Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

It’s tricky at first – but it really does get easier to use. And you know what? It is liberating! Strange but you feel as though you don’t need to buy tampons, pads etc etc ever again and it’s amazing!

GP – 7th February 2010

Great, great, great and while I got a bit of stick from friends for thinking about using it………I am determined to convert them!! It is a little messy but way less messy than towels where the blood is sitting on the pad and letting germs get to it! ………and how much money have I saved this month!! 😉

Sarah – 07 February 2010

I love love love my mooncup! I love how easy it is to use (Bit fiddly at first but I soon got used to it). I love that I dont have to carry tampons around with me any more. I love that it’s environmentally better than tampons. And I’ve not had a single leak in 2 months use (I even wore white underwear to test it properly and not a mark). It’s comfortable and clean. I wish I’d heard of it years ago. I heard about it thru word of mouth. Most of my friends had never heard of it till I told them. It should be shouted from the rooftops! Every woman should try one. I’ll never go back to using tampons and pads again.

Angie – 03 February 2010

I just have to comment on a testimonial I read while researching the moon cup for my 2 daughters (22 and 23) I think her name was Megan and she was saying that the testimonials must be fake because they were all positive. Although I have not personally used one I am purchasing them for my daughters and have no doubt that they are everything women say they are. The reason I have NO DOUBT is because my husband and myself used a diaphragm for fifteen years as contraceptive until his vasectomy and then we used the diaphragm for sex while I was menstruating as well as for when I was too poor or out of tampons. Same concept – Great idea.

Susan – 02 February 2010

Read about the mooncup in Cosmo, and was interested, checked out this website, bought one, used it and hey presto!Took 2 or 3 attempts to get position right, but once you get the hang ot it, so easy to use & so much more comfortable than a tampon! no leaks, no dryness. easy to use, cheaper, (I was spending the same amount as a mooncup every other month!!)
Wished I’d heard about them years ago!!

Sally – 31 January 2010

I just bought one this afternoon, because I’m sick of tampons drying me out and giving me thrush. Inserted it with no problems at all AND can get it back out – insant and complete WIN. I’m looking forward to spending the rest of my life with Mooncup!

Clare – 28 January 2010

What a revalation! Having developed an allergy to tampons I thought I would give it a go – that was 3 years ago and I have never looked back. There is no soreness or dryness at the end of your period, you dont have to change it as much as you would a tampon and after 3 periods it has paid for itself. every girl should have one – advertise more – don’t keep it a secret – it saves the environment too.

Laura – 28 January 2010

i was a bit scared of my mooncup at first, what if i cant get it in, what if it wont come out, but ive been using it for about a week now and im extreamly happy with it, i find it so easy to insert and remove and its a much bettee alternitve to tampons i would recomend any woman to try it, and being an active 15 year old i can go through my period with a breeze, thank you!! xxx

Paige – 26th January 2010

Hi, Just wanted to share my experience of the Mooncup. damn… its easy to use! I was worried about loosing it up there but nope! Its so comfy I can’t feel it at all yet its easy to get at. Thank you – its the most brilliant product – good for me, good for the environment, good for my purse. Thank you!

Rachel – 26th January 2010

I tried the Mooncup out of frustration with tampons; on the rare occasions when I wanted to feel clean and not worry about the potential smell of using pads the tampon would always fail me. Inserting them was often very uncomfortable, and 9 times out of 10 the tampon would shift and become painful-cue a dash to the toilet and changing back to pads.
The eco-friendliness of the Mooncup never mattered to me, I already feel I suffer enough during my period without adding guilt to the mix. All I wanted was to feel clean and natural with no discomfort or chafing, and the Mooncup delivered!

The thing I love most is that you can put the mooncup in while you take a shower. That way it’s lubricated, I’m comfortable and relaxed, I can get nice and clean and there’s no trip to the bathroom after my shower to insert a tampon and try not to get blood under my nails.

Even better, I can almost forget I’m on my period, and sometimes I even sleep with it in which I never dared do with tampons. For the record, after all my struggles with tampons I didn’t think a Mooncup would fit comfortably but it does, and everyone should try it!

Stevie – 26 January 2010