Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I’ve had my mooncup for nearly 3 years, and I love it. I bought it for the reason that I felt there had to be something more comfortable than pads, and I always leaked with tampons. It had nothing to do with the added benefits of being cheaper in the long run, and adding nothing to landfills (though they’re wonderful perks too!)
I couldn’t live without it now, and there is no way I would ever go back to something else. I often forget I’m even on my period, something which is impossible with pads / tampons, and my 7-8 day periods have become much shorter since using this too, something I’m convinced isn’t a coincidence. I do need a pad for the first day of my period, but that is an incredibly heavy day, otherwise I just pop this in and I’m good to go.

Also, it is fabulous to use in aeroplane bathrooms too. and there’s no faff about rubbish and sanitary products cluttering up your bag either.

Hannah – 24th March 2015

I was introduced to Mooncups 12 years ago and have used them ever since. I love their eco credentials, the total lack of waste and their cleanliness to use – no spillage, no mess. But the thing that I always tell people when they ask is how comfortable they are. No chaffing, like tampons, no abrasion or soreness. I ♥ Mooncup!

Megan – 24th March 2015

I bought my Mooncup last month after having a discussion with a friend about sanitary provision. It has always been a issue for me; sanitary pads are impractical, nasty, uncomfortable, and utterly useless on heavy days. Tampons are better but have never really felt comfortable, especially at the end of my period when my flow is a lot lighter and more unpredictable. I detest the feeling of dry tampons and sometimes you don’t have the right absorbency or even a spare with you. Plus I always felt disgusted with myself for throwing them away and polluting the world, but had no alternative! Mooncup changes all that! I read all the testimonials and everything on this site before buying mine, and everything these women have said before me is true – I even felt slightly less period pain than before, convincing me of my suspicion that tampons actually add to the discomfort. I didn’t see the need to wait until the latter days of my period to try the Mooncup, I got stuck in on the first day and just spent a little while practicing insertion and removal in the bathroom! Piece of cake once you know how! It’s such a relief knowing all I need to take with me when I’m out is some ibuprofen and a water bottle and not a stash of different tampons and liners. But aside from the overwhelming convenience and comfort, an unexpected plus, and perhaps the best thing about it, is I feel so much more in tune with my body! After one period using Mooncup I already feel like I know so much more about my cycle – I feel liberated! Mooncup does not feel invasive or malign but like it is designed to help you understand and support your body, not suppress or fight against it. I have told every woman I know to buy one and sent off for the stickers and leaflets – I am on a mission! I only wish, like every other Mooncup user, that I had known about it from the start. 11 year old me, embarrassed and needlessly ashamed by period stains and pads would have killed for one. Now, I have taken control, taken a step towards embracing my body, it’s functions and it’s needs, and my womanhood! Thank you Mooncup!

Jess – 18th March 2015

I bought the Moon Cup in January this year, and have now had two periods using it. Switching to the Moon Cup is one of the best decisions I have made in my life! I heard of it a few years ago but was put off by the idea of having to empty it in public places; this however is much easier than you would think as a) you don’t have to change it anywhere as near as much as a tampon and b) like the Q&A’s suggest, simply wiping it or using a water bottle is absolutely fine for the occasional time you do get caught in a cubicle without a sink. I knew when I bought the Moon Cup that it would have a number of advantages which have proved to be just as good as expected:
a) not having to buy tampons any more
b) not contributing to the environmental damage caused by disposable sanitary products
c) not having the dryness caused by a tampon
d) not having the awkward string poking out in embarrassing places such as the swimming pool!
All these advantages have been great and better than expected (the Moon Cup is so comfortable, you can’t tell it’s there, and putting it in and taking it out takes only the tiniest bit of practice!) but what’s been really great about the Moon Cup is the advantages I didn’t think about, which include:
a) Only having to change it every 7-8 hours, even on really heavy days
b) Not having the “odour” that comes along with your period, particularly towards the end of menstruation
c) Not having any “spotting” at the end of my period (bye bye pantyliners!)
d) Not having to worry about the size of tampons vs. flow – the Moon Cup can be worn throughout
e) Being really in touch with my body, and being able to know exactly when I have finished my period
f) They don’t cause any issues with toilet blockages, and you don’t have to deal with the ickyness that is the full sanitary bin in a public place.

