Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I have endimetriosis and have onyl just started using the mooncup (this is my first period using it!). And already i have half the pain and feel more comfortable, i wish my gynacologist had recomended this to me as it is alot better than using tampons or towels, i will be telling all of my friends about it, i thinkits brilliant! It is obviously not a cure for endimetriosis, but it has made it alot easier to live with! I wish i had discovered the mooncup as soon as i was diagnosed!
Thank you so much, you have no idea how this has made my life better 🙂

Laura – 15 December 2009

I remember when I first started using my Mooncup that it was quite a revelation (and it felt scary too). Through using the Mooncup I have become a lot more comfortable with my self and my body. It has also helped elevate much of the discomfort and cramping which I used to get.Over the years it has just become part of my normal routine, and sometimes it can act like a security blanket (I have my period and I feel like crying, but it’s ok because I have my Mooncup).
However, I have recently been fitted with an IDU and was told not to use my Mooncup for the first month. I have often said that I would never return to tampons or pads, but given the circumstances I have no choice.
I had completely forgotten how complicated it can be (not to mention expensive). Having to remember to put spare pads in my bag, changing them, disposing of them, etc. It all feels very messy and unclean, not like my wonderfully simple Mooncup.
So thank you for my Mooncup, which has given me many years of service. I can’t wait till next month when things will go back to normal, and I can feel like a proper woman again.
I love my Mooncup!

Brook – 15 December 2009

I saw this mentioned a couple of months ago and thought I’d have a look as I was travelling out to India , and thought it would be an easy option to tampax/towels .Took quite a few attemps to get it right and postioned it correctly , which worried me for when I wouldn’t be in my own bathroom .
3 months later and I have no worries about anything . I still use a pantyliner as normal but the Mooncup has made my periods less of a trial and I feel cleaner too .
I walk quite alot and this is ideal , I can go for a decent 3/4 hour walk without having to worry . Not having to take lots of products out with me is great .
I do make sure I keep wetwipes with me when I’m out and about as not all public loos have facilities close at hand .
For anyone slightly curious I say try it , it’s not expensive . I don’t honestly think I’ll go back now , very happy with my choice .

EConnor – 12 December 2009

After 18 months of shall I shan’t I, I took the plunge. It’s great. No problems with insertion or leakage. Day two I had a moment where I thought it wouldn’t come out accompanied by a fit of giggles on the bathroom floor as the cats looked on somewhat bemused – oh the indignity. Next day I just cracked how to use it and haven’t looked back. Absolutely no worries about it at all. Roll on next month when I get to use it again, and yes, I’ve already raved about it to my friends, one of whom could be a convert.

Joy – 09 December 2009

I LOVE the Mooncup. I like that I do not have to worry about having supplies with me. I love that I can insert it before my period just in case” and it is safe to do so. I love that I am doing something positive for the environment.”””

Peggy – 5th December 2009

Today is my first day with the Mooncup! I’m 19 and just figured I’d give it a go. I was pretty taken with its economical and ecological benefits. I’m really liking it so far. Took me a while to get it in properly (about half an hour) but once in it was fine.
I was worried about it somehow getting back out, so I danced and cartwheeled around my room and it’s stayed in, so I’m confident about it now. 🙂 It’s really comfortable, which is always a plus, so I’m happy with it. Definitely worth the money, especially when I think of the money I’ll save in the long run. Ahh.

Now all I have to do is recommend it to as many people as possible! Thank you, Mooncup! 😀

Jazzmynne – 05 December 2009

WOW! Totally amazing, this is the best thing that has ever happened to the time of the month. I bleed a lot and so for the first day or two need to use a pad as well but this is NOTHING compared to what I would have used before. Mooncups are the way forward!

YummyMummy – 02 December 2009

When I first read about the Mooncup I was intrigued. Since I started taking the Pill, my periods, which used to be pretty heavy, have been getting lighter and lighter… to the point where I couldn’t use tampons any more, because even the lightest absortion was too much other than during the first day. So I thought I would give it a try, since I always found pads messy and uncomfortable. I am so happy with it! It took some practice to put it in, but once I got that bit sorted, I can say it is just plain and simply wonderful! Give it a go, and enjoy!

Ari – 1st December 2009

The Mooncup is pretty much the bst purchase I have EVER made.I used to worry about changing my tampons and leaking during my period, and always found it uncomfortable because of dryness towards the end of my period. The mooncup takes all these problems away. It takes all the worry, and hassle and fuss away.
I used to wear “sensible” pants during my period, to hold a pad in place, or because I was worried about leaking. I don’t have to do this anymore. I can wear whatever pants I want, and I can sleep naked like I normally do!
The Mooncup is seriously one of the best inventions ever, every woman should have one. They are SO easy, and not at all disgusting.

Maggie – 01 December 2009

I LOVE mooncups!I enjoy horseriding, cycling, dog walking and generally enjoying life. I suffer with very heavy long and painful periods and it seemed like my life had to go on hold for the duration. Well now I just feel so much freer, I can still do all those activities without worrying about leaks or feeling clammy, smelly and uncomfortable! It’s really handy for camping and going abroad too. I have never used tampons but I’m fine with the mooncup because it doesn’t dry you out and take away your natural defence against infections. It’s also saving me money and cutting down on landfill!! I will spread the word!

Natalie – 27th November 2009