Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I am on my third day of using the mooncup and I’m just getting used to it now! I would say that it does take a bit of practise to insert and take out, and it is a little fiddly, but it is definitly worth the extra effort. I found the FAQ on inserting and removing very helpful and it is worth reading it as well as the leaflet before using it. No more tampons and towels for me!

Rachel – 21st November 2009

I switched to mooncup for the same reasons I believe most people do: environmental concern. I had been worried about the effect of tampons for some time, but knew of no alternatives. I discovered mooncups on the internet one day and ordered one immediately.
It’s fantastic. Very easy to use, I got the hang of getting in and out with no trouble after just a couple of tries. It’s very clean, less messy than tampons, and very confortable. I fell much more confident exercising when I have my period.
I have no regrets about the purchase of my mooncup: it’s cleaner, cheaper and better of the environment… Go fot it!

Carrie – 21 November 2009

I recommend anyone give it a go. A wonderful investment! The benefits are numerous- and even if you decide to not use it after buying and trying (you won’t) it is only £20, which is a few day’s worth of lunch money, or text credit -or coffee dosh. Please try it- all these people can’t be wrong.

Jez – 19 November 2009

Just wanted to say Mooncup is just fantastic! I have been using it for two years now and have never once looked back. One of many beauties about it is that if, like me, you can be a tad forgetful from time to time it really isn’t a big deal if you forget to empty and wash it in a whole day! You can also wear it overnight and lie in with no worries that your tampon will overflow. Between periods I sterilise my mooncup with baby bottle sterilisation tablets. It comes out sparkling. Every woman not adverse to internal protection should have a mooncup. They just make sense!

Anna – 16th November 2009

I bought a mooncup recently for environmental purposes and was really nervous about using it. I just had my period and it was the best period i’ve ever had! The mooncup was so easy to use, so comfortable I couldn’t even tell it was there, and whilst I know some people are concerned about the ‘messy’ aspect of using one, I actually found it a lot more pleasant than using tampons. I had no leaks whatsoever and didn’t have to worry about carrying a bag full of three different types of tampons around for a week! One very happy customer. 🙂

Kirsten – 16 November 2009

I have just brought my mooncup and I was pleasantly suprised to find it very easy to use. I was worried I would not be able to use it as I hahve never used tampoons but I had no problems what so ever :)I would and already have recommeneded this to friends and family.

Sonia Jones – 15th November 2009

I’ve used my mooncup for about 18 months now. I have very heavy periods and used to spend a fortune on tampons, used to dread “that time of the month” as it used to be very messy, time consuming and spent the whole time terrified for little ‘accidents’!
Mooncup has changed my life. Its so effective, comfortable and now I am so much more relaxed that I never need to worry. Plus I’ve saved a fortune!

Thank you!

Emily – 15 November 2009

I’m 51 and read about it on a messageboard. I thought I’d try it almost as a talisman, if I spent 20 then I’d get to the no periods stage of the menopause. So I’m on to the 3rd period after purchase. I think it is wonderful product and I wish I had found it earlier in my life. However, I do have very heavy periods and it does leak. Yes it seals to your vagina, but it doesn’t act as a complete plug as I thought it would. Try filling it up to the rim with water, it will leak until the level reaches the bottom of the second rim.One of the advantages is that I am able to measure my menstrual flow and now I do know I have more than the average and can talk to my doctor about this.I was a little concerned when I first started using it and it leaked that your booklet said that one of main reasons for leakage was wearing it to high in the vagina.Well, I’m sorry, but my body has decided exactly where it sits. I tried placing it low and my body naturally positioned it exactly where it wanted it. So I’ve ceased to worry about that.The first month I found it difficult to take out, but I’ve since learned to use my vaginal muscles to push it out to a point where it is easy to reach by the body of the cup.I’ve told friends and family, I hope some of the younger ones find this earlier than I did.

Janice – 13th November 2009

I have never even heard of the mooncup before, I obviously read the graffiti in public toilets and not the stickers! I stumbled upon the site whilst looking for a pattern to make some reusable sanitary towels from old cotton nappies. Since having my baby almost a year ago my periods are horrendously heavy, completely different from before, hence the need for a super absorbant home-made towel to couple with my industrial strength tampons. The thought of a reusable tampon is genius! I really don’t like tampons, they either leak due to heavy periods or dry you up because you’ve got the wrong one in. I have not had any trouble using the mooncup – no leaks, absolute security and no uncomfortable cotton-wool-on-a-string feelings. It is a bit messy sure, but no more than removing a filled disposable tampon and certainly nowhere near as bad as having to turn your husband out of bed because you got a puddle of blood on the mattress during a 3am feed… I am upset my friends think I’m weird for using this, we live in a society of disposable things, most of which is unnecessary and expensive landfill. Perhaps I can’t convert my peers to my way of thinking, (we don’t talk about periods) but I am happy in the knowledge I will be raising an army of little eco-warriors whether they’re my kids or not and they will all know the name “Mooncup”!

Connie – 13 November 2009

I had heard about the mooncup sometime ago but it wasn’t until I saw an advert recently while I was researching irregular bleeding on the internet that I finally decided to buy one. I am so pleased that I have, not only because I can feel very eco friendly now that I am not filling landills with hundreds of tampons a year and I will save loads of money but also because I have recently had the contraceptive implant fitted and this has caused irregular bleeding while the hormones settle down. Now that I am using the Mooncup I can monitor how much I am actually bleeding during this time. And it saves me wasting a tampon when I end up only spotting for a few hours or leaking when I try to just use a panty liner! Its really irritating to be having a very irregular flow and this product makes such a difference to that. I’m surprised that I can’t feel it even though its wider than a tampon, although I did have to trim all the stem off before it felt comfortable. Its so easy to insert and remove and I feel much more confident that I’m not going to leak with it. If I think that I might be I can always check it, clean it and re-insert it without having wasted a tampon in the process of making sure I’m not going to leak before I go out somewhere! I am definitely going to recommend it to all my friends! Thank you, I wish I’d bought this sooner.

Lorraine – 10th November 2009