Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

Being an American, I bought my mooncup while I was studying abroad for a year. It has made such a difference in my life. The mooncup keeps me from having to constantly worry about leaks or sanitation. I have been using my mooncup for nearly a year now, and it is so nice to not have to dread that time of the month anymore. I highly highly recommend it to every woman that wants to have any easier time dealing with their dreaded monthly visitor!

Felicity – 03 March 2010

This is such a fantastic product. I have been wanting to try one for a while, so impulsively purchased one the other day when my period started whilst out and about.
I must admit, I was a little grossed out at first handling the cup, but once I became comfortable with the whole process (inserting and removing)it has become absolutely fascinating. I now have the ability to monitor my period right the way through, which is a comfort as it’s great being able to see just how it’s all functioning “down there”.

For the first time ever I haven’t had ANY leaks during my period, which is an absolute godsend! No more ruined underpants! and it’s amazing not having to wear a pad to bed!

It also definitely goes without saying the environmental benefits of the Mooncup are just excellent, I feel just a little bit better about my impact on the world.

I will definitely be raving about the Mooncup to my female friends and family (as soon as I can find an appropriate moment to mention it!)

Jenni – 28 February 2010

WOW!!!!! i have NEVER hadmy period before but this sounds GREAT! so when i get it” i deff buyin the mooncup but i think u guys should get some FUNKY! pattern/colors!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhh woooo mooncup!”””

Ann – 25th February 2010

I’ve had my Mooncup for over 2 years now and haven’t used a single tampon or towel since. It took a few tries to to get the hang of removing it but I feel confident swimming or doing sports and it’s great for work as I can go all day without worrying about leakage. It’s also great for holidays as you don’t have to stuff your suitcase with sanitary protection and then worry about disposing of it. And of course, it’s so much better for the environment. Every woman should try this!

Sarah Hannah – 25 February 2010

I love my Mooncup! I’ve been using it for over a year now and still going strong. Learning to use it was a little difficult at first but I kept trying and now that I’m used to it I couldn’t be happier. My cramps are greatly reduced and sometimes it’s almost like I don’t have a period at all! I’ll never go back to the old way – now I cruise past the feminine hygiene aisle at the supermarket and chuckle to myself hehe…

Canuck loves cup – 20 February 2010

To anyone who has just bought their mooncup and is struggling – don’t give up! It does take a bit of getting used to, and for a few days I thought I’d wasted my money, but I am now a huge fan. I wouldn’t go back to tampons for anything (dry, leaky, expensive, polluting and horrible!)

Emma – 18th February 2010


Dena – 18th February 2010

I am very impressed with the mooncup, after years of heavy periods and struggling with tampons and sanitary towel, I am very active and love to swim and I could never swim at the time of the month. The mooncup is easy, discreet and has saved me so much money!
It is comfortable and fits nicely in my handbag, also I find if I am at work on a long shift then I can pop the cup in a few hours before I know my period is going to start so that I am never caught out!
I have recommended the cup to lots of my friends who have all brought it and have had similar sucess!!!

Hanna – 18 February 2010

I was extremely skeptical about the mooncup and it’s usage, but after 4 days it’s made a massive difference to my life. I’ve had no cramp at all and thoroughly recommend it.

Julie – 18 February 2010

I tried Mooncup after seeing an advert on a toilet door advertising space. It is without a doubt one of the best things I have ever done.
At first I did have reservations, but decided to give it a go… the first day I used Mooncup, I went out for the day to a Go Ape centre (aerial obstacle courses, tree climbing, crawling around, zipwires etc). I had no problems whatsoever. No leakage, no discomfort at all – it was simply brilliant. I did wear a sanitary towel as well, to be safe, but it was completely dry and clean when I went to the bathroom several hours later!
I’ve been using it ever since. I can’t recommend this product enough – I don’t understand why it isn’t available more in supermarkets or advertised more.
It’s so clean, safe, environmentally friendly, comfortable and generally brilliant! I would recommend it to anyone.
N.B. I would say you need to be comfortbable with your own body and willing to insert the Mooncup manually – maybe people who are virgins or slightly more reserved may not feel comfortable with this. But anyone who has had sex or is comfortable with their own body and willing to give it a go – I say go for it.
Best. Decision. Ever.

Terri – 18 February 2010