Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I love using my mooncup. Took a few goes to get it right, but being able to sleep in WHATEVER position I like is so so good. Also, not having to change every 2 hours make it a winner for me, and not having to carry bags of “supplies” when I travel is a big plus.

milli – 17 March 2010

Love the mooncup! Thought would take ages to get used to but was fine immediately (although I had to trim it a couple of times until it felt right). I have excessively heavy periods and it is just so much more manageable and less worrisome now. Only slight problem is that for the first couple of days, and particularly nights, my period is so heavy the mooncup leaks, but this generally only happens at night and so I use an ST as well the first couple of nights). Also (sorry to be graphic!) took a while to get used to extracting/emptying it without spillage, again as I am so heavy. But after a couple of months I was totally used to it. Now been using for around 3 years and it has honestly made what was a terrible experience every month (changing super tampons every HOUR, not good) to something so manageable and easy that I hardly notice I even have my period. And no nasty chemicals and no waste. And it saves money! Brilliant.

moo – 17 March 2010

I wish I had bought a Mooncup years ago. It feels liberating to use, less messy than pads, and with no paper waste to deal with.
My top tip for a vessel for sterilising it on the stove: an ELC enamel play kitchen pot!

Jane – 17 March 2010

Amazing! I just got used to my mooncup and can now see what all the fuss is about. I bought it a couple of years ago now, used it for one period (not enough time to fully get used to it, so dont give up after a few tries!)I then got pregnant and obviously the mooncup got shoved in a drawer with all the other things i would not be using for a long time. Now that im having periods again, i pulled out the mooncup from the drawer and have been using it with ease ever since. It took a while to get used to it and feel that it was superior to other forms of sanitary wear. I’d say by about the end of the third period i was singing its praises. So many benefits, not just the reduction in waste (ie, tampons and sanitary towels going to land fill), but for your body,

  • Non-drying
  • can use it from day one, til the last day of your period
  • you can wear anything, swim(no strings hanging out!)
  • So convienient for when you are out and about and you dont need to worry if you have enough tampons in your bag, or worry your bag might fall open on the bus….

…..basically this has changed how i see my periods. They are no longer a hideous bother. Its easy to cope and i glide smoothly through them. This product is genious, get one, tell your friends and then take it easy and bare with it til you’ve got it down!

Laura – 15 March 2010

When I first heard about the Mooncup, I had the reaction most women do: “eurgh, what a weird idea .. I will never try that” … but then I looked at the website, read the history and the facts, and I was desperate to try it!!
I have never looked back, I believe that there is not a single woman who would regret trying the Mooncup. It has made my periods simple, and not the torturous time they used to be. My cramps are a lot less (I’ve heard many women say this about the Mooncup), and the stress of having to pack my bad full of tampons, remember to change them every 2 hours, etc has now gone – d’you know, I usually totally forget I’m even on my period!!!

Thank you Mooncup, I’m in love!

Rose – 15 March 2010

First of all – to the very sceptical “Morgan”, go ahead and sue all you like, you will only lose your money. I can assure you, the Mooncup *is* amazing and life changing. I don’t give out stickers nor tell “everyone” about it, but I wish I had the courage!
I first heard of something so weird as a menstrual cup some 7 years ago or so, and was curious to try it out, but never got that classic “round tuit” that I needed to order one. I don’t live in Britain but elsewhere in Europe so couldn’t just pick it up at any local Boot’s…

I finally gave myself the kick in the butt that I needed and started using it in January last year. I loved it from Day One. Oh, how I wish I had tried it out when I first thought about it! It is easily one of the best things I have ever spent money on in my entire life (36 years so far), and when you compare it to disposable sanitary products it is not a lot of money at all. I never have to worry about running out of tampons or pads. The cost of such products is eliminated forever. The hassle of disposing of said products – vanished overnight.

I can honestly say, that I now barely ever notice having my period. You know how some tampon brands advertise themselves as “freedom in a little box” ? Freedom is using a mooncup. So comfortable, so clean, so perfect. I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone.

Elani – 15 March 2010

I spent 9 months travelling round Asia and South America last year and rather than carrying a year’s-supply of tampons with me I bought a mooncup!
This was without a doubt the most valuable travel item I took on my trip.

Since my return to the UK I have continued to use my mooncup, and it’s definitely saving me money on tampons.

It’s great: white trousers, no problem; swimming, no probelm; excercise, no probelm. Quite simply no problems to report.

It was a little tricky to get used to, but by the end of my first period with the cup I had perfected the insertion/removal technique.

There is no way that I will EVER go back to tampons, the mooncup is just too easy – yes a little messy with a heavy period – but it’s fine. I recommend it now to all my girl friends. And it’s great that it is environmentally friendly too.

Loving the current advertising strategy too!

Amy – 15 March 2010

I have used a mooncup for about 8 months now, ever since seeing advertising for it in the london tube. I have since moved back to NZ and tell all my friends about it. I wouldnt do with out my mooncup and cant believe this option is not talked about in sex ed!!! its sooo much easier and cleaner than pads or tampons, and I cannot use tampons! hate them with a passion. I think every young girl should get a moon cup!

Kim – 14 March 2010

wow im a cleaner and found a mooncup in a clients bathroom and thought what is this mooncup ???? searched the net and due to super plus tampax and towels not being enough when on my monthly ,thought why not try , nothing to loose , and wow ive used for a year or so now and have just purchased a spare just in case , when i got my mooncup i also got my 18yr old daughter one she swears by hers and has the mooncup box on top of her tv for her friends to see i tell everyone how i love my mooncup thank you sooo much

susan – 14 March 2010

I have been using the Mooncup for over a year now. My sister, in South Africa, was actually the one to promote it to me. I haven’t looked back since! I used to have terrible thrush EVERY period from using tampons and a sanitry pad can be uncomfortable and not always practical. I have also saved so much money since buying the Mooncup. I certainly haven’t looked back and I am so grateful for the introduction!

Christie – 13 March 2010