Ladies – please try the Moon Cup! I have been singing it’s praises to my friends and I am shocked and actually quite disappointed that so many people think that a period is a “disgusting” thing, and that the Moon Cup is to be avoided – we should not be embarrassed by our bodies or scared of being more in touch with ourselves (yes, quite literally..!)
My only regret is not starting to use it earlier, as having now seen the difference in my body I have realised that the only disgusting and unnatural thing about periods is using any other type of sanitary product!
Go Moon Cup!

Becky – 14th March 2015

I LOVE IT!! My periods before having children where just hideous. I could easily spend £20 and more on pads and tampons in one period. It was a real down moment. My bag just seemed to consist of sanitary products. In the end I stayed in. I then found the Mooncup through an online forum. I read about it and read all the benefits it could have for me. It hasnt let me down. I have two children since I got my first mooncup and I wouldnt live without it. No smells, no leaking, no fear of going out and no more sanitary hang bag. It has helped me so much. My flow is lighter, im in less pain and I feel so much more confident. Ill sing the praises of my Mooncup to all my lady friends. Thank you!!

Lucy – 12th March 2015

It doesn’t smell. It doesn’t leak. You can wear whatever underwear you want (or none at all!). It doesn’t dry you out. It doesn’t leave fibres inside you. You don’t have to deal with it every time you go to the toilet. It can cope with clots. You don’t have to buy more and more every month. There’s no gross string hanging out of you. You don’t have to throw it away and feel guilty about the waste. It doesn’t feel like a nappy. You can measure your period so you know if something unusual happens. It doesn’t come wrapped up in pointless, wasteful packaging. You don’t have to carry loads of supplies around with you.
I feel free.

I did find insertion and removal a bit difficult to start with, but after sticking with it for a couple of days I soon got into the swing of it.

It saves me money, it saves me hassle and it’s comfortable. What more could I ask for?

liz – 9th March 2015

My mother had bought me a mooncup from another site and I fell in love with it. So I purchased one from here, and I will always love it! I love that I don’t have to spend so much on pads or tampons and I love that using the mooncup is better for the environment. And it lasts longer than a tampon. I never have to worry about running out of it:) I defiantly recommend this to my friends and family!!

Kristine – 8th March 2015

Oh my word, the Mooncup has changed my life!
I know some people have said they’ve found it difficult learning to insert and remove the Mooncup, and I know my experience isn’t the same as everyone’s, but I’ve found it SO easy.

No more worrying about leakage, no more excessive waste – it’s just brilliant.

laura – 7th March 2015

I started using my moon cup this week. Ladies, if you don’t know this product and are still using tampons and pads, I beg you to check it out! It is unbelievably fantastic!!
I never felt so comfortable during my period. No itchiness, no dryness, no leakage, no odour, no waste!! I feel much safer and healthier and in touch with myself. I can move around, I can go into the water for a bath or a swim, I enjoy being close with my boyfriend. And even the pain wasn’t as bad as usual this month.

It took me some time to give it a try because it was unfamiliar to me. I learned about it online and didn’t know anybody in person who was using a menstrual cup. I usually dread my period because I have very bad menstrual cramps and mood swings and the disposable sanitary products dry me out. I’m used to feeling just awful for several days and suffering from itches after each period.

I absolutely hate tampons, they always gave me pain. The fact that the moon cup is inserted into the vagina as is the tampon put me off for some time. I imagined inserting it as painful because of my experience with tampons and the size of the moon cup looked intimidating.

With finally mustering up the courage and giving the moon cup a try, I got the hang of it much quicker than I had expected. It doesn’t feel like a tampon at all, in fact, I find it much easier to insert despite the bigger size. Once it’s in, I barely feel it at all. There’s no burning sensation or uncomfortable itching, it smoothly slides in and sits comfortably low. It doesn’t feel like an intruding object at all.

I can officially state that I’m never going back!! I feel so ridiculously more comfortable and happy, I already lost a bit of my fear regarding my period after using it for only 4 days! Even my boyfriend is fond of it and notices that I’m much happier with it. I showed him the moon cup and dared to really talk about my period with him, I kinda lost a lot of my shame.

I think this product is simply genius. There’s only pros, all the way. Thank you, moon cup!! 😀

Anna – 4th March 2015

I bought my m’cup almost 2 years ago and i love it! My periods are not always the same as far as light or heavy flow. Not to mention I am helping the environment and my wallet at the same time! I love my cup and I highly recommend it to anyone!

Reeva – 2nd March 2015