Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I have used the Mooncup for about a year now and I have to say how liberating the experience is! I am peri-menopausal and was experiencing vaginal dryness, pain and soreness leading to an appointment at a regional GUM clinic to find the reason. Since changing over from tampons to the Mooncup my symptoms have all but disappeared! I think that I had developed some kind of allergy to the bleaching agents used in commercial tampons, although even changing over to “greener” organic 100% cotton bleach-free ones only reduced my symptoms slightly. Now I get occasional soreness and my incidence of thrush has declined to almost nothing. The other advantage to the mooncup is that I no longer have to invest in pant liners (another source of irritation) as the mooncup is leak free. In 12 months’ use I have not experience an “accident”. My G.P.(male) is impressed by my findings and has started promoting the use of the Mooncup in other perimenopausal women. Oh, and another plus, we have no sanitary disposal unit where I work and now I don’t have to worry about the dilemma of what to do with a used tampon – we have a sink by the loo. So, thanks so much for changing my life!

Maria – 10 November 2009

I saw a negative comment on here by Morgan, and I think she has clearly never used a mooncup. I’m American, and I bought mine back before all the shipping restrictions came about. I LOVE it!! Its the best thing I have ever spent money on, and I DON’T believe these are fake testemonies. I would encourage any woman who is comfortable with her body to get a Mooncup. I have never been more happy.

Missy – 06 November 2009

After three days of non-stop practice/stress, I’ve finally managed to insert my Mooncup for the first time today.Not had a chance to experience it working yet, but at least I know I’m prepared. Great that you can practice when you’re not on!So just to let everyone know, even if you’re struggling, don’t give up; I’m now waiting to proclaim this one of the best inventions ever…bring on the period!

Cheryl – 5th November 2009

What can I say?! I’ve been using my mooncup for 18 months now, and if I were to choose the single greatest investment in my health, my savings, and my womanhood I’ve ever made – this is it. I love my mooncup! I still go shouting from the rooftops about it (Ok, not literally…).
I’m willing to try most things, so when I heard about it I thought ‘Oh yeah, why not?’. At first it was a bit tricky to use, and it took a couple of periods to get the hang of it, but after that it became second nature. I’ve been swimming in the sea, swimming at pools, to karate class in a white dogi/uniform, spent 8 days with the heaviest period I’ve ever had in a filthy music festival… no leaks, no spills, no cramps, no problems.

It’s so interesting being able to see what your body’s doing too, as weird as that may sound – I’m a naturopath so I suppose I have that bias – but it makes things so much more useful, especially for things like fertility watching and monitoring, or if you’re ever at the gynae.

I can’t believe how much money I’ve saved already, and how easy it is to use. You could almost forget it’s there – no smelly tampons to deal with or nasty pads sitting in your knickers, no sneaking off with a tampon in your hand at work, no cramps, no dryness, no infections, no problems, and nothing polluting this beautiful planet. It’s perfect!

See how I go on and on?! Once again – Thank You!! x

Erin – 05 November 2009

I started using the mooncup about 6 months ago, after using tampons for a decade or so. I hated pads: they just felt uncomfortable, and tampons tended to make me feel dry and irritated, especially once my flow lightened towards the end of my period. I LOVE the mooncup!! It can take a bit of practice at first, especially removing it, but once you get the hang of it, you can never look back. It is just amazing! I’ve been telling all my friends about it, hoping they get one too. It’s wonderful feeling at tune with ones body, and helping the environment at the same time.Sometimes I do have a little trouble removing it, but the best advice is to not panic, over time you learn techniques that help you remove it easily and insert it correctly.I highly recommend the mooncup! I heard about it purely by accident, and I wish they were displayed in stores along with Tampons and Pads.Thank you very much!

Sarah – 3rd November 2009

Unfortunately I have the horible fortune of bleeding continuously for over 6 months now 🙁 Gynae hasn’t a clue whats wrong with me, and I’m only 18. I spend around 20 a week on tampons and pads….and im only on benefits, my bleeding completely ruined everything. Imagine PMS 24/7 for 6 months! My auntie gave me the link to this website and I’ve just recieved my Mooncup today. First Impression was.. OMG its HUGE! Lol…but i worked it out and hope it is going to work for me! No more stuffing my bag and pockets full of tampons! I hope this is going to change my life completely! I think its going to make me a lot happier as well!! I will certainly pass this link on to all the women I know!!! Thanks!

Dani – 3rd November 2009

I’d heard of the Mooncup over a year ago but it seemed expensive so had put off buying it until I saw it in Boots a couple of months ago.
The Mooncup is amazing! You cannot feel it and the only bad experience I’ve had was when I accidentally put it in sideways. It got lodged and I started to panic. I thought I’d have to tear myself apart! Once I calmed down and teased it around, everything was fine. I think the trick is to not put it in so quick.

BanChan – 03 November 2009

Best thing since sliced bread!!!! Like everyone was a bit dubious about this but I still had to try it for myself. Oh boy am I glad I did. It so easy. Its extremely interesting too learning about your own bodily functions. Just remember to wash your hands before and after and dont leave the mooncup on any floor or washbasin unless its on a tissue in case of germs.I would recommend this. Just try it. You will be glad you did.

Claire – 03 November 2009

I’ve been using my Mooncup for about a year now and LOVE it!!!!!! I have super heavy periods and only have to empty my Mooncup every 3-4hrs, where I was leaking through a SuperPlus Tampon in 30-60 mins! Had a few difficulties getting it placed comfortably initially but, once I got that sorted…….Fantastic!!! Have recommended it to quite a few people already! I’ll never go back!!!Thank you Mooncup UK!!!!

Sarah – 1st November 2009

First of all congratulations for designing the best, healthiest and more eco-friendly product ever created for menstruation =) I have been using the mooncup for around 4 years now and find it very confortable and easy to use, especially when travelling since I don’t need to worry about buying “stuff” anymore.

However, with regards to one of your Q&A questions on whether or not it will hold inverted postures, I can say it holds pretty well if you are inverted for under 5 minutes and/or your period is fairly light that day (i.e. if Mooncup is practically empty). If not, I’m afraid it does leak a bit when you return to your normal position, but nothing a small “Salva-slip” won’t hold =) It might also spill a bit during exercise if you’re having very heavy periods.

In any case the Mooncup is amazing and well worth buying! XDXD

Shenti – 01 November 2009