Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I’ve had my mooncup for 6 months now, I was going travelling, and forced myself to get used to it during the period before we left, because as I suspected it was absolutely brilliant. Day one of period, on a boat for 13 hours with no toilet, let alone running water – no worries with my Mooncup. I was talking to a young woman today, saying she must try one… she grimaced, too much bodily contact. On thinking back I’m sad that I’ve added so much to landfill over the years, and maybe when I was younger I wouldn’t have felt comfortable being so “in touch with myself” however being a Nanny I change millions of dirty nappies/diapers I now recognise a period is just the same, it’s just a bodily function and there’s nothing dirty about it, it’s just life. Mooncups are so environmentally friendly, no nasty (real or imagined) smell and you never need period pants again, in fact I can continue to sleep in the buff for the whole month now, it’s brilliant. I’m definitely spreading the word.

Maria – 26th February 2015

I heard about mooncups just a few years ago, and wish I’d known about them even sooner than that. I couldn’t be happier- it doesn’t have a revolting odor, no more expensive bleached cottons products, and it’s no messier than my tampons ever were. All of my worry about carrying enough sanitary products at any given time are gone because all I need is my one mooncup. This thing is incredibly freeing and I love it for so many reasons, I recommend it every chance I get.

Joyce – 25th February 2015

I stumbled upon the mooncup by accident and it turned out to be an absolute life saver, although I still had to wear additional sanitary wear in the form of a panty liner it helped me control my heavy bleeding. After learning how to use the cup it really is no worse than using a tampon. I unfortunately had to have surgery for my heavy bleeding recently and my surgeon had never heard of them but has now researched the product. If it hadn’t have been for my discovery of the mooncup I don’t know how I would have coped.

Gregory’s girl – 25th February 2015

A life changing & completely genius invention! I feel grateful that I have found this product in my early twenties and have not had to endure years of bother with tampons and sanitary towels. You save money, look after the environment, feel clean and fresh during your period and it’s so easy to use. Believe every testimonial on here because it is the best thing that has ever happened to me regarding my period! You would be a fool not to buy one immediately!!

Chloe – 24th February 2015

I heard about Mooncup at Glastonbury last year, visited the website and thought I’d try one for myself.Now I see why everyone felt the need to leave their comments! The Mooncup makes you feel SOOO much better about your period that you just want everyone to discover how great it is!!

I have a contraceptive implant in my arm and, for me, a side effect of that is my periods often being lighter, but quite erratic. That meant that I was having to wear a thin liner nearly every day – just in case. With the Mooncup I can pop it in and not have to worry. It’s so much more comfortable than having to sit wearing a pad (and/or tampon) all day and worrying about when you might need to change it.

The Mooncup has absolutely changed my life when it comes to periods. I know it sounds like I’m exaggerating, but it’s made me more open about periods, I’m not embarrassed about them, I’m not constantly worrying that I might leak, I’m SAVING SO MUCH MONEY and also saving the environment!
Mooncup is just a win win win win win situation.

Thanks a million. 🙂

Claire – 24th February 2015

I’ve had my mooncup for three years so I can say I’ve truly tried and tested it! It took me a good three months to get to grips with it, my main issue was trying to insert it too high (like a tampon) and the length of the stem. I’ve since removed the whole of the stem as I found that personally I don’t need it. My advice for other women is to stick with it till you get used it, remember the difficulties you may have had first using a tampon and how they are second nature to insert now! The main benefits for me is that it really does reduce the amount of pain my period gives me, bizarre but true!
During my period, I am often very dry “down there”, and found that tampons made this worse. I prefer the mooncup as it does not absorb any moisture, but I find I need to use a little bit of lube (just once a day) to aid me inserting and removing it.

As it holds so much more than a tampon I don’t need to rush and change/empty it as often, in fact I often go to the loo and forget all about it as you really can’t feel it!

I’ve recommended it to all of my friends and family, a brilliant investment, saves money and the environment too.

