Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I have been using the mooncup for over 4 years now and absolutely love it, despite generally being anti mod-cons. Although I’ve recommended it to most of my female friends only 1 has been converted as the others are either too squeamish to try it or can’t afford the larger up front cost. I have been travelling in several places with it and it’s so much easier than tampons/towels – only one tiny bag to take, no solid waste to block simple toilets/fill holes in the ground and no need to try and purchase sanitary protection in another language! If anyone has experience of using it right from when they started their periods I would be interested to hear how they got on.

Louise – 26 January 2010

It really is light years ahead of the tampon. I was sceptical at first but after using it I will never turn back. Less mess, Better for your body, Cheaper AND better for the environment. Youd ont get that from a tampon. What are you waiting for….. do the switch TODAY GIRLS! I LOVE IT

Pippa – 23rd January 2010

I have just tried the moon cup for the first time. I read alot of advice about trimming the end down but decided to try it first. It definatly does need to be trimmed and once it has been it fits perfectly. I am completely happy with my purchase and I love it.
It feels completely secure. Today I went out walking for 2 hours and I did not feel the moon cup at all. So much better than tampons.
The only negative I do have is that it is slightly messy on the hands.
I spent ten years in the Armed forces and this product would not be practical in a field environment. However for everyday life it is fantastic.
I only wish it would be advertised more so other women could learn about this and it’s advantages to the environment.

Diane – 23 January 2010

Dear Su, I would like to add to the other testimonials. I LOVE MY MOONCUP. I am at the end of my first month and… it is faultless. I emailed before my period (after a bit of practice) and the advice given was muchly appreciated. The product is A*! It is comfy (:D), it is easy to insert; I recommend the second type of insertion, I have not leaked ONCE… and I have not used ANY pads. I feel like I am not on my period, and I find it liberating to use with the added bonus of no yakky waste! A-maz-ing!!! I am telling as many people about it as possible; though my boyfriend IS tiring if me singing its praises! THANKYOU!

Laura – 22nd January 2010

I would just like to say, my mooncup arrived today and I’m already ecstatic with it. I think that this revolutionary product coming from an ethical business run by women is astounding and really impressive.
I really hope we can all gain the courage to look at women’s reproductive cycles in a more respectful way and advocate more environmentally-friendly/safe products such as the mooncup to all the women we know in the future.

I think this is a significant move forward for womankind and the feminist movement.

El – 22 January 2010

I have been using Mooncup for almost a year now & I must say, it’s the best invention so far to cope w/ women’s monthly ‘monster’. Ever since I used Mooncup, my lifestyle has changed. I don’t dread having my period for the month because I know I always have my Mooncup around. Great buy! I encourage all the women to use this – saves you money, saves the environment & saves you from a lot of stress!

Valerie – 22 January 2010

“Fui aconselhada por uma amiga a usar aquela fraldas de algodão reutilizáveis, como fazia minha mãe e minhas avós, como alternativa de redução de lixo e benefício pra saúde. Conversei com minha ginecologista e ela aprovou a idéia. Porém quando comentei a mesma idéia com uma amiga européia, ela me apresentou o Mooncup e logo vi que era a solução mais ideal à minha busca e minha rotina. Porém temi fazer a comprar pela internet e esperei dois anos (achando, a cada ciclo, que aquela seria a última vez que eu usaria absorventes descartáveis) até que uma amiga me trouxesse um da Bélgica e dei fim à minha curiosidade pois minha menstruação chegou logo depois que eu estava com meu mooncup em mãos. A expectativa foi de todos. Com exceção da menina que me indicou, ninguém mais com quem conversei já tinha ouvido falar no produto (I live in Natal, capital of the state Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil). Depois que comecei a usá-lo senti uma satisfação plena, um alívio por valer a pena ter esperado tanto e não se enganado. Passei meu período de menstruação inteiro monotemática, me senti usufruindo de uma revolução íntima incrível, de me deixar rindo sozinha e ter despertado essa vontade irreprimível de vir aqui deixar essa declaração de amor ao Mooncup! hahaha”

Talynne Lopes de Sousa – 22 January 2010

I bought a Mooncup a little while ago for a variety of reasons: eco-consciousness, curiosity, dissatisfaction with tampons / pads etc and I am very pleased to say that it paid for itself within a month!! Just one Mooncup period in and already there were none of the usual cramps, disturbed sleep, financial outlay and it finished a day quicker than usual.
I was a little nervous about using it to begin with but it is much easier to insert and remove than I feared and by the end of the first day I had definitely got the knack. No mess, no discomfort and no leaks whatsoever (it did take me a while to trust it completely so I carried on with pads as well the first few times I used it).

I would advise new-Mooncuppers to try it without trimming the stem at all then take it off in little bits until you can’t feel it when you sit down (also gives you valuable practice inserting and removing the Mooncup!). I was a bit tentative to begin with but now have only about 5mm of it left and it’s so comfortable that I completely forget Aunt Flo is staying 😉

It really is a brilliant little thing and I’m so glad I took the plunge.

Helen – 21 January 2010

I’ve been reading about mooncup for some time now and was very skeptical as I had very heavy periods and wore super-plus tampons and a towel and still leaked!! But I plucked up the courage and bought one. It was strange getting used to it at first and removing it took some practice but I would never go back to using tampons For those you who have heavy periods and are reading this testimonal thinking it doesn’t work I can tell you it does! My only regret is not using it sooner

Elaine – 12 January 2010

I have been using a mooncup for a few years now and have had to change size now I have welcomed my first baby into the world. Again, no problems with the new size, I just can’t imagine life without my mooncup and am currently spreading the word in my mothers group! We have many mums who are very environmentally conscious and use cloth nappies (as I do) and they are really fascinated with the idea of the mooncup. I never regret my purchase of a mooncup and couldn’t reccomend them more.

Rachele – 06 January 2010