Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I have been using my mooncup for about 6 months now and cannot express enough just how much I love it! I have told many friends about it and I really hope they take the plunge and give it a go. I love the fact that I am no longer contributing to horrible sanitary products in landfill sites and the sea and that I don’t have to pay exorbitant prices every month for disposable products. I also feel cleaner and that my periods aren’t an issue anymore. I have milder PMT than I’ve had for years, less cramps, shorter periods and generally feel better than I ever used to during a period. I trimmed the stem down to almost nothing and have no problems removing the cup – I just make sure I remove it over the toilet bowl so that nothing spills on the floor. I also carry wipes around with me to wipe my hands if out in public. I just wish I had known about the Mooncup years ago instead of reading about it on a tube ad months ago. I urge anyone who is having doubts to give it a go, you won’t regret it!!

Simone – 27 October 2009

I purchased one of these and it is actually amazing the only problem I have is that I think the B size is still a little too big for me cos when i take it out it hurts the lower area of my vagina because mine has quite a small entrance.

Hope thats proof that these aren’t fake.

Rosie – 27 October 2009

I’ve been using your mooncup for a couple of months now and I can honestly say that it’s a great product. Now that I’ve trimmed the stem, it’s completely comfortable to wear. It feels so much better to be nice and clean down there. I think I’m actually in a better mood during my period now that I don’t sit around in messy pads for a week. Thank you.

Olivia – 26th October 2009

Well my mooncup arrived on the second day of my period, so I tried it out as soon as i got home.I began having reactions to tampons a few months ago,so it was easy to make the moon cup choice. Was a little akward the first couple of times but like anything you soon get the hang of it and become a pro.
I went to the gym for a 2 hour session and it was a peice of cake! Couldnt feel a thing and no leaking.

I have convinced 2 friends to try it out and im sure word will spread further after that.
Thanks for such a truly great product!

Emma UAE – 25 October 2009

Im using my mooncup for the first time this week, to be honest I was not expecting it to be at good as it is. Its great im so glad I decided to try it out. Thank you mooncup. xxxxxx

Jennie – 25 October 2009

I used my Mooncup for the first time on holiday in Morocco last year. Quite frankly it was a wonder. I had been dreading having to use terrible toilets in public places but the Mooncup made life so easy! I’ve been using it for over a year now and have bought one for many of my friends. They’re all converted and have bought them in turn for their friends. Apart from the obvious financial and environmental savings, it’s great to be able to go out and not have to carry a bag full of tampons and towels. I used to dread my periods but now they may not exactly be fun, but they’re a lot less bother!I rarely notice my periods now and haven’t complained about them for months!Thanks Mooncup!

Nicki – 22nd October 2009

Don’t know how I lived without it before-it’s an incredible product and I’ll never go back to anything else! I love it!! There are so many benefits to using it

Leigh – 22 October 2009

This is one of the only things I have bought which has actually improved my life. The benefits are many – health, cost, convenience, security, environment. I have told all my friends about it.

Nikki – 21st October 2009

I LOVE MY MOONCUP! I am only on my second month of using my mooncup but am just starting to get the hang of it and can’t image life without it. It was a little tricky to use at first and it took patience, perseverence and practice but I would never go back to pads or tampons. I feel so mch cleaner and healthier and proud that I am making a difference to the environment and to my account – not having to buy other sanitary protection is such a relief. Thank you Mooncup!

Emily – 21 October 2009

I have just used the Mooncup for the first time, age 40, with three young children. I am thrilled with it, and have been spreading the word. I found it very clean and easy to use, and just wish I could have had access to the Mooncup from my first period, all those years ago! My daughter will be lucky enough to use the Mooncup from day one. I can’t praise it enough!

Susan – 21 October 2009