richer! I go running, swimming, rock climbing with it in and I pretty much forget I have my period. No more running into Boots in a flap when I forget to stuff hundreds of tampons into my bag ‘just-in-case’, no more rustling, no more waste! If you are considering it, please, please do. You will not regret it! Thank you Mooncup!

Kitty – 19th January 2015

I have had my Mooncup for the past 7 years. It did take me a little getting used to, but with the concept of reducing waste and saving me money I have over time begun to use it as my main feminine hygiene product.
What I love about it is that it makes me feel almost normal whilst I’m on my period. I can still feel attractive to my partner and not worry about chunky pads.

I sometimes still use tampons overnight when my flow is particularly heavy, but I highly recommend the Mooncup – definitely my favourite choice.

Rebecca – 19th January 2015

I thought I’d share a full and frank first experience with the mooncup. I bought the size a for ladies after a vaginal birth or over 30. First I found this a bit upsetting as I’m over 30 without kids, (that wasn’t the problem although that is a whole other story) I’m fit n healthy and I really don’t want think of myself as looser down there. Anyway I got over it and purchased the recommended size. I got my next period on a quiet weekend at home so I thought I’d give it a try. Initially I felt congested down there I had to wee straight away.. You are full anyway so it was a bit unpleasant to add more stuff. As expected it felt a bit different but not massively uncomfortable. I got off to sleep easily. Unlike other methods, I forgot I had it in this morning when I woke. The removal could have been stressful but I had read up about it last night and I did the pelvic squeezes which moves it down, so I could get to pinch the bottom and pop it’s out. I felt empowered and that maybe I could move on to ping pong balls. It wasn’t messy either for a first go. I thought I’d be dealing with a scene from the Halloween or the like but it was easy to contain and no leaks. I am really pleased and impressed with my mooncup.

Chrissy – 9th January 2015