Claire – 16th February 2015

Menstrual cups are not as commonly used in the US yet – so I hadn’t heard of them until recently. I did some research and decided on the MoonCup UK (MCUK). I can’t believe no one shared menstrual cups with before now. My period, for the first time ever wasn’t a huge inconvenience. The MCUK was easy to use – easier than I expected. I never felt comfortable in tampons and I was delightfully shocked when the MCUK was totally comfortable – couldn’t feel it at all, no matter how I ran, jumped, sat, rolled, slept – it was like it wasn’t there. There were no leaks, no smell, no issues.
I have already told many of my girlfriends to look into getting their own menstrual cup – of course recommending MCUK.
Thank you for making such a great product with the support needed to make sure your customers are successful!

Amanda – 15th February 2015

I just wanted to share my experience with the moon cup and encourage those of you reading the reviews to give it a try. I am not one to write reviews, but this is one product that all women should know more about. I realize it is not for everyone and you do need to be comfortable with your body to use it, but it is so much more superior to anything I have used. I think I had read about moon cup in an article and was intrigued and came to this website and read a bunch of reviews! I have been using a moon cup for about six months now and like everyone else will not go back! I was concerned it might not work for me since I have a history of vestibulitis and vaginismus (vaginal pain and uncontrollable vaginal contracting) that I needed pelvic floor physical therapy for. Although mostly resolved, I was still wary. This size kind of tripped me up too. I ordered size B- I am 31 and have no kiddos and it works great. There is a learning curve- read the directions and watch their little video- very helpful. Like everyone else said, don’t panic when you first go to take it out and can’t reach it very well! Took me a cycle or so to get really comfortable with insertion, etc.
Pros: you don’t have to deal with changing tampons every 2-4 hours.
A few months in, my husband and I went on a very extreme backpacking/camping trip in the Cascade Mountains. Of course I had my period the entire time. I climbed up mountains, slide down cliffs, and swam across a glacial lake without a leak. I even had to empty it on the side of a mountain ravine- if you can do it while balancing on a rock ledge, you can do it anywhere! and I didn’t have to pack tons of tampons in my pack!
You don’t have a string that gets wet or caught on anything
You don’t have uncomfortable vaginal dryness as your period is ending
I am very active- cross fit, P90X, hiking, etc. – I only had it leak once and it was during a hard cross fit workout that required a lot of jumping/weights. My period was heavier and I did not empty it for a few hours before the workout. Have had no problems since.
Cons: Occasionally a minute or so after insertion, the cup with “snap” or uncurl abruptly. doesn’t hurt per say, but feels a bit weird.
Although there were some reviews that said that it seemed to shorten their period or lessen their cramping, I have not noticed this in myself, but am just happy to have a great product that works so well. Really worth a try!

Nicole – 13th February 2015

I remember seeing the stickers for the mooncup in the ladies toilets when I was at University and thinking to myself, I should probably give that a go. Well, I graduated five years ago and have only just go round to actually doing it, and it was mostly the online reviews and testimonials that made me make that decision there and then. If only I had read the testimonials back then!
I personally didn’t find the whole concept of it weird or gross, I am quite in tune with my body. The only thing I had to overcome was getting used to insertion and removal. Trying different folding methods soon sorted the insertion, removal took a bit more practise but within a couple of days I felt confident and I knew that I would never go back. At first I used a liner because I wasn’t convinced it wasn’t going to leak but now I am totally confident in the mooncup.

It makes you feel SO much better about your period, you feel more in tune with what your body is doing, cramps are reduced, it’s cost effective, it’s more hygienic and for me knowing I am not adding to landfill is a huge benefit.

If you suffer with recurrent thrush or UTI’s – this product will change your life!!! (I don’t know why doctors don’t advise women to get one).

Kym – 13th February 2015

I have just used my mooncup for the first time and I’m converted already NEVER using a tampon again!!!! I had a lot of trouble getting it in and out but figure with practice it will become much easier over time I think I cut the stem too short and inserted in way to high but managed to get it out squatting in the shower £& using my lady muscles (sorry for the TMI but reading and watching videos is what helped me) I was getting panicked that I wasn’t going to be able to get it out. I suffer with bv and thrush all the time after the end of my period I think due to using tampons but I really think the mooncup will make that a thing of the past along with balance activ gel for 1 night at the end of my period I hope this May help anyone out there having similar troubles.

Katie – 10th February 2015