Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

My moon cup is defiantly one thing i could not live with out! i could not even imagine returning to pads. My period is so heavy i use to try and stay as still as possible to avoid that feeling of gushing blood, and God forbid if i was to sneeze..lol anyway point made…With using the mooncup, i still have a heavy period but it is so much easily to deal with. It almost feels as if you you are not even on.
It is not difficult at all to insert and take out, you easily get use to it. there is no smell or mess. i just take it out, tip it straight down the loo, rinse under the tap and put it back in…easy.
it does seam a bit big when you first get it, but i always use a lubricant. It can be a bit embarrassing when trying to tell and advice others to use it, as they just have a giggle and say its a bit massive. (i just think, if only they knew!!)
I actually initially brought one because i was going skiing whilst my period was due. And i needed a tampon alternative( as they just leek and generally don’t agree with me) im so glad i stumbled across the mooncup, it meant i enjoyed my ski trip and could bare every other period after that.

umm potatoface – 06 January 2010

Hi,I just want to thank you so much for your wonderful release from those dreaded tampons at last! The mooncup makes periods less of a chore and now I have one tampons seem so old fashioned!!! I cannot thank you enough for your wonderful invention. Gillian, Spain

Gillian, Spain – 5th January 2010

I read about Mooncup in a University Magazine 5 years ago. Always wanted one but never bothered as I had to order online and really had no way to pay. I am in England on a holiday from Australia, and had to take the dreaded trip to the chemist to get my monthly supply of “plugs” where I saw the little mooncup shining brightly at me. I was overjoyed and proudly handed my new friend to the check out chick. I couldnt wait to get home and start using it. It took a few go’s to get it right and its the next morning and I feel great! Thank you mooncup! A Souvenir worth buying!

Nat – 05 January 2010

Ive been using a Mooncup now for 2 years and I honestly would never ever turn back! The first 2 months took a little getting used to, wearing a panty liner on heavier days just in case I hadn’t placed the cup right, but having sussed it now I am completely convinced it was a good purchase!The best part is that as the cup doesn’t absorb fluid, so I am not “dry” (excuse the expression but super tampon users will know what I mean) during or for a day or so afterwards- much more comfortable! That and I cant feel the cup at all… I might as well not be on my period.
Its great not to spend money on Tampons every month, be a little better for the environment and feel comfortable during those girly days!

Emma – 05 January 2010

I only started my period a few years ago, and I used to hate being a girl ’til I found the MOONCUP 😀 It’s great because I can go anywhere I like and never have to worry about it. I got really angry trying to put it in at first, but then I got the hang of it and I took it on a trip to South Africa. I sat through LONG car journeys, spent all day running around and swimming at the beach, best of all I climbed up a mountain (which took AGES) and had no worries about finding a toilet all the time! One word of advice though…try not to spill it when you take it out, ESPECIALLY if you are at a friends house and they have carpet in the bathroom. Talking my way out of that one was awkward!!!

Alisha – 04 January 2010

I’d known about the mooncup for ages but didn’t actually buy one until I was persuaded by all the positive comments following an article in the Guardian a short while ago. Now I’ve got the hang of it (it’s easy after a few goes, just remember to R-E-L-A-X) I can’t believe no-one told me about this before. It’s just amazing. I always found my period to be a bit of a nuisance because I do a lot of running, walking and cycling (which involves tight-fitting lycra pants) and I’ve never really got on with tampons so was always conscious of wearing a pad. Honestly, every women should at least give it a try before deciding it’s too gross or too weird, because once you get over that you’ll find out it’s absolutely brilliant and never look back.

Emma – 03 January 2010

One of my friends told me about mooncups, i had never heard of them and was quite grossed out at first. A week later I myself was using one. They are a lifesaver since i have quite a heavy flow and still go to school. Thanks heaps!

Jo – 02 January 2010

I’ve had mine for about three months now and it’s absolutely changed the way I feel about my period. It’s so comfortable you forget it’s even there, and so easy to use. Fantastic 🙂

Nicola – 31st December 2009

I cannot recommend the mooncup enough! I started using mine about 2 years ago and I haven’t looked back. It is so comfortable, convenient and economical. My periods last for about 8 days every 3 and a half weeks, with heavy spotting either side. It used to be a nightmare because I couldn’t use tampons on the lighter days and as I travel a lot I had to take loads of tampons with me wherever I went. I also don’t like the sensation of the cotton wool on my vagina, and the cord used to chafe when I was running any long distances – The mooncup solves all these problems. I have told all of my friends (girl ones obviously!) and quite a few of them have tried it for themselves and are also in love with it. Please, please give it a go – You’ll wish you discovered it years ago1

Gillian – 31 December 2009

I got my Mooncup only yesterday (i happened to be in the middle of my period) and I already love it! It was a bit uncomfortable at first, but after I trimmed the stem I can’t feel it at all! It’s perfect for me, because I hate using pads, and I always forget tampons in for too long. I also find it sort of interesting to actually see and measure the blood.This may sound strange, but now I am looking forward to my next period so I can test the Mooncup in the heaviest first days.

Eli – 30 December 2009