Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I’ve had my mooncup for 8 months now and I must say, it’s probably one of the best purchases I’ve ever made, not an exaggeration! At around age 15 I started having really heavy periods, wearing a super tampon and a night time pad and having to change the tampon at least every hour. Age 16, I got fed up and decided to try the Mooncup as I was pretty desperate. It’s actually been amazing!
Because of my age I was initially worried if I would be able to get it inserted as it looks massive, but if you’ve been using tampons it’s really easy to insert.
The mooncup makes me feel so clean and hygienic, unlike the sticky messy feeling you get from other sanitary products. The fact that I have to change it less often is an added bonus – I can go out for the night and never have to empty my cup at all!
As for the ‘ick’ factor, if you already have heavy periods this really shouldn’t bother you! It sounds strange but in a way as your period is contained within the cup it’s a bit less traumatising to look at, rather than a messy pad or tampon :L
Mooncup is something I really wish I’d heard about sooner and I couldn’t live without it.

Rachel – 16 February 2010

This is the best female sanitary product on the market! Every woman should have one. I’ve just used it for the first time and can’t believe how easy to use it is. For all those sceptics, just go on and try it. Believe me, you will never look back

Cath – 15th February 2010

I bought one of these on Thursday after reading the reviews and, admittedly, with reservations. Tampons give me thrush every period and this brings on cystitis… A lovely combination!
My period started on Saturday and so far, I love this product. I haven’t felt any thrush-like symptoms, it’s very easy to fit and remove and unlike a tampon, I really can’t feel it at all. I

it’s slightly messy, I won’t lie, but well worth it and the comfort and reliability well outweighs the negatives. Get one today!

Becki – 15 February 2010

Thank you to the inventors of Mooncup, it has made my life so much easier.I hadn’t heard of mooncup until I went into Boots to buy extra large tampons as that was the only place i could get them, on looking across the shelves my eye caught your product, the concept looked logical so I purchased one along with the tampons (which are still in the cupboard)say no more….

penny – 15 February 2010

I’m too old for a mooncup, But my 15 year old daughter wanted to do her bit for the environment. I was a little unsure when I first saw the mooncup, but she loves it! Especially the freedom it gives here at school and in dance. She want’s to tell the world about mooncup, but is too shy. Well done on such a fantastic product! Thank you, I’m glad I found your website.

Jean – 13th February 2010

I have been using the mooncup for the last 5 years. I started with a similar one which my sister in NZ sent me as they are popular there. I changed to the mooncup because the other one I had was brown rubber and not so pliable. I have to say that there is no way I would ever go back to using any other form of sanitary protection. I have never had and problems with it and have been able to use it on every holiday I have been on ~ no worries about swimming or anything else. I have changed it in public toilets too with no problems. I have recommended it to a friend and she would now not use anything else either. Some of my friends don’t think its very nice using it but I can’t see that its any different from using a tampon and much better for you as well as your purse!! I would recommend everyone to try it out and am sure that they will not change back to tampons once they have.

Jennie – 13th February 2010

On my third period with the mooncup now and wouldn’t swap back for any money! i did find that it took a while to get the hang of it, especially removal, which hurt at first. What helped was realising that there were three stages to removing it: bringing it down to the vaginal entrance, breaking the seal and actually getting it out, and that there was a technique to each – now it’s becoming automatic. Love having nothing to carry around, (or forget to carry around) during my period, love not feeling dry and itchy and getting thrush, love having nothing to dispose of – neither guilt at flushing nor a gross bathroom bin. I still make a bit of a mess emptying, but getting better at that! All in all a huge success and wish i’d done it sooner.

CJ – 13 February 2010

In my opinion, every woman should own a Mooncup and other forms of sanitary protection should no longer be produced. This would not only have a fantastic effect on the environment, by reducing waste, but also enable women to feel cleaner, healthier and happier during their period – as well as saving them hundreds of pounds!

Laura – 13 February 2010

Incredible…..I am half way through my second period relying totally on my Mooncup, it really is absolutely amazing, no leaks, no cramps, no sneaking tampons out of the locker at work, and no worries! I bought my Mooncup because I was sure that the tampons were causing my cramps, I was right, with the Mooncup the cramps are gone – hooray! I think this is due to the lower position of the Mooncup in the vagina which means it is not pressing on the cervix like a tampoon.The string from the tampon used to drive me crazy but with the stem cut short I find that I can not feel the Mooncup at all.Tampons seemed to suck all the moisture from my vagina, while their chemical content and fibres seemed to damage the lining of my vagina. With Mooncup there are none of these problems.There are a couple of new problems though, taking it out can be messy but removing it with one hand while holding a tissue in place with the other has solved this. The only other problem is that I seem to spend a lot of time washing it

Rose – 11th February 2010

Bought my Mooncup on Sunday and have been using it since Monday (today is Thursday). I think it is a much better option than Towels or Tampons. Periods are a messy, painfull pain in the bum but the Moon cup really works and has not been messy at all. I am not a hippy, eco warrior but you have to try this.
Like so many others say, I don’t know how it works it just does.

Margaret – 11 February 2010