Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I have been using the Mooncup for over a year now. My sister, in South Africa, was actually the one to promote it to me. I haven’t looked back since! I used to have terrible thrush EVERY period from using tampons and a sanitry pad can be uncomfortable and not always practical. I have also saved so much money since buying the Mooncup. I certainly haven’t looked back and I am so grateful for the introduction!

Christie – 13 March 2010

After years of battling with thrush, heavy periods and bladder infections I was almost ready to give up. Nothing seemed to work for me. Tampons were cheap but itchy, and i was too worried to wear a pad due to such a heavy flow. A friend of a friend mentioned to me, this new godsend which came in the form of a cup. Also being a keen activist, i was extremely interested in an alternative to tampons and pads, as i know they must have severe environmental effects.My daughter is just coming up to menstrual age and i’m so excited to ‘ teach a new generation of ‘mooneys’ the way of the cup.
Viva la cup!!!

Angela – 13 March 2010

I have had my mooncup a couple of years now & words canot express how Wonderful a device the Mooncup is.Just like everyone else I have recommended it to my friends and family and my daughters.My only moan is that I took so long to discover it.The feeling of comfort and confidence you gain when wearing the Mooncup is unbelievable.I sometimes think of all those years I spent worrying about having a show and declining evenings out with friends and the countless times I had to rush off to find the Ladies in order to cope with a sudden ‘Super Flow’ not nice! Well that’s all in the past thankfully.I have always had a close spiritual connection to the Moon & her cycles of Maiden, Mother & Crone, but Boy I never realised how very fruitful her cup would be! ThankYou On Behalf of All Us Women who have come to appreciate the benefits of using a Mooncup.

Nikki B in the UK. – 11th March 2010

I’m on my second month with the mooncup so I’m still getting used to it. Despite all the problems I’m experiencing while getting used to it I still think it’s great and they don’t put me off. I haven’t yet developed the right technique of releasing the seal and sometimes when putting it in it doesn’t quite unfold properly. I know I’ll develop the technique the more I use it but for now I’ll be wearing a pant liner just in case!! I’m definitely a beginner!!

Rose – 11 March 2010

I bought a mooncup a few months ago and it has revolutionised my life. I know that sounds extreme, but it really has. I travel a lot and had very irregular periods. Now, I just pack the mooncup and, if I think my period might be coming, I can insert it and relax. It’s worth it for that alone, but if you want the icing on the cake… I haven’t had a single ‘leakage’ problem since using it and in addition, my periods have for the first time in twenty years, regulated themselves. To know that I will now have no worries when I have my period is simply fantastic. On a practical note for those who might be unsure as to whether to get one: The first few times I used it I did find it awkward but the telephone line was a lifesaver. Really friendly woman who was practical and helfpul. I persevered. You do need to get a bit more ‘hands on’ than with a tampon but you get used to it really quickly and it is worth being more hands on to have no worries about knickers, sheets, or running out of tampax / not being near a loo. Please, please try one. You will never go back to tampons again.

Lucinda – 08 March 2010

I bought a mooncup two months ago after having been considering it for some time. The first time I used it I found it painful to remove despite following all the instructions given so I contacted you and you sent further and more helpful information. I have just finished using it for the second week and, having been slightly worrried about the same removal problems occuring again, I would just like to reassure anyone who has the same problem that it gets much easier and is now pain-free!I now only find myself needing to change it twice a day, compared to tampons which I was constantly changing! Since it is environmentally friendly i no longer feel guilty about filling up landfills with horried tampons. Also, I had never before realised how much tampons dry you out – thankfully from now on I will never need to use another one ever! i have definatly been converted! THANK YOU!!

Amy – 4th March 2010

I just wanted to say that I’ve been using the mooncup a few months now and it’s amazing. I’d never go back to tampons, it’s so convenient and has made periods much easier to cope with! Thank you so much for your great product and I’m spreading the word to everyone I can.

Fiona – 04 March 2010

I bought a mooncup because I had developed an allergy to pads and tampons, so out of desperation had to try something else! Thank goodness I did! I am really impressed, no more irritation, leaks or carrying loads of pads and tampons around. I found I could almost forget about my period, I had to empty my mooncup alot less often than I had to change a tampon.Not only is the mooncup good for me, it is helping the environment which is a real bonus. Thank you!

Cecilia – 3rd March 2010

It is fantastic! Works wonders, feels comfortable. I am in the process of trying to convert my friends!!

Freya – 3rd March 2010

Just finished my first period using the mooncup and I am delighted to say it was a great success!
My period is heavy on the first two days, with bad cramping, so I was hesitant to try it because I thought I would be emptying it all the time to prevent leaks. I had no leaks at all, the cup easily caught everything with room to spare.

I also found it really interesting to see exactly what was going on – it’s really surprising how great it feels to know what your body is producing.

It takes a little while to get used to inserting and removing it but you soon get the hang.

The best news of all is my 7 day period was cut down to a 5 day period! Thank you mooncup for making a grim part of my month a good deal less grim 🙂

Heather – 03 March 2010